3 resultados para Dora-maira Massif

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The Santa Eulalia plutonic complex (SEPC) is a late-Variscan granitic body placed in the Ossa-Morena Zone. The host rocks of the complex belong to metamorphic formations from Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic. The SEPC is a ring massif (ca. 400 km2 area) composed by two main granitic facies with different colours and textures. From the rim to the core, there is (i) a peripheral pink medium- to coarse-grained granite (G0 group) involving large elongated masses of mafic and intermediate rocks, from gabbros to granodiorites (M group), and (ii) a central gray medium-grained granite (G1 group). The mafic to intermediate rocks (M group) are metaluminous and show wide compositions: 3.34–13.51 wt% MgO; 0.70–7.20 ppm Th; 0.84–1.06 (Eu/Eu*)N (Eu* calculated between Sm and Tb); 0.23–0.97 (Nb/Nb*)N (Nb* calculated between Th and La). Although involving the M-type bodies and forming the outer ring, the G0 granites are the most differentiated magmatic rocks of the SEPC, with a transitional character between metaluminous and peraluminous: 0.00–0.62 wt% MgO; 15.00–56.00 ppm Th; and 0.19–0.42 (Eu/Eu*)N ; 0.08–0.19 (Nb/Nb*)N [1][2]. The G1 group is composed by monzonitic granites with a dominant peraluminous character and represents the most homogeneous compositional group of the SEPC: 0.65–1.02 wt% MgO; 13.00–16.95 ppm Th; 0.57–0.70 (Eu/Eu*)N ; 0.14–0.16 (Nb/Nb*)N . According to the SiO2 vs. (Na2O+K2O–CaO) relationships, the M and G1 groups predominantly fall in the calc-alkaline field, while the G0 group is essencially alkali-calcic; on the basis of the SiO2 vs. FeOt/(FeOt+MgO) correlation, SEPC should be considered as a magnesian plutonic association [3]. New geochronological data (U-Pb on zircons) slightly correct the age of the SEPC, previously obtained by other methods (290 Ma, [4]). They provide ages of 306  2 Ma for the M group, 305  6 Ma for the G1 group, and 301  4 Ma for the G0 group, which confirm the late-Variscan character of the SEPC, indicating however a faintly older emplacement, during the Upper Carboniferous. Recent whole-rock isotopic data show that the Rb-Sr system suffered significant post-magmatic disturbance, but reveal a consistent set of Sm-Nd results valuable in the approach to the magmatic sources of this massif: M group (2.9 < Ndi < +1.8); G1 group (5.8 < Ndi < 4.6); G0 group (2.2 < Ndi < 0.8). These geochemical data suggest a petrogenetic model for the SEPC explained by a magmatic event developed in two stages. Initially, magmas derived from long-term depleted mantle sources (Ndi < +1.8 in M group) were extracted to the crust promoting its partial melting and extensive mixing and/or AFC magmatic evolution, thereby generating the G1 granites (Ndi < 4.6). Subsequently, a later extraction of similar primary magmas in the same place or nearby, could have caused partial melting of some intermediate facies (e.g. diorites) of the M group, followed by magmatic differentiation processes, mainly fractional crystallization, able to produce residual liquids compositionally close to the G0 granites (Ndi < 0.8). The kinetic energy associated with the structurally controlled (cauldron subsidence type?) motion of the G0 liquids to the periphery, would have been strong enough to drag up M group blocks as those occurring inside the G0 granitic ring.


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A Suão - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário, fundada em dezoito de Abril de 1998, localizada em São Miguel de Machede, freguesia do concelho de Évora, desenvolve a sua actividade focada na educação e aprendizagens comunitárias, desde o seu início. A Associação tem, neste momento, duzentos e cinquenta associados, membros ligados à comunidade (quer por serem pessoas com origem em São Miguel de Machede, quer por serem agentes participativos ou por estabelecerem, ainda, um laço profissional com a Instituição).


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Com a presente investigação pretendemos conhecer a vivência das emoções dos enfermeiros nos cenários da prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico e simultaneamente contribuir para uma melhoria das práticas de intervenção e de gestão emocional em enfermagem nos contextos de trabalho em Oncologia, procurando dar resposta à pergunta inicial de investigação: Qual a vivência emocional dos enfermeiros nos cenários da prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico? Nas opções metodológicas optámos pelo paradigma qualitativo, onde a entrevista narrativa foi a técnica privilegiada de recolha de informação, tendo permitido compreender com profundidade a forma como os enfermeiros vivem a prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico. As experiências emocionais consideradas mais marcantes foram na generalidade aquelas que mais penosas se constituíram para os entrevistados, relacionadas com uma relação mais próxima e profunda com o doente e com situações de morte e sofrimento. Consequentemente os sentimentos e emoções referidos foram na sua maioria negativa. Na prática de cuidar do doente oncológico verificou-se a influência marcada dos mitos sociais e pessoais associados à doença cancro, tendo sido reconhecida de forma global a complexidade e especificidade inerentes a esta prestação de cuidados, tão gratificante, quanto desgastante. O uso de mecanismos de gestão das experiências emocionais refletiu-se no recurso a estratégias pessoais e externas, usadas na sua maioria com o objetivo de o desgaste emocional. Foram sugeridas várias medidas de intervenção organizacional no reconhecer uníssono da necessidade de acompanhamento e suporte por parte da organização de saúde. Os resultados desta investigação acrescentam assim todo um conjunto de novos dados que ajudam na compreensão da problemática da vivência emocional dos enfermeiros, na certeza de que esta melhorará a prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico, com consequente otimização organizacional. /ABSTRACT - With this present investigation we intend to study the emocional life of nurses while providing health care to oncological patients and simultaneously contribute to an improvement of the intervention and emotional management practices in nursing in the contexts of working in Oncology, trying to answer the initial question of the inquiry: What is the emotional life of nurses in health care scenerjy to oncological patients? As far as the methodology is concerned we chose the qualitative paradigm, in which the narrative interview was the privileged technique to gather information. That allowed us to deeply understand the way nurses live the providing of health care to the oncological patient, their emotional experiences, what they feel and express, what moves and consumes them, as well as the forms of emotional management. The most striking emotional experiences have, in general, been those considered most painful by the interviewed nurses, usually related to a closer and deeper relation with the patient and situations of death and suffering. The consequent feelings and emotions have been mostly negative. Health care provided to oncologic patients is strongly influenced by social and personal myths related to cancer and both the complexity and specificity inherent to this kind of health care has been acknowledged as rewarding, as consuming. The use of means of emotional management is visible in the resource to personal and external strategies, used to diminish the emotional consumption. They have also suggested some measures of organizational intervention in the unison recognition of the need of accompaniment and support from the health care institution. The results of this investigation, thus add whole a set of new data that helps in the understanding of the problematic of the emotional life of nurses, in the certainty that this will improve the providing of care to the oncolologically sick person, with consequent organizational optimization.