3 resultados para Corpus-Based Translation Studies

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Este projeto de investigação foca a análise das diversas problemáticas no domínio da redução para piano suscitadas por linguagens e por obras emblemáticas do repertório musical contemporâneo. O estudo teve como principal objetivo compreender realizar uma redução para piano, tendo como base os estudos que se debruçam sobre questões de orquestração, transcrição, acompanhamento, bem como inúmeros exemplos de reduções existentes. São realizados estudos sobre as diferenças entre redução e transcrição para piano, sobre os critérios de escolha de material musical, sobre a reorquestração da conteúdo nas reduções, sobre a problemática de execução das reduções ao piano, sobre questões de leitura à primeira vista e, finalmente, sobre aspetos de apresentação. O conteúdo de investigação é dividido de acordo com três especificidades das reduções para piano. Como exemplo de cada uma delas foram realizadas novas reduções das seguintes obras: Concerto da Camera col Violoncello Obbligato de Lopes-Graça; Pli selon pli de Boulez e ópera Lady Sarashina de Eötvös. A génese destas obras e os procedimentos necessários à sua redução foram também objeto de estudo nesta dissertação. Todas as reduções foram apresentadas publicamente e preparadas para edição. O estudo aqui realizado pretende contribuir para a melhoria do conhecimento sobre as reduções para piano, procurando definir ou ajudar à compreensão das soluções viáveis pianisticamente e facilmente aplicáveis na prática. This research project focuses on the analysis of various problems in the field of piano reduction that are caused by languages and emblematic works of contemporary repertoire. This work aims to understand how to make a piano reduction and is based on studies that address various issues in orchestration, transcription, accompaniment and numerous examples of existing piano reductions. Studies were made on the difference between piano reduction and transcription, on the selection criteria of musical material, on re-orchestration of content in piano reduction, and on issues related with performance of reduction at the piano, sight-reading and aspects of score presentation. The content of this research is divided into three specifications of piano reductions. For each section an example was done of each of these works: Lopes-Graça´s Concerto da Camera col Violoncello Obbligato; Boulez´s Pli selon pli and Eötvös´s opera Lady Sarashina. The genesis of these works and their related process of reduction was also studied in this dissertation. All reductions were prepared for edition and presentation to the public. This study aims to contribute to the knowledge on piano reduction, seeking for viable pianistic solutions which can be easily applied in practice.


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Intra-specific Y-chromosomal sequence variation is useful for analysing the male contribution to a species’ spatial genetic structure. In red deer (Cervus elaphus) this is especially relevant, because geographic dispersal and game translocations occur mainly through the males. However, Y-chromosomal markers for wild organisms are scarce and frequently non-polymorphic within species. We assessed the intra-specific variation of two Y-chromosomal introns in red deer, one in the DBY (or DDX3Y) gene and the other in the UBE1Y gene. The introns were amplified using previously published exonic primers and directly sequenced in individuals of five red deer subspecies from across Eurasia. However, no nucleotide polymorphism was observed, which rebuts the usefulness of these introns for studies of red deer phylogeography and on illegal transport of red deer within this region. Male-based phylogeographic studies should thus be focused on other Y-chromosomal markers for this species.


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This essay addresses the application of indigenous plants in Landscape Architecture projects, based on studies carried out in the field of phytosociology and sinphytosociology. Through this knowledge, it is possible to increase and improve the use of indigenous plants in Projects, aiming at the preservation of biodiversity. Thus, to better understand the western Mediterranean territory, we present a brief biophysical characterization, in which we point out the main factors which contribute to the ground coverage’s distribution in the landscape, namely, concerning climate (oceanity, ombroclimate and thermoclimate) and substrate (geology and lithology). In view of the high level of uniqueness of the identified conditions, a synthesis of the potential main existing climatophilous woods is carried out, regarding sinphytosocialogical class/order, furthermore, pointing out, the main serial stages, their vegetation bioindicators and the ecological peculiarities of each stage (regressive or progressive). Therefore, based on the study area, we point out the vegetation bioindicator’s value as a work tool during analysis, thus allowing us to understand the existing edaphoclimatic conditions, as well as to elaborate a quick diagnosis of each potential climatophilous vegetation series. Moreover, based on the main stages of substitution, it is also possible to identify the presence of endemic plants, or under protection status, and finally, the conservation state of the study area. Further ahead, in project proposal phase, based on information gathered previously, we point out the possibility of elaborating a list of plants correctly adapted to the existing mesologicall conditions. Thus, within each serial stage, the necessary ecological conditions for a correct adaption of the vegetation material are referred, therefore, avoiding possible limiting factors to their development, such as precipitation, soil erosion, light availability, salinity, among many others. Lastly, some considerations are made about the main ideas that should be remembered throughout this essay, namely, regarding the importance of the use of sinphytosociology’s knowledge as an analysis tool, as well as of high interest for the elaboration of proposals which aim at the floristic heritage’s conservation and the landscape’s scenic quality. Ce travail traite de l`application de plantes autochtones dans des projets d`Architecture Paysagiste ayant pour base des études réalisées dans le cadre de la phytosociologie et Symphytosociologie. À travers ces connaissances, il est possible d`incrémenter et améliorer l`utilisation de plantes autochtones dans les Projets basés sur la conservation de la biodiversité. Ainsi, afin de mieux comprendre le territorie de la méditérrannée occidentale, on présente une brève caractérisation biophysique, dans laquelle nous soulignons les principaux facteurs qui contribuent à la répartition de la végétation dans le paysage, notamment au niveau climatique (l`océanité, ombrothermique et thermoclimatique) et du substrat (géologie et lithologie). Face aux conditions, identifiées ci-dessus, élévées en originalité, il est utile d`élaborer une synthèse des principaux bois potentiels climatophiles existants au niveau de la classe/ordre symphitosociologique, en soulignant également les principales étapes de série, leurs bioindicateurs végétaux et aux particularités écologiques de chaque étape (régressive ou progressive). Ainsi, sur la base de l`interprétation de la zone d`étude, le bioindicateur végétal se distingue comme un outil de travail durant l`analyse, permettant de cette façon comprendre les conditions édapho-climatiques existantes, ainsi comme élaborer un rapide diagnostic de chaque série de végétation potentielle climatophile. En outre, sur la base des principales étapes de remplacement, il est également possible d`identifier la présence de plantes endémiques, ou avec un statut de protection et enfin l`état de conservation de la zone d`étude. Déjà au stade de proposition du projet, basée sur l`information recueillie précédemment, il y a la possibilité d`établir une liste de plantes bien adaptées aux conditions mésologiques. Ainsi, dans chaque étape de série, les conditions écologiques nécessaires à une bonne adaptation de la matière végétale sont référées, évitant ainsi des facteurs limitant à son développement, tels que les précipitations, l`érosion des soís, disponibilité de la lumière, de la salinité, parmi beaucoup d`autres. Et enfin, quelques considérations se tissent sur les principales idées à retenir tout au long du travail, notamment l`importance d`utiliser la connaissance de la symphytosociologie comme un outil d`analyse d`un grand intérêt pour la développement de propositions pour la conservation du patrimoine floristique et la qualité pittoresque du paysage.