4 resultados para Discipline and Punish
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
O presente estudo partiu de uma amostra de 472 estudantes, do 7º ao 9º ano de três escolas e duas entidades desportivas de Évora, e seis escolas de Lisboa. Procurou-se compreender qual o impacto que a prática de exercício físico tem na adolescência ao nível do bem-estar, autoestima e rendimento escolar através da aplicação da EBEPA e da Escala de Autoestima Global de Rosenberg. Objetivou-se também perceberquais as atitudes dos/as jovens face à educação física e ao exercício físico, através da aplicação do QAAEF e QAEFFCE. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a prática de exercício físico extracurricular potencia os níveis de bem-estar, autoestima e rendimento escolar dos/as adolescentes. Ao praticarem exercício físico para além do proporcionado pelas aulas de educação física, estes jovens apresentam atitudes mais positivas no que diz respeito ao gosto e importância atribuídos à disciplina e à prática de exercício físico. Os rapazes apresentam resultados mais elevados do que as raparigas, no que diz respeito ao bem-estar e autoestima; Impact of physical exercise in adolescents: well-being, self-esteem and school performance Abstract: This study came from a sample of 472 students, from the 7th to the 9th grade of three schools and two sports entities of Évora, and six schools of Lisbon. We tried to understand the impact that the practice of physical exercise has in adolescence in terms of well-being, self-esteem and school performance through the application of the EBEPA and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. The goal was also to understand the attitudes of young people in the face of physical education and physical exercise, through the application of QAAEF and QAEFFCE. The results suggest that the practice of extracurricular physical exercise increases levels of well-being, self-esteem and academic achievement of adolescents. By practice physical exercise,not counting physical education classes, these young people exhibit more positive attitudes giving more credit to the discipline and practice of physical exercise. This study confirmed that the boys have higher results than girls, with regard to the well-being and self-esteem.
Este trabalho tem por base o relato de um ano lectivo 2009/201O de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) para a especialidade do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, leccionado na Universidade de Évora e contribui para a avaliação do mesmo. O estágio foi realizado no agrupamento de Escolas n° 4 de Évora - EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva; EB1 Jardim de Infância e Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, abrangendo os três ciclos de aprendizagem dando assim cumprimento à exigência curricular. Relata de forma sucinta a preparação científica, pedagógica e didáctica desde o conhecimento do currículo, do conteúdo e dos alunos. Desenvolve de forma fundamentada a planificação, condução de aulas e avaliação das aprendizagens. Faz uma análise das actividades desenvolvidas como professor de uma disciplina e como participante activo na escola e na comunidade escolar. Tenta fundamentar as estratégias, metodologias e decisões tomadas. Por último, realiza uma análise da prática de ensino. O que foi constatado nesta pequena experiência foi uma prática mais consciente e um respeito maior, por nós mesmo, enquanto profissional da educação, e pelos alunos, enquanto sujeitos activos no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. ABSTRACT: This work is based on the report of an academic year 2009/2010 Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) for the specialty Master's degree in Teaching Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools, taught at the University of Évora and contribute to the evaluation the same. The group stage was held at school n8 4 EB 2,3 Conde Vilalva e Kindergarten and Secondary school Gabriel Pereira, covering the three cycles of learning thus fulfilling the curricular requirement. Reports briefly the scientific training and didactic knowledge from the curriculum the content and pupils. Develop and informed opinion to planning, conducting classes and learning assessment. Makes and analyses of the activities as a teacher of a discipline and as an active participant in school and school community. Try the strategies, methodologies and decisions. Finally makes an analysis of teaching practice. What was found on this little experiment was a more conscious practice and a greater respect for ourselves as professional education, and students as active participants in the teaching /learning.
Objective: To identify similarities/specificities in the nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal. This is a documentary research conducted in two higher education institutions, in January 2013. Method: It was focused on the National Curriculum Guidelines and on the Bologna Process. Results: Common points: objectives and profile of the newly-trained nurses grounded on competencies; teaching of education in/for health. Brazilian specificity: universal admission; three disciplines focused on research; mandatory discipline related to elderly care; two optional disciplines: Alternative therapies and Brazilian Language of Signs; insertion of complementary activities, actions in teaching/research/extension; basis of teaching: compliance with the Brazilian Unified Health System. Portuguese Specificity: admission with regionalized medical certificate; grounded on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; compulsory disciplines: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing; Family Nursing; Development throughout life; Rehabilitative Nursing and Prospects of development of the Nursing; two optional disciplines: entrepreneurship and arts; basis of teaching: clinical teaching. Conclusions: There are similarities and specificities between the surveyed courses.
Objective: To identify similarities/specificities in the nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal. This is a documentary research conducted in two higher education institutions, in January 2013. Method: It was focused on the National Curriculum Guidelines and on the Bologna Process. Results: Common points: objectives and profile of the newly-trained nurses grounded on competencies; teaching of education in/for health. Brazilian specificity: universal admission; three disciplines focused on research; mandatory discipline related to elderly care; two optional disciplines: Alternative therapies and Brazilian Language of Signs; insertion of complementary activities, actions in teaching/research/extension; basis of teaching: compliance with the Brazilian Unified Health System. Portuguese Specificity: admission with regionalized medical certificate; grounded on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; compulsory disciplines: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing; Family Nursing; Development throughout life; Rehabilitative Nursing and Prospects of development of the Nursing; two optional disciplines: entrepreneurship and arts; basis of teaching: clinical teaching. Conclusions: There are similarities and specificities between the surveyed courses.