9 resultados para Calçado
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A study was carried out over a two year period (2009/2010 and 2012/2013) on an experimental farm in the Alentejo region (Beja), in southern Portugal where rainfed malt barley (Hordeum distichum L.) is sown at the end of autumn or beginning of winter (November– December). The aim of this experiment was to study the efficiency of the herbicide iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium to control post-emergence broadleaved weeds in this cereal crop. The malt barley crop was established using no-till farming. This technology provides the necessary machine bearing capacity of the soil to assure the post-emergence application of herbicides at two diferente weed development stages. The herbicide iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium was applied at three doses (5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 g a. i. · ha–1) and at two different broadleaved weed development stages (3 to 4 and 6 to 7 pairs of leaves), that also corresponded to two diferente crop development stages (beginning of tillering and complete tillering). The results indicated that early herbicide application timing provided a significantly higher efficiency for all the applied herbicide doses, but this better weed control was not reflected in a higher crop grain yield. The lack of a higher crop grain yield was probably due to a crop phytotoxicity of the herbicide, when used at an early application timing.
Nos anos agrícolas de 2012/2013 e 2013/2014, realizaram-se na Herdade Experimental da Almocreva (Beja) quatro ensaios de campo (dois em cada ano) com o objetivo de estudar a eficácia e seletividade na cultura da cevada dística do herbicida iodossulfurão-metilo-sódio (50 g L-1) + mesossulfurão-metilo (7,5 g L-1). Em cada um dos ensaios, aplicaram-se três doses (5,0 + 0,75; 7,5 + 1,125 e 10,0 + 1,5 g s.a ha-1) do herbicida, em duas fases distintas do desenvolvimento das infestantes e da cultura. No ano de 2012/2013, o herbicida foi aplicado quando as infestantes se encontravam na fase de desenvolvimento de três a quatro pares de folhas e, a cultura, no início do afilhamento, a que correspondeu o estádio 20 da escala de Zadoks (primeira época de aplicação). A segunda época de aplicação realizou-se quando as infestantes estavam na fase de desenvolvimento de seis a sete pares de folhas e, a cultura, no afilhamento completo (estádio 29 da escala de Zadoks). No ano de 2013/2014, a primeira época de aplicação teve lugar quando as infestantes estavam na fase de desenvolvimento de cinco a seis pares de folhas e, a cultura, na fase de colmo principal (estádio 24 da escala de Zadoks). A segunda época de aplicação efetuou-se quando as infestantes estavam na fase de desenvolvimento de sete a oito pares de folhas e, a cultura, no 3º nó visível (estádio 33 da escala de Zadoks). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram, que a antecipação da aplicação para fases mais precoces do desenvolvimento das infestantes e da cultura não conduziu a um aumento da eficácia em relação a aplicações mais tardias, para todas as doses de herbicida. Com as doses recomendadas (7,5 + 1,125 e 10,0 + 1,5 g s.a ha-1) a eficácia foi maior em ambos os anos de ensaios e épocas de aplicação, relativamente à dose inferior (5,0 + 0,75 g s.a ha-1), mas a interação doses x épocas não foi significativa. No ano de 2012/2013 e contrariamente ao sucedido no ano de 2013/2014, verificou-se uma redução significativa da produtividade da cultura com a antecipação da aplicação, consequência da fitotoxidade causada pelo herbicida, quando esta se encontrava no início do afilhamento.
Este estudo tem como objectivo investigar o papel que as representações, construídas por alunos do 1.o ano de escolaridade, desempenham na resolução de problemas de Matemática. Mais concretamente, a presente investigação procura responder às seguintes questões: Que representações preferenciais utilizam os alunos para resolver problemas? De que forma é que as diferentes representações são influenciadas pelas estratégias de resolução de problemas utilizadas pelos alunos? Que papéis têm os diferentes tipos de representação na resolução dos problemas? Nesta investigação assume-se que a resolução de problemas constitui uma actividade muito importante na aprendizagem da Matemática no 1.o Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os problemas devem ser variados, apelar a estratégias diversificadas de resolução e permitir diferentes representações por parte dos alunos. As representações cativas, icónicas e simbólicas constituem importantes ferramentas para os alunos organizarem, registarem e comunicarem as suas ideias matemáticas, nomeadamente no âmbito da resolução de problemas, servindo igualmente de apoio à compreensão de conceitos e relações matemáticas. A metodologia de investigação segue uma abordagem interpretativa tomando por design o estudo de caso. Trata-se simultaneamente de uma investigação sobre a própria prática, correspondendo os quatro estudos de caso a quatro alunos da turma de 1.0 ano de escolaridade da investigadora. A recolha de dados teve lugar durante o ano lectivo 2007/2008 e recorreu à observação, à análise de documentos, a diários, a registos áudio/vídeo e ainda a conversas com os alunos. A análise de dados que, numa primeira fase, acompanhou a recolha de dados, teve como base o problema e as questões da investigação bem como o referencial teórico que serviu de suporte à investigação. Com base no referencial teórico e durante o início do processo de análise, foram definidas as categorias de análise principais, sujeitas posteriormente a um processo de adequação e refinamento no decorrer da análise e tratamento dos dados recolhidos -com vista à construção dos casos em estudo. Os