6 resultados para Faustino, Mário

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Mário Saa (1893-1971) - um percurso de índole nacionalista, onde se cruzam a literatura, a ciência, a filosofia e a história. Pretende-se revelar o trajecto de um intelectual português da direita conservadora do início do século XX, numa perspectiva transnacional. Aborda-se o seu percurso intelectual, analisando os reflexos da identidade europeia na sua produção cultural. Através do seu legado depositado na Fundação Arquivo Paes Teles, no Ervedal, uma freguesia do concelho de Avis, acedemos ao tempo da sua formação académica e às temáticas que abordou na sua vasta e diferenciada produção cultural. Descobrem-se os seus círculos de sociabilidade literária e intelectual, e entende-se a construção da sua consagração através de um conjunto de dedicatórias gravadas nos livros da sua biblioteca. Um legado que permite aceder à sua «modernidade» decorrente da interacção com a Europa intelectual e do seu contexto de vivências variadas. /ABSTRACT: ln this paper we examine the career of the nationalist thinker, Mário Saa (1893-1971), whose achievements were in the fields of literature, science, philosophy and history, as a model of the right-wing conservative Portuguese intellectual at the beginning of the 20th century from a trans-national perspective. We trace his intellectual trajectory, analysing the influence of European identity on his cultural output. The complete works of Mário Saa, housed at the Paes Teles Archive Foundation in Ervedal, a parish in the district (concelho) of Avis, provide us with a window on the period during which he completed his academic training and the topics he examined in his extensive and varied cultural works. We profile the literary and intellectual social circles in which he moved, and seek to gain an understanding of how his reputation carne to be established by analysing the dedications contained in books from his library. Mário Saa's legacy enables us to understand the ‘modern’ nature of his work, deriving from his interaction with European intellectuals and the context of his varied experience.


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Transpiration of two year-old olive trees of three different varieties, Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega (18 trees per variety), irrigated with three levels of salt (0, 80 or 200 mM NaCl) for about 90 days, was measured by a gravimetric method. To determine leaf area, each tree was photographed from the side against a white background and the total area of each projected image was determined with ImageJ software. To calibrate these area determinations, one tree of each variety was subsequently stripped of all its leaves and its total leaf area was accurately measured. A correlation was then obtained between the area on the photograph of this particular tree and the total area of the detached leaves of the same tree. Using the leaf area determined by this procedure, transpiration rates of the trees could be calculated. Knowing leaf and air temperatures and RH, it was possible to determine the difference in molar fraction of water between the leaf and the air. Using this and the values of the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance could be calculated (gs calc) and compared with the conductance measured on the same trees with a porometer (gs). Actual leaf area of a plant was 1,40 (Arbequina), 1,42 (Cobrançosa) or 1,24 (Galega) times the area measured with ImageJ on the photograph of the same plant. Leaf area of the trees, on average of all salt irrigations, was significantly higher on Arbequina (0,187 m2) then on the other two varieties (0,138 m2 or 0,148 m2, for Cobrançosa or Galega, respectively), but did not differ significantly in percentage of controls (0 salt). On average of all three varieties, leaf area was also higher on plants irrigated without salt (0,181 m2) than on plants exposed to 80 or 200 mM NaCl (0,152 m2 or 0,140 m2, respectively), which did not differ between them. The same significant difference was observed when leaf area was expressed as percentage of controls. Transpiration rate was significantly higher on Cobrançosa (1,17 mmol m-2 s-1), on average of all treatments, but there were no significant differences between Arbequina (1,08 mmol m-2 s-1) and Galega (0,82 mmol m-2 s-1). In percentage of controls, there were no significant differences between varieties. Salt reduced significantly the transpiration rate in all varieties, both the actual and percentual values, to about 50% or 30% of controls when exposed to 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl, respectively. Stomatal conductance (gs), assessed by porometry, was significantly higher in control plants, mainly in Cobrançosa (102 mmol m-2 s-1), then in Arbequina (77 mmol m-2 s-1) and the lower values were found in Galega (51 mmol m-2 s-1). Salt reduced gs, on average of the three varieties to 30% or 10% of controls on exposure to 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl, respectively. Calculated (gs calc) and measured (gs) values of stomatal conductance showed a close relation between them (0,967, R2 = 0,837) which indicates this non-destructive method to determine whole-plant leaf area to be reasonably accurate.


