4 resultados para Group 13 pollen allergen

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Nos profissionais de saúde a alergia ao látex representa um importante problema de saúde ocupacional. Em contexto hospitalar, a principal fonte de exposição alergénica é a utilização de luvas látex empoadas e a inalação dos bioaerossóis que se formam pela manipulação das mesmas. Mediante consentimento informado, os participantes preencheram um inquérito de resposta fechada e realizaram os testes cutâneos (TC). Aqueles que apresentaram reacção foram encaminhados para a consulta de imunoalergologia e realizaram TC para alimentos, doseamentos séricos de imunoglobulinas (lgE total e específica). Foram incluídos no estudo 44 dos 48 participantes (a=0.1). A sensibilidade ao látex foi posta em evidência em 15 dos elementos da amostra, seis dos quais reagem ao extracto de látex utilizado nos TC. A alergia ao látex foi diagnosticada em duas pessoas. A aplicação de questionários na avaliação sensibilização ocupacional ao látex pode vir a constituir ferramenta válida de auscultação deste problema nas instituições prestadoras de cuidados de saúde. ABSTRACT: Latex allergy is a major occupational disease among health care workers. ln hospitals, the main source of allergen exposure is the powdered latex gloves latex and the inhalation of the aerosols formed by its direct manipulation. By means of informed assent, the participants filled an inquiry and carried out the SPT. Those with cutaneous reaction to the latex extract went to an immunoallergology appointment. SPT for fruit and pollen with cross reactivity to latex allergens where performed, and blood levels of total and specific lgE where determined. The study group included 44 of the 48 participants (a=0.1). Fifteen elements showed latex sensitization and six of them had cutaneous reaction to the latex extract used in the SPT. Latex allergy was found in two health care professionals. Questionnaires may provide a reliability tool to access the sensitization due to natural rubber products and the symptoms more commonly associated with it, in health care facilities.


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Background and Aim: Although grasses and olive are the most relevant allergenic species in the Alentejo region, aggravation of allergic symptoms in the early spring, unrelated with those species pollen seasons, has been reported, particularly in urban environment. Plane trees, hence pollen, are highly abundant in the city of Évora, nonetheless allergen pollen profile has not yet been evaluated. The aim of this work was to characterize the allergen profile of pollen from Platanus hybrida, one of the most representative species in Evora showing pollination prior to the main pollen season in Alentejo. Methods: Pollen from Platanus hybrida and Dactylis glomerata was extracted with ammonium bicarbonate buffer, lyophilized and stored at -80ºC until analysis. Protein content was determined by the Bradford method. SDS-PAGE followed by western blot, using allergic patient sera (obtained from the Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – HESE), were performed to evaluate the allergen profile of the pollen. Sensitization and cross-reactivity was assessed by solid phase immunoblot. Results: Half of the patient exhibited sensitization to pollen extracts of P. Hybrida. Western blot have shown several immunoreactive bands in the Mr 10-90 kDa range. Immunoreactive bands were also observed in the protein profile according to the pI in the pI range 4.0-6.1. Cross-reactivity of P. hybrida with D. glomerata was found. Although several bands are common to D. glomerata, a band with ~50kDa was observed in P. hybrida but not in D. glometata. Conclusion: These results evidenced allergens found in P. hybrida pollen. Moreover, cross–reactivity between P. hybrida and highly allergenic species such as D. glomerata was found which probably contributes for aggravation of pollinosis in the early spring. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by FEDER through the “Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE” (Strategic projects of ICAAM and ICT 2013-2015).


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Background and Aim: Grasses and olive are the most relevant allergenic species in the Alentejo region. However, aggravation of allergic symptoms has been reported in the early spring, before grass and olive pollen seasons. Quercus pollen is the most abundant pollen type in the early spring in Alentejo, nonetheless its allergen profile has not yet been evaluated. The aim of this work was to characterize the allergen profile of pollen from Quercus rotundifolia among the most representative species showing pollination in April, prior to the main pollen season in Alentejo. Methods: Pollen from Quercus rotundifolia, Olea europaea and Dactylis glomerata was extracted with ammonium bicarbonate buffer, lyophilized and stored at -80ºC until analysis. Extract from Quercus ilex pollen was kindly offered by Bial. Protein content was determined by the Bradford method. SDS-PAGE followed by western blot, using allergic patient sera (obtained from the Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – HESE), were performed to evaluate the allergen profile of the pollen. Sensitization and cross-reactivity was assessed by solid phase immunoblot. Results: Most of the patient evidenced sensitization to pollen extracts of Q. rotundifolia. Protein profile of Q. rotundifolia has shown several bands in the Mr 10-90 kDa, mostly overlapping with Q. ilex. Western blot have shown several immunoreactive bands. Immunoreactive bands were also observed in the protein profile according to the pI in the range 4.0-6.1. Cross-reactivity between Q. rotundifolia with O. europaea and D. glomerata was found. Conclusion: These results evidenced allergens found in Q. rotundifolia pollen. It also shows that protein profile of Q. rotundifolia and Q. ilex are mostly alike suggesting that similarities in allergen profile are expected. Moreover, cross–reactivity between Q. rotundifolia and highly allergenic species such as O. europaea and D. glomerata was found which probably contributes to the aggravation of pollinosis in the early spring. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by FEDER through the “Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE” (Strategic projects of ICAAM and ICT 2013-2015). We also aknowledge Bial-Aristegui for supplying pollen and extract samples of Q. ilex.


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The relationship between the themes of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Social Responsibility (CSR) through the concepts, approaches and models of excellence is a reality of sustainable and stable companies. Being organizations, people, act correctly and rightly do in society go through a quality management and social responsibility thereof. It is based on these two philosophies (Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility), which developed this literature review work, essentially based on a relational analysis in two papers, namely: "TQM and CSR Nexus" by Ghobadian et al. (2007) and "The Corporate Social Responsibility Audit Within the Quality Management Framework," de Kok et al. (2001) and applied to an organizational situation in concrete: the Nabeiro Delta Cafés Group - SGPS, SA.