resultados desta investigação apontam as representações do tipo icónico e as do tipo simbólico como as representações preferenciais dos alunos, embora sejam utilizadas de formas diferentes, com funções distintas e em contextos diversos. Os elementos simbólicos apoiam-se frequentemente em elementos icónicos, sendo estes últimos que ajudam os alunos a descompactar o problema e a interpretá-lo. Nas representações icónicas enfatiza-se o papel do diagrama, o qual constitui uma preciosa ferramenta de apoio ao raciocínio matemático. Conclui-se ainda que enquanto as representações activas dão mais apoio a estratégias de resolução que envolvem simulação, as representações icónicas e simbólicas são utilizadas com estratégias diversificadas. As representações construídas, com papéis e funções diferentes entre si, e que desempenham um papel crucial na correcta interpretação e resolução dos problemas, parecem estar directamente relacionadas com as caraterísticas da tarefa proposta no que diz respeito às estruturas matemáticas envolvidas. ABSTRACT; The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of the representations constructed by 1st grade students in mathematical problem solving. More specifically, this research is oriented by the following questions: Which representations are preferably used by students to solve problems? ln which way the strategies adopted by the students in problem solving influence those distinct representations? What is the role of the distinct types of representation in the problems solving process? ln this research it is assumed that the resolution of problems is a very important activity in the Mathematics learning at the first cycle of basic education. The problems must be varied, appealing to diverse strategies of resolution and allow students to construct distinct representations. The active, iconic and symbolic representations are important tools for students to organize, to record and to communicate their mathematical ideas, particularly in problem solving context, as well as supporting the understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships. The adopted research methodology follows an interpretative approach, and was developed in the context of the researcher classroom, originating four case studies corresponding to four 1 st grade students of the researcher's class. Data collection was carried out during the academic year of 2007/2008 and was based on observation, analysis of documents, diaries, audio and video records and informal conversations with students. The initial data analysis was based on the problems and issues of research, as well in the theoretical framework that supports it. The main categories of analysis were defined based on the theoretical framework, and were subjected to a process of adaptation and refining during data processing and analysis aiming the -case studies construction. The results show that student's preferential representations are the iconic and the symbolic, although these types of representations are used in different ways, with different functions and in different contexts. The symbolic elements are often supported by iconic elements, the latter helping students to unpack the problem and interpret it. ln the iconic representations the role of the diagrams is emphasized, consisting in a valuable tool to support the mathematical reasoning. One can also conclude that while the active representations give more support to the resolution strategies involving simulation, the iconic and symbolic representations are preferably used with different strategies. The representations constructed with distinct roles and functions, are crucial in the proper interpretation and resolution of problems, and seem to be directly related to the characteristics of the proposed task with regard to the mathematical structures involved.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a eficiência dos herbicidas Herbipec 500 FL (s.a. Clortolurão) e Dopler Super (s.a. Diclofope-Metilo+Fenoxaprope-P-Etilo+Mefenepir-Dietilo) no controlo, em pós-emergência de infestantes Monocotiledóneas, e na produção de grão e suas componentes, na cultura do trigo mole em sementeira directa, combinando doses inferiores às recomendadas pelos fabricantes. Os ensaios decorreram nos anos agrícolas de 2006/2007 e 2007/2008, na Herdade do Louseiro no concelho de Évora e na Herdade da Revilheira no concelho de Reguengos de Monsaraz, respectivamente. Na experimentação efectuou-se o estudo dos dois herbicidas, com 3 níveis cada, correspondentes a nove tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições cada. Verificou-se uma maior eficiência no controlo das plantas infestantes de Lolium rigidum Gaud. e de Juncus bufonius L. e, consequentemente, um maior número de grãos e uma produção de grão de trigo elevada com 2 litros ha-l de Herbipec 500 FL e 0,5 litro ha-1 de Dopler Super. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of the herbicides Herbipec 500 FL (a.i. chlorotoluron) and Dopler Super (a.i. diclofop-methyl + fenoxaprop-P-ethyl + mefenpyr-diethyl) to control grass weeds at post-emergence in no-till bread wheat and consequently to do the evaluation of potential grain yield combining reduced doses to the recommended ones by the manufacturers. The trials were carried out over two growing seasons (2006/2007 and 2007/2008) on the farm "Revilheira" and on a private farm "Louseiro", both in the district of Évora. Trials to study effects of three doses of a two herbicides, with three levels each, corresponding to nine treatments were executed. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications each. The results showed a great efficiency and grain yield wheat with the mixture with 2 l ha-1 Herbipec 500 FL and 0,5 1 ha-1 Dopler Super to controlling Lolium spp. and Juncus bufonius L..
