2 resultados para EXTENSOR MUSCLES
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
O estudo pretende comparar o efeito de diferentes tipos de exercício físico na composição corporal e força em jovens desportistas do sexo feminino. A amostra foi constituída por vinte e seis desportistas femininas com idades compreendidas entre os 16 e 21 anos. Previamente ao início do estudo foram sujeitas ao 1º momento de avaliação, e após vinte e quatro semanas realizaram o segundo e ultimo momento de avaliação. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a composição corporal através da técnica de absorciometria radiológica de dupla energia; a força isocinética, nomeadamente os momentos de força (peak-torques) e rácios nos músculos extensores e flexores do joelho; a potência muscular nos membros inferiores através dos saltos verticais Squat jump e Countermovement jump. Posteriormente foram separadas em quatro grupos, grupo natação e exercício vibratório (NAT EV; n= 6), grupo natação (NAT; n=6), grupo futsal (FUTS; n= 6) e o grupo de controlo (CONT; n= 8). O grupo (NAT/EV), participou num programa de exercício vibratório (EV), três sessões por semana complementar ao treino de natação. O grupo de (NAT) cumpriu o plano de treino correspondente à disciplina, o grupo de (FUTS) cumpriu o treino referente à respetiva modalidade, o grupo controlo (CONT) realizou somente os exercícios físicos inerentes às aulas de educação física na escola. Resultados: Nas comparações inter grupos, verificou-se no grupo FUTS um aumento de 0,1 (g/m2) ± 0,0 nos valores da DMO-PE, quando comparado com o grupo de CONT, nas comparações intra grupo o grupo de NAT EV registou um acréscimo de 0,1 (g/m2) ± 0,1 nos valores da DMO-TC. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a modalidade de FUTS promoveu mais alterações na composição corporal, nomeadamente na DMO-PE, no entanto dados conseguidos pelo grupo de NAT EV sugerem que o exercício vibratório poderá influenciar positivamente o incremento da DMO; ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to compare the effect of different types of exercise on body composition and strength in young female athletes. The sample consisted of twenty-six female athletes aged between 16 and 21. Before the study there was a 1st evaluation point, after twenty-four weeks there was the 2nd and final evaluation. We evaluated body composition through x-ray absorptiometry technique of dual energy, isokinetic strength, including the peak-torques and ratios in the extensor and flexor muscles of the knee; the muscle power in the lower limbs was evaluatated through the vertical jumps Squat jump and countermovement jump. During the study they were separated into four groups, swimming exercise group and vibration (NAT EV; n = 6), swimming group (NAT; n= 6), footsal group (FUTS; n= 6) and control group (CONT; n= 8). The NAT/EV group, participated in a vibrating exercise program (EV), complementary to swimming training, with three sessions per week. The NAT group fulfilled the corresponding swimming workout plan, FUTS group fulfilled the training related to futsal, the CONT group only performed the usual exercises in physical education classes at school. Results: In intergroup comparisons, there was an increase in FUTS group of 0.1 (g / m2) ± 0.0 in the values of MBD-PE, when compared with the CONT group comparisons in intra-group group NAT EV increased by 0.1 (g / m2) ± 0.1 in BMD-TC values. In conclusion, the results suggest that FUTS group promoted more changes in body composition, particularly in BMD-PE, but data obtained by NAT EV group suggest that vibration exercise can positively influence the increase in BMD.
This study evaluates the effects of betaine supplementation (1 g kg−1 for 20 weeks) on the regulation of genes involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism of Longissimus lumborum and Biceps femoris from obese Alentejano pigs. Betaine supplementation led to an increase in total cholesterol in both muscles, complementing results previously published indicating a significant increase on the intramuscular lipid content. The expression of twelve genes involved in lipogenesis, lipolysis/FA oxidation, FA transport, and cholesterol metabolism, as well as two transcription factors were also evaluated. Genes related to lipid and cholesterol synthesis plus FA transport were consistently up-regulated in both muscles of betaine fed pigs. On the other hand, genes related to lipolysis/FA oxidation were not affected or down-regulated by betaine supplementation. Our data suggest that the underlying mechanism regulating IMF and cholesterol accumulation in Alentejano pigs supplemented with betaine is associated with the up-regulation of genes involved in lipid synthesis, FA transport, and cholesterol synthesis.