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Esta dissertação quer-se fundamentalmente um esforço de estimular a preocupação por uma educação enraizada no conhecimento e práticas duma cidadania democrática. Uma educação que sirva de sustentáculo para a criação de uma cultura democrática a partir da tenra idade, onde as crianças aprendam a aprender os princípios democráticos e a traduzi-los no seu quotidiano, na sua forma de ser e de estar com os outros, fazendo prova de uma grande e efectiva maturidade de saber conviver na diferença e no respeito recíproco. Para lhe conferir o cunho científico de que não deve se abdicar, procedemos a uma revisão da literatura disponível sobre o assunto. Foi através dela que descobrimos os pressupostos epistemológicos que nos serviram de necessários e indispensáveis “inputs” para o entendimento conceitual e o real significado duma «educação para a cidadania democrática», tema que escolhemos para a nossa reflexão. Também não deixamos de olhar para os nossos documentos legais, isto é, a Constituição da República de Angola e a Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo em vigência, no intuito de extrair os dispositivos que, de maneira “a priori”, justificam a preocupação nacional, pelo menos no plano teórico, por uma educação para a cidadania democrática; ABSTRACT: Education for democratic citizenship: necessity and challenge for the XXI’s school This dissertation is just like an effort to stimulating a preoccupation of an education based on knowledge and policies of a democratic citizenship. We are talking about the education which is required to be a foundation to build a democratic culture. This is a project to start from the childhood up to the teenage where the children are invited to learn and to put into the practice the democratic policies in their daily activities and lives. The project can allow them to look at the democratic policies as their habitual way of being and standing or gathering with others, showing big and effective maturity of how to live in difference and mutual respect. To confer the required scientific marc to this issue, we decided do visit part from the tools of the literacy available for this studies. Through this way, we discovered the epistemological presupposes which are necessary an indispensable support for the needed conceptual understanding and real meaning of «education for democratic citizenship», the topic of this dissertation. Our legal documents, such as, the Angolan Constitution and the Educative System Bases Law, helped us to take out the devices that, “a priori”, legitimize the national worry in education for democratic citizenship, though still in theory yet, more than in practice as we learnt from ours interviewed.


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Introduction Institutionalization in a nursing home restricts autonomy, most notably free will, free choice, and free action. Decreased physical activity and fitness are predictive of disability and dependence (Rikli & Jones, 2013; Tak, Kuiper, Chorus, & Hopman-Rock, 2014); however little is known about the impact of these factors on institutionalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the impact of physical activity and fitness and on the risk of elderly people without cognitive impairment become institutionalized. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 195 non-institutionalized (80.14.4yrs) and 186 institutionalized (83.85.2yrs) participants. Cognitive impairment was assessed using Mini-Mental State Examination, physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and measures of physical fitness were determined by the Senior Fitness Test. Results: Multivariate binary logistic analysis selected 4 main predictors of institutionalization in both genders. The likelihood of becoming institutionalized increased by +18.6% for each additional year of age, while it decreased by -24.8% by each fewer kg/m2 in BMI, by -0.9% for each additional meter performed in the aerobic endurance test and by -2.0% for each additional 100MET-min/wk of physical activity expenditure (p<0.05). Values ≤50th percentile (age ≥81yrs, BMI≥26.7kg/m2, aerobic endurance ≤367.6m, and physical activity ≤693MET-min/wk) were computed using Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis as cut-offs discriminating institutionalized from non-institutionalized elderly people. Conclusion The performance of physical activity, allied to an improvement in physical fitness (mainly BMI and aerobic endurance) may prevent the institutionalization of elderly people without cognitive impairment only if they are above the 50th percentile; the following is highly recommend: expending ≥693MET-min/wk on physical activity, being ≤26.7kg/m2 on BMI, and being able to walk ≥367.6m in the aerobic endurance test, especially above the age of 80 years. The discovery of this trigger justifies the development of physical activity programs targeting the pointed cut-offs in old, and very old people. References Rikli, R., & Jones, C. (2013). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53, 255-267. Tak, E., Kuiper, R., Chorus, A., & Hopman-Rock, M. (2014). Prevention of onset and progression of basic ADL disability by physical activity in community dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev, 12, 329-338.


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Descrição e análise de projeto de construção e preparação da exploração de tarefas de modelação matemática em estatística: uma experiência no ensino profissional.


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Na divulgação de qualquer destino turístico é necessário ter em conta diversos fatores. Esta dissertação teve como principal objetivo analisar a procura e a oferta ao nível do turismo desportivo no concelho de Évora. Foi estudado o turismo desportivo no município de Évora, que é um dos maiores destinos turísticos da região Alentejo. Aplicando questionários de maneira a saber qual a opinião dos turistas relativamente a atividades desportivas praticadas neste destino. Foram ainda realizadas duas entrevistas a responsáveis da Câmara Municipal de Évora e ao Diretor de uma empresa de Animação Turística. A falta de estratégia no sector é evidenciada pelo facto dos visitantes não apresentarem como motivação primária a prática de atividades desportivas. Sendo o Turismo e o Desporto sectores económicos de grande importância em termos globais e locais, verificou-se que no concelho de Évora o Turismo Desportivo pode ser um grande agente de desenvolvimento em diversas áreas; Abstract: Sports Tourism in Évora Municipality The disclosure of any tourist destination should be taken into account several factors. This work aimed to analise the demand and supply in terms of sports tourism in Évora municipality. An investigation was made to the city of Évora, which is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Alentejo region, applying questionnaire in order to know the opinion of tourists with regard to sports activities practiced in this destination. They were also carried out two interviews with officials of the Municipality of Évora, and the Director of a Tourism Entertainment company. The lack of strategy in the sector is demonstrated by the fact that visitors do not present as the primary motivation to practice sports activities. Tourism and Sports are sectors of great importance in global and local economy, it was found that in Évora county, Sports Tourism can be a major agent of development in several areas.