The activity of oxidative enzymes and the levels of free auxins were determined during adventitious root formation in olive explants. Rooting trials were performed both with in vitro-cultured micro shoots of the cultivar ‘Galega Vulgar’, treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and with salicylhydroxamic acid(SHAM) + IBA, as well as with semi-hardwood cuttings of the cultivars ‘Galega Vulgar’ (difficult-to-root)and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root), treated with IBA. The auxin (IBA) was used in all experiments as a rooting promoter, while SHAM was used in micropropagation trials as rooting inhibitor, providing a negative control. Free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and IBA concentrations were determined in microshoots, as well as in semi-hardwood cuttings, throughout the rooting period at pre-established time-points. At the sametime-points, the enzymatic activity of polyphenol oxidases (PPO), peroxidases (POX), and IAA oxidase(IAAox) was evaluated in the microshoots. Microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA revealed higher POX and IAAox activity, as well as lower PPO activity, than those treated only with IBA. IAA levels were higher in IBA-treated microshoots during induction phase, but lower during early initiation phase. Incontrast, free IBA levels were higher in microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA during induction, but lower during initiation. A similar pattern of free auxin levels was observed in semi-hardwood cuttings of the two contrasting cultivars under evaluation. The similarities found on the auxin patterns of microshoots treated with SHAM and those of semi-hardwood cuttings of the difficult-to-root olive cultivar allow considering SHAM a reliable control for when simulation of a difficult-to-root behavior is necessary. The inhibitory effect of SHAM in root formation could be related with 1) the inhibition of alternative oxidase(AOX), leading to a down regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways, which would decrease the concentration of phenolic substrates for PPO; 2) an increase in IAAox activity resulting in lower free IAA levels or; 3) a defective conversion of IBA into IAA.
This paper presents a methodology to forecast the hourly and daily consumption in households. The methodology was validated for households in Lisbon region, Portugal. The paper shows that the forecast tool allows obtaining satisfactory results for forecasting. Models of demand response allow the support of consumer’s decision in exchange for an economic benefit by the redefinition of load profile or changing the appliance consumption period. It is also in the interest of electric utilities to take advantage of these changes, particularly when consumers have an action on the demand-side management or production. Producers need to understand the load profile of households that are connected to a smart grid, to promote a better use of energy, as well as optimize the use of micro-generation from renewable sources, not only to delivering to the network but also in self-consumption.
This paper presents a methodology to forecast the hourly and daily consumption in households assisted by cyber physical systems. The methodology was validated using a database of consumption of a set of 93 domestic consumers. Forecast tools used were based on Fast Fourier Series and Generalized Reduced Gradient. Both tools were tested and their forecast results were compared. The paper shows that both tools allow obtaining satisfactory results for energy consumption forecasting.
Introduction: The training of nursing students in the context of clinical practice, is characterized by educational experiences, subject to various emotional stress (stress, ambivalence, frustration, conflict), sometimes making it very vulnerable student.However not all students use the same strategies minimizing their meanings and negative effects on the level of your health and well-being Objetiv:To analyze the perception that nursing students have about the determinants of their health status and well-being in clinical practice Methods: Exploratory research Results:The results reveal the complexity of the teaching / learning process in clinical practice, identified determinants that limit and / or promote health and well-being of students, or not contributing to their motivation, self-confidence and learning. All students value the presence of the following dimensions: affective-emotional (humanization in learning experiences); relational dynamics (interactions developed with all stakeholders); methods used (professional competence of the clinical supervisor and teacher); school curriculum (adaptation of learning in theory); socialization to the profession (become nurse).Conclusions: The results indicate, that although all students evidencing the dimensions described as fundamental to learning in clinical practice, the study results are dichotomous and ambivalent. Students 2nd and 3ºanos refer a low perception in clinical practice, the indicated dimensions, and for these source of concern and uncertainty in learning, such as limiting their health condition and well-being. For students of the 4th year, these dimensions are percecionadas as gifts, and sources of motivation, learning and catalysts such as promoting their health and well-being.
Para atender a demanda, a transferência de água de rios por canal é uma prática comum no Nordeste brasileiro. O Canal do Sertão Alagoano capta água do rio São Francisco (no reservatório Apolônio Sales) para abastecer municípios do estado de Alagoas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a evolução de parâmetros físico-químicos da água (temperatura, pH, turbidez, condutividade, dureza, sulfatos, cloretos, nitrogênio total e fósforo total) ao longo dos 29 km iniciais. Foram realizadas duas coletas no período seco em 10 pontos. Por meio do teste não-paramétrico MannWhitney, evidenciou-se que temporalmente as duas coletas são significativamente diferentes para todos os parâmetros, mesmo sendo ambas realizadas no período seco. Longitudinalmente, nas duas coletas, temperatura, pH e condutividade, foram significativamente diferentes entre o início e o final dos 29 km, apresentando uma tendência crescente nos valores. Quanto à qualidade, conforme a Resolução 357/2005 do CONAMA, a água do Canal apresentou valores dentro da Classe 1, com exceção do fósforo total.