5 resultados para Best management practices of stormwater management

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Soil is a key resource that provides the basis of food production and sustains and delivers several ecosystems services including regulating and supporting services such as water and climate regulation, soil formation and the cycling of nutrients carbon and water. During the last decades, population growth, dietary changes and the subsequent pressure on food production, have caused severe damages on soil quality as a consequence of intensive, high input-based agriculture. While agriculture is supposed to maintain and steward its most important resource base, it compromises soil quality and fertility through its impact on erosion, soil organic matter and biodiversity decline, compaction, etc., and thus the necessary yield increases for the next decades. New or improved cropping systems and agricultural practices are needed to ensure a sustainable use of this resource and to fully take the advantages of its associated ecosystem services. Also, new and better soil quality indicators are crucial for fast and in-field soil diagnosis to help farmers decide on the best management practices to adopt under specific pedo-climatic conditions. Conservation Agriculture and its fundamental principles: minimum (or no) soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop rotation /intercropping certainly figure among the possibilities capable to guarantee sustainable soil management. The iSQAPER project – Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience – is tackling this problem with the development of a Soil Quality application (SQAPP) that links soil and agricultural management practices to soil quality indicators and will provide an easy-to-use tool for farmers and land managers to judge their soil status. The University of Évora is the leader of WP6 - Evaluating and demonstrating measures to improve Soil Quality. In this work package, several promising soil and agricultural management practices will be tested at selected sites and evaluated using the set of soil quality indicators defined for the SQAPP tool. The project as a whole and WP6 in specific can contribute to proof and demonstrate under different pedoclimatic conditions the impact of Conservation Agriculture practices on soil quality and function as was named the call under which this project was submitted.


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A avaliação de desempenho docente tem sido considerada o alfa e o ômega dos sistemas educativos, nas últimas décadas. Em Portugal, desde 2007, esta questão tornou-se mais acutilante devido às alterações introduzidas no Estatuto da Carreira Docente que originaram uma alteração profunda nas práticas de avaliação do desempenho docente. A implementação do novo modelo despoletou forte resistência por parte destes profissionais, alimentada por uma base concetual distante da realidade das escolas portuguesas e por tibiezas na execução do processo de avaliação. O principal objetivo deste estudo consistiu em apresentar os contributos de professores para um modelo de avaliação do desempenho docente, assumindo as expetativas e as perceções destes profissionais como referente imprescindível para a sustentabilidade avaliativa do modelo. Para além disso, procedeu-se a uma breve descrição e avaliação do modelo de avaliação docente, implementado entre 2007 e 2011, recuperando perceções depuradas pelo tempo. O estudo, descritivo e inferencial, conciliou abordagens de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, tendo recorrido a um questionário, aplicado a 585 docentes em funções no Algarve, e à entrevista, realizada a quatro informadores privilegiados do processo avaliativo. Os resultados alcançados apontaram para i) de um conjunto de pareceres favoráveis face a alguns aspetos do modelo de avaliação vigente entre 2007 e 2011; ii) uma avaliação globalmente negativa do mesmo modelo, iii) a definição de componentes das diferentes dimensões de modelo avaliativo, onde se identificou a preponderância da vertente formativa; a articulação da avaliação dos docentes com a avaliação de escola e com outros documentos de gestão escolar; a coincidência dos ciclos avaliativos com a progressão na carreira; a autoavaliação como principal instrumento de recolha de dados; a observação facultativa de aulas; a existência de avaliadores com formação em supervisão ou avaliação e capacitados com um perfil adequado; e o uso dos resultados da avaliação para a melhoria das práticas letivas e para a progressão na carreira, sendo ainda de considerar a possibilidade de acionar mecanismos de recuperação, caso existissem indicadores de insucesso na prática profissional do docente. O estudo termina com o enunciado de recomendações para a reconceptualização do modelo de avaliação dos docentes, permitindo reconhecer e eliminar os fatores conflituantes, tendo em vista a concretização da avaliação docente como estratégia impulsionadora da melhoria do desempenho dos professores, da escola e do sistema educativo. Palavras-chave: avaliação educacional; avaliação de desempenho docente; modelos de avaliação de desempenho docente; desenvolvimento profissional do professor, educadores e professores dos ensinos básico e secundário; ABSTRACT:Teacher performance appraisal has been considered the alpha and omega of educational systems in recent decades. In Portugal, since 2007, this issue has become more incisive due to amendments to the Teaching Career Statute that brought deep changes in assessment practices of teacher performance. The application of the new system has triggered strong resistance by these professionals, powered by a distant conceptual basis of the reality of Portuguese schools and weaknesses in the implementation of the appraisal process. The aim of this study is to present the teachers contributions to this teacher performance appraisal model, taking the expectations and perceptions of these professionals as an essential reference for the sustainability of the appraisal process. In addition, a brief description and evaluation of the teacher performance appraisal model, implemented between 2007 and 2011, was given, recovering perceptions filtered by time. The study, descriptive and inferential, reconciled quantitative and qualitative approaches, has used a questionnaire applied to 585 teachers serving on the Algarve, and an interview to four held key informants of the teacher appraisal process. The achieved results showed i) a set of favorable opinions about some aspects of the current evaluation model between 2007 and 2011; ii) a generally negative evaluation of the same model, iii) the definition of components of different dimensions of the appraisal system, which showed preponderance of formative purposes; the joint assessment of teachers with school evaluation and other school management documents; the coincidence of the evaluation cycles with career advancement; self-evaluation as the main data collection instrument; the optional classroom observation; the existence of evaluators under supervision in training or evaluation and empowered with the right profile; and the use of evaluation results to improve teaching practices and to career advancement, still considering the possibility of using recovery mechanisms if there were failure indicators in professional teaching practice. The study ends with the statement of recommendations for the reconceptualization of teacher performance appraisal, which allowed to recognize and eliminate conflicting factors, with a view to implementing the teaching appraisal as a compelling strategy for improving teacher performance, school and educational system. Keywords: educational evaluation; teacher performance appraisal; teacher performance appraisal systems; teacher professional development; early years teachers, primary and secondary school teachers.


