5 resultados para Community psychiatric nursing

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Atualmente, com a alta precoce após o nascimento emerge a necessidade de cuidados domiciliários no puerpério. A pertinência deste projeto consubstancia-se na reorganização da visitação domiciliária no puerpério na USF Salus, garantindo a continuidade de cuidados após a alta hospitalar. O desenvolvimento do projeto teve por base as necessidades identificadas pelos enfermeiros da USF Salus. Teve como finalidade promover a parentalidade positiva, contribuindo para a melhoria da saúde e bem-estar das puérperas, recém-nascidos e respetivas famílias, definindo-se como objetivo geral: Reorganizar a Consulta de Enfermagem do Puerpério no Domicílio, de forma a promover a parentalidade positiva nos pais com crianças até 3 meses de idade, utentes da USF Salus, até 2016. Neste relatório é feita uma análise reflexiva sobre a visita domiciliária no puerpério e apresentada a proposta de protocolo de atuação na mesma. A avaliação do projeto na perspetiva das puérperas e dos enfermeiros legitima a relevância do mesmo na criação de soluções práticas para um problema concreto; ABSTRACT: Today, with early discharge after birth emerges the need for home care in the postpartum period. The relevance of this project is consolidated in the reorganization of home visitation puerperal at USF Salus, ensuring continuity of care after discharge. The project development was based on the needs identified by nurses USF Salus. It aimed to promote positive parenting, helping to improve the health and well-being of mothers, newborns and their respective families, defining the general objective: Rearrange the Puerpério of Nursing Consultation at Home, in order to promote positive parenting in parents with children up to 3 months of age, users of USF Salus, 2016. This report is made a reflective analysis of the home visit puerperal and presented the proposed action protocol in it. The project evaluation from the perspective of mothers and nurses legitimizes the importance of it in creating practical solutions to a specific problem.


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CONTEXTO: Na sociedade atual, a visita domiciliária é considerada promotora do acesso a cuidados de saúde de qualidade. Caracterizado pela sua vasta experiência na área dos cuidados domiciliários e pelo corpo de conhecimentos científicos, o enfermeiro tem um singular contributo neste contexto, em que os registos se revelam parte estruturante da prestação de cuidados. OBJETIVOS: Organizar e uniformizar os registos de enfermagem da visita domiciliária da Unidade de Saúde Familiar (USF) Eborae. METODOLOGIA: Recorreu-se à metodologia do planeamento em saúde e como instrumentos de recolha de dados foram aplicados questionários, construídos para o efeito, aos enfermeiros da USF Eborae. RESULTADOS: Após o diagnóstico da situação constatou-se a falta de instrumentos de registo facilitadores do planeamento, execução e continuidade dos cuidados prestados aos utentes da USF Eborae em ambiente domiciliário. CONCLUSÕES: Os instrumentos de registo elaborados possibilitam um funcionamento estruturado e protocolado que assegura a continuidade na prestação de cuidados; ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In today's society, home care is considered a prosecutor to access quality health care. Characterized by their vast experience in the field of home care and their body of scientific knowledge, nurses have a unique contribution in this context, in which the records are revealed a structuring part of care. AIM: Organize and standardize the nursing records of home visit of the Family Health Unit Eborae. METHODS: It was used the health planning methodology, as data collection tools they were applied questionnaires, purpose-built, to nurses of Family Health Unit Eborae. RESULTS: After the diagnosis of the situation is was found the lack of registration tools facilitators for planning, execution and continuity of care to users of Family Health Unit Eborae in home environment. CONCLUSION: The recording instruments elaborated enable a structured and documented operation that ensures continuity in care.


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This paper aims to look at the teaching situation of the nursing undergraduate degree’s courses about eldercare in Portugal. A documentary research on the teaching programs in 39 nursing schools, 26 schools presented syllabus units related to the topic ‘eldercare’ and in eight of these schools the contents of the units were identified. Using textual analysis and from the categories we concluded that the teaching regarding eldercare for the nurse training in Portugal is focused on hospital care; it is directed to the adult/elderly/family; it explores the definitions related to the aging process; it explores community issues, legislation and research. People responsible for the design/monitoring of teaching programs should include teaching regarding eldercare in the nurse training, considering that the elder population is increasing in Portugal.


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Objective: To analyze how social representations of hospital and community care are structured in two groups of nursing students – 1st and 4th years. Method: Qualitative research oriented by the Theory of Social Representations. We used a questionnaire with Free Association of Words. Data were analyzed in the Software IRaMuTeQ 0.6 alpha 3. Results: We applied the method of Descending Hierarchical Classifi cation and obtained four classes. Class 4 has the largest social representation (30.41%) within the corpus. The two organizational axes are nurse and disease/patient in the central core. On the periphery are the care and help related to the nurse and the treatment and prevention associated with the disease. Conclusion: Social representations focus on disease/patient and on the role of nurses in the treatment, prevention, and care. Health promotion and the social determinants of health are absent from the social representations of students.


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Background: Knowing one’s own seropositivity status of HIV/AIDS is important. Seropositivity can be determined by a rapid HIV/AIDS test. Attitudes towards a rapid test of HIV/AIDS show a predisposition to perform the analysis. Objective: This study investigated, the attitudes of students and staff in a Portuguese university toward rapid HIV/AIDS test. Methods: In a convenience sample, the data was collected on campus in three consecutive years. A selfadministered structured questionnaire was used for data collection. A validated scale for Portuguese students was applied. A sample of 947 (86.3%) students and 150 (13.7%) teaching and non-teaching staff participated. The average age was 24.30 years-old (SD=8.64). Non-parametric tests were applied. Results: Attitudes of professors and non-teaching staff are more favorable in relation to the rapid test of HIV/AIDS, compared to students. Attitudes are also more favorable in the first year in which the study was conducted with both employees and students. The male students express more traditional attitudes. Students of nursing polo have expressed more favorable attitudes to the rapid test of HIV/AIDS. Conclusion: The attitudes towards rapid test of HIV/AIDS are generally favorable. It is necessary to conduct further research considering professors and other university staff. Improving favorable attitudes toward rapid HIV/AIDS test must be a positive fact for health.