2 resultados para Buying.
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Numa economia global sujeita a mudanças nas dinâmicas de mercado e a uma concorrência crescente, o papel das marcas nunca foi tão importante como agora. As marcas servem de mapa orientador para comportamento de compra e, quando geridas de forma correta, resultam geralmente num valor significativo para os seus detentores. Pretende-se com este trabalho desenvolver uma marca para o medronho, fruto nacional ainda pouco comercializado em fresco. Procurou criar-se uma identidade de marca forte, tendo em atenção os vários elementos de marca de modo a contribuir positivamente para a construção de capital de marca (brand equity). Na metodologia privilegia-se a análise qualitativa, com a realização de uma entrevista e um questionário, com o intuito de aprofundar respetivamente o conhecimento da empresa e a perceção dos consumidores em relação ao fruto. Neste sentido, e depois de uma análise cuidada da literatura, este projeto reflete a aplicação dos modelos de construção de marcas e dos critérios para a escolha dos elementos da marca definidos por Keller (2005). Deste trabalho resulta uma proposta de construção dos elementos da marca, a ser utilizada pelo centro de excelência para a valorização dos recursos mediterrâneos (CEVRM); Definition of the Brand Identity for the arbutus Abstract: In a global economy subject to changes in market dynamics and increasing competition, the role of brands has never been as important as now. Trademarks serve advisor map to buying behavior and, when managed correctly, often result in significant value for its owners. The aim of this work is to develop a brand for the arbutus, national fruit poorly marketed fresh. Sought to create is a strong brand identity, taking into account the various mode brand elements to contribute positively to building brand equity (brand equity). The methodology emphasizes the qualitative analysis, conducting an interview and a questionnaire, in order to deepen respectively the company's knowledge and perception of consumers in relation to the fruit. In this sense, and after a careful analysis of the literature, this project reflects the application of model building brands and criteria for the choice of brand elements defined by Keller. This work results in a proposal to build the brand elements to be used by the CEVRM.
This article addresses the effects of the prohibition against naked CDS buying implemented by the European Union in November 2012. Three aspects of market quality are analyzed: liquidity, volatility, and price informativeness. Overall, our results suggest that the ban produced negative effects on liquidity and price informativeness. First, we find that in territories within the scope of the EU regulation, the bid–ask spreads on sovereign CDS contracts rose after the ban, but fell for countries outside its bounds. Open interest declined for both groups of CDS reference entities in our sample, but significantly more in the constraint group. Price delay increased more prominently for countries affected by the ban, whereas price precision decreased for these countries while increasing for CDSs written on other sovereign reference entities. Most notably, our findings indicate that hese negative effects were more pronounced amid reference entities exhibiting lower credit risk. With respect to volatility, the evidence suggests that the ban was successful in stabilizing the CDS market in that volatility decreased, particularly for contracts written on riskier CDS entities.