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TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) financed by the European Commission, had the main goals of evaluating the energy consumption and to identify the best available practices to improve energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors, such as the olive oil mills. A general analysis of energy consumptions allowed identifying the partition between electrical and thermal energy (approximately 50%) and the production processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions, as being the in the mill and paste preparation and the phases separation. Some measures for reducing energy waste and for improving energy efficiency were identified and the impact was evaluated by using the TESLA tool developed by Circe and available at the TESLA website.


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Num contexto empresarial globalizado, a gestão de recursos humanos assume importância crescente. A valorização do capital humano e a preocupação com o compromisso e produtividade das pessoas revelam-se imperativos para a gestão de recursos humanos na contemporaneidade. As políticas e práticas de recursos humanos revelam-se a forma mais eficaz de comprometer as pessoas e, consequentemente, melhorar a performance organizacional. Este trabalho final de mestrado resultou de um estágio realizado num agrupamento complementar de empresa da IBM. Além das actividades desenvolvidas em contexto organizacional, efectuou-se urna descrição de todo o processo de gestão de recursos humanos e analisou-se a relação entre as políticas e práticas de recursos humanos e o compromisso organizacional, nas suas diferentes dimensões. Os resultados deste diagnóstico revelam que os colaboradores apresentam índices elevados de compromisso organizacional para com o ACE. Este compromisso materializa-se no alinhamento dos objectivos de negócio com os objectivos dos colaboradores. A principal causa destes índices elevados de compromisso são as políticas e práticas de recursos humanos. ABSTRACT: ln a globalized business environment, HRM assumes increasing importance. The human capital and concern for the commitment and productivity of people tum out to be imperative for the contemporary human resource management. Policies and practices of human resources prove to be the most effective way to engage people and thus improve organizational performance. This scientific work resulted from one stage held in a complementary group of the IBM Company. Besides the activities in organizations, took place a description of the whole process of resource management and examined the relationship of policies and practices in human resources with organizational commitment, in its various levels. The results of this diagnosis show that employees have high levels of organizational commitment towards the ACE. This commitment is materialized in the alignment of business goals with employee objectives. The main cause of these high levels of commitment are the policies and practices of human resources.


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As the world population and food production demands rise, keeping agricultural soils and landscapes healthy and productive are of paramount importance to sustaining local and global food security and the flow of ecosystem services to society. The global population, expected to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, will put additional pressure on the available land area and resources for agricultural production. Sustainable production intensification for food security is a major challenge to both industrialized and developing countries. The paper focuses on the results from long-term multi-factorial experiments involving tillage practices, crop rotations and fertilization to study the interactions amongst the treatments in the context of sustainable production intensification. The paper discusses the results in relation to reported performance of crops and soil quality in Conservation Agriculture systems that are based on no or minimum soil disturbance (no-till seeding and weeding), maintenance of soil mulch cover with crop biomass and cover crops, and diversified cropping systems involving annuals and perennials. Conservation Agriculture also emphasizes the necessity of an agro-ecosystems approach to the management of agricultural land for sustainable production intensification, as well as to the site-specificity of agricultural production. Arguments in favor of avoiding the use of soil tillage are discussed together with agro-ecological principles for sustainable intensification of agriculture. More interdisciplinary systems research is required to support the transformation of agriculture from the conventional tillage agriculture to a more sustainable agriculture based on the principles and practices of Conservation Agriculture, along with other complementary practices of integrated crop, nutrient, water, pest, energy and farm power management.