2 resultados para CENTRAL SET

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The Alcantarilha lowland, partly barred by a well developed barrier, including foredunes covering Pleistocene-Holocene beachrock and aeolianite, develops across the Alcantarilha infilled estuary, the beach-dune extending further SE until the Salgados lagoon. A topographic and coring survey revealed a peculiar feature at the leeward toe of the dune ridge close to the inlet area: a sandy fan with location, shape and morphology suggesting emplacement by single or multiple overwash of the barrier tip rather than tidal forcing. Its storm or tsunami origin and age are under investigation, and the only time-constrain available at present is that it should post-date ca. 6600 cal BP, the most recent in situ aeolianite (Moura et al., 2007) dated so far. METHODS, DATA SET AND RESULTS The fan boundaries are distinctive in aerial photos and satellite images: it is roughly ellipsoidal, ~200 m wide and ~300 m elongated paralleling the shoreline, rising ~ 0.9-1.2 m above the surrounding floodplain surface. Detailed topography shows that its short axis aligns with SW-NE elongated (though irregular) depressions in the dune crest, which link the beach with the fan. This could have favoured funnelling of, or erosion by, water overtopping the barrier but, in either case, the fan should correspond to extreme and abrupt event(s) of coastal flooding. 18 trenches and cores were performed in the exposed area of the fan and nearby flood plain to obtain samples and data on its sedimentology, lithostratigraphy and geometry. The fan consists of well sorted and rounded sand (Fig. 2). It thins away and wedges out landwards of the apex (located near Alc29T) where it is partly covered by dune sand. Its lower boundary is undulating and marked by textural contrast between sand (fan) and underlying mud (alluvial/lagoonal); an accumulation of marine-sourced perforated pebbles showing limited lateral continuity may pinpoint this boundary near the foredune (core Alc 25, ca. 80 m westward of profile in Fig.1); mud-balls were also observed immediately above this surface in cores and trenches. As the washover was probably emplaced in a barred lagoonal/estuarine floodplain setting, the fan’s northern outer belt is enclosed by low-energy sediments (not shown in Fig. 2).


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Neste trabalho de Projeto efetua-se o desenvolvimento do tema da produção de Resíduos Urbanos (RU) no Alentejo Central, utilizando-se o modelo DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) para a análise das metas da recolha seletiva estabelecidas para 2020. Genericamente, quanto maior é o grau de desenvolvimento económico de um território, maior é a taxa de urbanização e maior é também a quantidade de resíduos urbanos produzidos por habitante. O rendimento e a urbanização são variáveis altamente correlacionadas, quando aumenta o rendimento disponível e os padrões de vida, aumenta também o consumo de bens e serviços de modo correspondente, o que leva ao aumento da quantidade de resíduos gerados. Assim, tendo em conta os impactos locais que os RU abandonados trazem, e com o objetivo de quebrar o elo entre crescimento económico e os impactos ambientais associados à produção de resíduos, são implementadas, nos países com elevados níveis de desenvolvimento, políticas baseadas em modelos integrados de gestão de RU que permitem a recuperação, reciclagem e valorização dos materiais, reservando-se a eliminação (deposição em aterro) para frações não valorizáveis, o que gera empregos e riqueza. Em Portugal vigora o Plano Estratégico para os Resíduos Urbanos (PERSU 2020) que define objetivos e metas nacionais, nomeadamente a meta da recolha seletiva, estabelecendo para 2020 um quantitativo nacional mínimo a recuperar de 47 kg por habitante por ano. Deste modo, importa caracterizar, para o período de 2002 a 2012, como evoluiu a produção de RU em comparação com a evolução do PIB em Portugal. A análise foca-se então na produção de RU na região do Alentejo em particular no Alentejo Central que evidencia um elevado nível per capita em comparação com o resto do país, situando-se mesmo acima das regiões do grande Porto e Lisboa. São apresentadas possíveis razões para o registo destes elevados níveis de produção de RU não se conseguindo, no entanto, avançar com evidências. Como o modelo DEA é utilizado no PERSU 2020 para fundamentar a projeção das metas da recolha seletiva por sistema de gestão de resíduos urbanos, fez-se a sua reprodução, o que permitiu uma análise mais detalhada dos dados e o ensaio de novos resultados considerando, para além do nível de produção de RU, o numero de equipamentos de deposição de recolha seletiva como input do modelo; Abstract: Title of the report: Professional career. Emphasis on the analysis of urban waste production in Alentejo Central - Portugal and the use of the DEA in defining the separate collection target This professional report presents the theme of the Urban Waste (UW) production in Central Alentejo, using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to analyse the target set for selective collection in 2020. Generally, the higher the degree of economic development of a region, the greater the rate of urbanization and the greater also the amount of municipal waste produced per capita. The variables income and urbanization are highly correlated, if you have an increase in the disposable income and living standards, the consumption of goods and services will increase accordingly, which leads to the increase of the amount of produced waste. Thus, taking into account the local impact that the abandoned UW brings, and in order to break the link between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated with the production of waste, countries with high levels of development implement policies based on integrated UW management models that allow the recovery, recycling and valorisation of materials, restricting the disposal (landfill) to non-recoverable fractions, which creates jobs and wealth. Portugal established a national strategic plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020) which defines the goals and national targets, including the selective collection target stating for 2020 a minimum recover of 47 kg per capita per year. Then it is relevant to characterize and compare the evolution of UW production and GDP in Portugal for the period 2002 to 2012. The analysis then focuses on the production of UW in Alentejo, particularly in Central Alentejo region, which shows a high per capita level compared to the rest of the country, placed just above the Greater Porto and Lisbon region. Then we explore several possible reasons for this high level of UW production in this region, but none is successful in producing strong evidence. As the DEA is used in PERSU 2020 to support the projection of the selective collection targets for the municipal waste management systems, in this report we develop the model, which allowed access to the data and a more detailed analyse. Then we introduce and test a new input, the number of separate collection deposition equipment, which gives new results that are compared with the original ones.