2 resultados para Fiber type i and ii

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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We develop an algorithm and computational implementation for simulation of problems that combine Cahn–Hilliard type diffusion with finite strain elasticity. We have in mind applications such as the electro-chemo- mechanics of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries. We concentrate on basic computational aspects. A staggered algorithm is pro- posed for the coupled multi-field model. For the diffusion problem, the fourth order differential equation is replaced by a system of second order equations to deal with the issue of the regularity required for the approximation spaces. Low order finite elements are used for discretization in space of the involved fields (displacement, concentration, nonlocal concentration). Three (both 2D and 3D) extensively worked numerical examples show the capabilities of our approach for the representation of (i) phase separation, (ii) the effect of concentration in deformation and stress, (iii) the effect of Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1235-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. B P. Areias pmaa@uevora.pt 1 Department of Physics, University of Évora, Colégio Luís António Verney, Rua Romão Ramalho, 59, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 2 ICIST, Lisbon, Portugal 3 School of Engineering, Universidad de Cuenca, Av. 12 de Abril s/n. 01-01-168, Cuenca, Ecuador 4 Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Marienstraße 15, 99423 Weimar, Germany strain in concentration, and (iv) lithiation. We analyze con- vergence with respect to spatial and time discretization and found that very good results are achievable using both a stag- gered scheme and approximated strain interpolation.


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Esta dissertação aborda a problemática dos acervos arquivísticos de casasmuseu em Portugal. Estas instituições são comummente associadas à perpetuação da memória de uma personalidade. São objetivos deste projeto a identificação dos arquivos, a recolha de informações sobre o tratamento arquivístico e sobre as funções que desempenham nas instituições. Para a consecução destes objetivos foi realizado um inquérito. A análise dos dados recolhidos revela uma realidade longe do desejável. Muitos acervos ainda não foram alvo de tratamento. Verificou-se que a utilização dos acervos nas tarefas museológicas é, em alguns casos, incipiente. Como resultado final deste trabalho, apresentamos um guia dos acervos à guarda das casas-museu em Portugal. Constitui, ainda, objeto deste projeto o arquivo da Casa dos Patudos - Museu de Alpiarça. É feita a apresentação desta instituição, dos contextos e produtores, bem uma análise do acervo arquivístico e do seu contributo para as atividades museológicas; ABSTRACT: Archives of house-museums. The Archive of the House of Patudos. This dissertation addresses the problematic of archives of house museums in Portugal. These institutions are commonly associated with the perpetuation of the memory of a personality. The objectives of this project are the identification of the archives, the gathering of information about the archival treatment and about the functions that they perform in the institutions. To the attainment of these objectives an inquiry was made. The analysis of the collected data reveals an undesirable reality. Many collections are still not the object of any treatment. It was verified that the use of collections in museological tasks is, in some cases, incipient. As a final result of this thesis, we have presented a guide of the collections in the care of house museums in Portugal. Another objective of this project is the archive of House of Patudos – Museum of Alpiarça. It is made the presentation of this institution, the context and the producers, as well as an analysis of the archive and its functions of the archive in the performance of the museological activities.