3 resultados para Compactness Compensated

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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This paper analyses the influence of the extreme Saharan desert dust (DD) event on shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation at the EARLINET/AERONET Évora station (Southern Portugal) from 4 up to 7 April 2011. There was also some cloud occurrence in the period. In this context, it is essential to quantify the effect of cloud presence on aerosol radiative forcing. A radiative transfer model was initialized with aerosol optical properties, cloud vertical properties and meteorological atmospheric vertical profiles. The intercomparison between the instantaneous TOA shortwave and longwave fluxes derived using CERES and those calculated using SBDART, which was fed with aerosol extinction coefficients derived from the CALIPSO and lidar-PAOLI observations, varying OPAC dataset parameters, was reasonably acceptable within the standard deviations. The dust aerosol type that yields the best fit was found to be the mineral accumulation mode. Therefore, SBDART model constrained with the CERES observations can be used to reliably determine aerosol radiative forcing and heating rates. Aerosol radiative forcings and heating rates were derived in the SW (ARFSw, AHRSw) and LW (ARFLw, AHRLw) spectral ranges, considering a cloud-aerosol free reference atmosphere. We found that AOD at 440 nm increased by a factor of 5 on 6 April with respect to the lower dust load on 4 April. It was responsible by a strong cooling radiative effect pointed out by the ARFSw value (−99 W/m2 for a solar zenith angle of 60°) offset by a warming radiative effect according to ARFLw value (+21.9 W/m2) at the surface. Overall, about 24% and 12% of the dust solar radiative cooling effect is compensated by its longwave warming effect at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere, respectively. Hence, larger aerosol loads could enhance the response between the absorption and re-emission processes increasing the ARFLw with respect to those associated with moderate and low aerosol loads. The unprecedented results derived from this work complement the findings in other regions on the modifications of radiative energy budget by the dust aerosols, which could have relevant influences on the regional climate and will be topics for future investigations.


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Este relatório de estágio tem como objetivo descrever e contextualizar aspetos práticos relativos ao funcionamento dos mercados financeiros que não são habitualmente abordados nos manuais sobre este tipo de mercados. O relatório tem por base o estágio profissional realizado no BNP Paribas Securities Services, que proporcionou contacto direto com várias práticas, principalmente no domínio da prestação de serviços de custódia de títulos financeiros. A custódia é um serviço de post-trading, com grande relevância para a gestão e manutenção dos títulos financeiros e abrange todos os procedimentos que decorrem da negociação, de entre os quais se destacam aqueles que dizem respeito à distribuição de rendimentos; The AUD’s (assets under custody) role in the international financial markets: auto compensated markets and non compensated markets Abstract: This report aims to describe and contextualize practical aspects related to the functioning of financial markets that are not usually addressed in handbooks on such markets. The report is based on a professional internship at BNP Paribas Securities Services, which provided direct contact with various practices, particularly in the provision of financial securities custody services. The custody is a post-trading service, with great relevance for the management and maintenance of financial securities and covers all the procedures resulting from the negotiations, of which are especially relevant those relating to the distribution of income earnings.


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Esta dissertação retoma um estudo com 49 cabras e 45 cabritos da raça Serpentina, 24 cabras e 28 cabritos da raça Charnequeira, exploradas em regime extensivo. Pretende ser um contributo para a caracterização destas raças. Com este objectivo calculou-se a fertilidade que foi de 92% nas duas raças e a prolificidade foi de 160% (62,5% partos duplos) na Serpentina e de 141% (57,1% partos duplos) na Charnequeira. A mortalidade dos cabritos, do nascimento até ao desmame, foi de 15,7%, na Serpentina e de 6,6%, na Chamequeira. Os pesos das cobrições ao parto, na Serpentina aumentaram 17% e 13,6% na Chamequeira, apresentando variações significativas na raça, mas não entre raças. Os cabritos de partos simples obtiveram maiores ganhos médios diários do nascimento ao desmame. Não houve variações significativas nos pesos entre machos e fêmeas. Analisaram-se 24 carcaças de cabritos, machos inteiros. O Rendimento Corrigido foi de 52% para as duas e a relação Músculo/Osso de 2,13 (Charnequeira) e 2,12 (Serpentina). O Índice Compacidade para a Charnequeira foi de 11,78 e 11,29 para a Serpentina, evidenciando esta melhor conformação. Definiram-se os seguintes cortes nas carcaças: I-Pá; II-Perna; III- Costela+Sela; IV-Aba; V-Pescoço. Analisou-se o músculo quanto à gordura, proteína, cálcio e fósforo. ABSTRACT: This dissertation retrieves a study involving 49 goats and 45 kids of Serpentina breed, 24 goats and 28 kids of Chamequeira breed exploited in an extensive management. It is intended as a contribution to the characterization of these breeds. To this end, various reproductive parameters were calculated. The fertility stood at 92% in both breeds and the prolificacy in the breed Serpentina was 160% (62.5% in twin births) and in the breed of Chamequeira was 141% (57.1% in twin births). We noted a mortality rate in kids from birth to weaning higher in the Serpentina breed (15.7%), while the Chamequeira breed recorded 6.6%. The evolution of the weights during the mating period to childbirth, increasing 17% in the Serpentina breed and 13.6% in Chamequeira breed. We noted significant variations in each breed, but not between each other. The kids resulting of simple birth had higher average daily weight gain from birth to weaning. We did not note significant variations of weight between males and females. We analysed the carcasses of 24 male kids. The corrected yield was 52% for both breeds and the muscle-bone ratio was 2,13 (Chamequeira) and 2,12 (Serpentina). The compactness index for the Chamequeira breed was 11.78 and 11.29 for the Serpentina breed, showing Serpentina breed had better conformation. We proposed the following cuts in the carcass: I-Shovel, II Leg, III- Rib +Sela, IV-Aba and V-Neck. We also analysed the muscle according to their fat, protein, calcium and phosphorus, aiming to show the dietary interest of this muscle.