4 resultados para Employees -- Rating of

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Este trabalho refere-se às atividades do estágio de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, apresentando-se casuística no âmbito dos planos sanitários e atividade clínica acompanhados. Como tema para discussão optou-se pela avaliação de touros através do exame andrológico. Após revisão bibliográfica analisaram-se dados obtidos pela VetAl (2008- 2012) caracterizando a população dos touros de carne no Sul de Portugal. Dos 184 touros avaliados foram aprovados 72,28 %, aumentando a probabilidade de reprovação tendencialmente com idade. Em parâmetros reprodutivos importantes como perímetro testicular existe influência de: idade (p<0,001), raça (p<0,05) e Pontuação da Condição Corporal (PCC) (p<0,05). Encontraram-se correlações significativas entre parâmetros tais como perímetro testicular e idade (p<0,001; r=0,52), PCC e parâmetros seminais microscópicos (p<0,05) e dos vários parâmetros entre si. O exame andrológico é essencial para estimar o potencial reprodutivo dos touros e importa fomentar a sua realização em Portugal para melhorar os níveis de fertilidade e rentabilidade das explorações; Abstract Rating of bulls’ reproductive potential through breeding soundness evaluation This document reports the activities of the traineeship for the Master in Veterinary Medicine, including the presentation of the number of cases attended during herd health plans and clinical activity. The theme chosen for discussion was bull fertility through breeding soundness evaluation. Data obtained by Vetal (2008-2012) were analyzed, according to the state of the art, with the aim of characterizing beef bulls’ population in Southern Portugal. Out of 184 bulls evaluated, 72,28 % were approved, unsuccessful outcome apparently increases with age. Scrotal circumference was significantly influenced by: age (p<0,001), breed (p<0,05) and Body Condition Scoring (BCS) (p<0,05). Correlations were significant between scrotal circumference and age (p<0,001; r=0,52), between BCS and microscopic semen evaluation parameters (p<0,05) and between these semen evaluation parameters. The breeding soundness evaluation is essential to assess bulls’ reproductive potential and routine performance of this exam should be encouraged in Portugal to improve fertility and herd profitability.


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No contexto atual, marcado pela crise económica e financeira, as organizações dos serviços turísticos procuram aliar o conceito de qualidade com os seus serviços, de modo a satisfazer os clientes internos (colaboradores) e os clientes externos (turistas) e a garantir a prestação de um serviço personalizado e de excelência. O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em proporcionar uma visão geral da qualidade dos serviços turísticos náuticos efetuados na região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro (ADV), junto dos clientes internos (colaboradores). Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito a 117 colaboradores de diversas organizações dos serviços turísticos náuticos da região do ADV e realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existem aspetos a serem melhorados nas organizações (preocupação com os colaboradores; formação especifica; condições de trabalho; maior dialogo entre chefias e colaboradores; atribuição de carga horária e de folgas) para que os colaboradores se sintam satisfeitos. Por outro lado, verificou-se que as perceções sobre a qualidade nos serviços turísticos náuticos são iguais em ambos os géneros; Abstract: Quality in Nautical Touristic Services in Alto Douro Vinhateiro – The Internal Clients (Collaborators) Perspective In the actual context marked by the economic and financial crisis, the organizations of touristic services are looking to ally the concept of services with their services, in order to satisfy internal customers (collaborators) and external costumers (tourists) and to guarantee the installment of an excellent and personalized service. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the quality of nautical tourism services made in the region of Alto Douro Vinhateiro, with internal clients (employees). For this purpose it applied a survey of 117 employees from various organizations of nautical tourism services of the ADV region and conducted an exploratory and descriptive research. The results show that there are areas to be improved in organizations (preoccupation with employees; specific training,; working conditions; greater dialogue between managers and employees; allocation of hours and days off) so that employees can feel satisfied- Moreover it was found that the perceptions of the quality of nautical tourism services are equal in both sexes.


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Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations


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Conceptual interpretation of languages has gathered peak interest in the world of artificial intelligence. The challenge in modeling various complications involved in a language is the main motivation behind our work. Our main focus in this work is to develop conceptual graphical representation for image captions. We have used discourse representation structure to gain semantic information which is further modeled into a graphical structure. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by a caption based image retrieval system. The image retrieval is performed by computing subgraph based similarity measures. Best retrievals were given an average rating of . ± . out of 4 by a group of 25 human judges. The experiments were performed on a subset of the SBU Captioned Photo Dataset. This purpose of this work is to establish the cognitive sensibility of the approach to caption representations.