4 resultados para Cinema e literatura Teses
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Either with words or images, the expression of feelings results, in a work of art, in communication. If this was not the case, the work would not require a spectator or a reader. And if words suggest images from what its author refers to and a countless number of figurations may happen, the images from a film reveal what you can see. We are often left with "just" the space for those facts to shape up as possible meanings to which we react with emotion or with a particular intellectualization, finding exactly what we call readings or interpretations. Starting from a definition of literature that we see spilled in the work prospected from the polysystem theory by Itamar Even-Zohar from the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics (University of Tel-Aviv), we consider the dynamic character of every cultural moment/object. This is how a literary reading, that is to apply some of the methodologies in the interpretation of a literary work, is allowed to extend to other cultural objects. This is what we are going to do with Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves, a landmark in cinema for what the movement and manifest Dogma 95 represents, but that for a literature reader particularly focused on the narration of love in its different manifestations - in which sex and faith are included - a corpus is revealed, filled with interpretative possibilities and emotional reactions, important condiments particularly to the spectator and/or interested reader.
Crime possesses a dual nature deriving from its portrayal in the media leading to duplicity in the act of witnessing crime which by showing reality inevitably transforms it into a different kind of reality. The direct relationship with the Gothic genre is very naturally justified by real crime seeming to replicate fictional crime and vice versa, thus originating various forms of the lack of distinction between reality itself and fictional reality, or between truth and falsehood, which many writers and artists associated with Gothic aesthetics have always relied on, and numerous examples of this can be found in the works of Edgar Poe, Patricia Highsmith, Chuck Palahniuk and many others. While real crime may take the Gothic novel as its prototype, it turns out that nowadays television has taken on this role. Examples of this phenomenon are the recent symptoms of obsessive dependence on TV series such as C.S.I., Criminal Minds, The X Files, The Following and Dexter, showing a tendency for television series to replace Gothic novels, thus revealing a perverse attraction for witnessing violence through the same means that transmit the daily news featuring violent events in different scenarios of war all over the world.
Este estudo pretendeu pesquisar acerca da influncia do cinema histrico de fico na construo do conhecimento histrico de alunos de Histria A do Ensino Secundrio. Foi realizado com uma turma do 10 ano de escolaridade de 20 alunos e foi antecedido de um estudo prvio. O trabalho baseou-se no visionamento do filme "O Gladiador" e na realizao de fichas de trabalho: a "Ficha de Enquadramento Histrico do Filme", para contextualizar a poca histrica em que decorria o filme; a "Ficha de Anlise do Filme, para recolha de dados e finalmente a "Ficha de Trabalho de Comparao entre Fontes Histricas e o Filme". As respostas fornecidas pelos alunos foram organizadas em categorias. Para as perguntas que pediam uma resposta mais directa e simples foram criadas trs categorias: bsica primria, bsica secundria e definio elaborada. Para as perguntas que exigiam uma resposta mais complexa criaram-se cinco categorias: incoerente, bsica primria, bsica secundria, definio emergente e definio elaborada. As principais concluses foram: a) o cinema de fico desempenha um importante contributo na construo do conhecimento histrico dos alunos do ensino secundrio; b) o visionamento de filmes de fico na aula de Histria deve ser acompanhado com o confronto de fontes histricas para os alunos distinguirem fico de conhecimento histrico; c) o cinema desempenha um papel muito importante no desenvolvimento das competncias especficas de Histria do Ensino Secundrio e do esprito crtico dos alunos; entre outras. / ABSTRACT: This study aimed to understand the influence of historical fiction movies in historical knowledge of students in History of Secondary Education. The study was conducted with a group of 20 students of the 1O th grade and was preceded by a preliminary study. The work was based on viewing the film Gladiator and on worksheets: A "Historical Background" to contextualize the historical era of the movie, the "The analysis of the Movie" to collect data and finally the Comparison of Historical Sources and movie worksheet to analyze distinguish fiction from historical knowledge. The responses given by students were categorized: for questions that asked for a more direct and simple answer were created three categories: Basic; Primary; Definition elaborated. For questions requiring a more complex answer were created five categories Incoherent; Basic; Primary; Emergent and Elaborated. The main conclusions were: a) the film fiction has an important contribution to historical knowledge of secondary school students, b) using films in history lessons should be accompanied with a comparison of historical sources for students to distinguish fiction from historical knowledge, c) the film plays an important role in the development of specific skills for the History of Secondary Education and the students' critical thinking, among others.
Esta pesquisa estuda Incidente em Antares, de Erico Verssimo, e O co e os caluandas, de Pepetela, na perspectiva da stira menipeia. Para alm da biografia dos autores, busca-se discutir as origens do gnero da menipeia, recuperando o seu mais importante representante - Luciano de Samsata. , porm, sob a teoria de Mikhail Bakhtin que se analisam as obras dos escritores brasileiro e angolano. Quer-se verificar a presena de especficas caractersticas da stira menipeia, as quais so o carnaval e o riso ritual, a pardia, a liberdade imaginativa, o fantstico e seus desdobramentos, as cenas excntricas, os contrastes, a polifonia, a utilizao de gneros intercalados e a chamada publiscstica atualizada. No ltimo captulo h uma observao sociolgica das obras, o que permite pens-las como um retrato das sociedades a que os autores se referem. ABSTRACT: This research studies Incidente em Antares, by Erico Verssimo, and O co e os caluandas, by Pepetela, in the perspective of the menippean sati.re. Besides de authors' biography, it tries to discuss the origin of the genre, recovering its most important representative - Luciano de Samosata. However, the search analyses the works of the Brazilian and Angolan writers upon the theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. lt intends to verify the presence of the specific characteristics of the menippean satire, which are: carnival and the ritual Iaughting, parody, imaginative freedom, the fantastic and its unfolding, eccentric scenes, contrasts, polyphony, intercalary genres and the up-to-date publiscistic. ln the last chapter there is a sociologic observation concerning the works, which allow thinking about them as a portrait of the societies that the authors want to discuss.