3 resultados para Association and associations

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The occurrence of Bursaphelenchus species in the Czech Republic is poorly known, the first report of the genus being made by Kubátová et al. (2000) who reported the association of B. eremus with the hyphomycetous microfungus, Esteya vermicola, and the bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, collected from Quercus robur, in central Bohemia. To date, four other species have been reported from the country, namely B. fungivorus (Braasch et al., 2002), B. hofmanni (see Braasch, 2001), B. mucronatus (see Braasch, 2001) and B. vallesianus (Gaar et al., 2006). More recently, a survey for Bursaphelenchus species associated with bark- and wood-boring insects in the Czech Republic identified B. pinophilus Brzeski & Baujard, 1997 from the Moravia region. Although this represents a new country record, it was also associated with nematangia on the hind wings of a new insect vector. A total of 404 bark- and wood-boring insects were collected from declining or symptomatic trees and screened for the presence of Bursaphelenchus. Bark and longhorn beetles were captured manually after debarking parts of the trunk displaying symptoms of insect attacks. Longhorn beetle larvae were also collected together with logs cut from the trunk. Logs were kept at room temperature in the laboratory until insect emergence. Each adult insect was individually dissected in water and examined for nematodes. All nematodes resembling dauer juveniles of Bursaphelenchus were collected and identified by molecular characterisation using a region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) containing the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2. ITS-RFLP analyses using five restriction enzymes (AluI, HaeIII, HinfI, MspI, RsaI) were performed to generate the species-specific profile according to Burgermeister et al. (2009). Species identification was also confirmed by morphological data after culture of the dauers on Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Ft., growing in 5% malt extract agar. During this survey, only species belonging to the Curculionidae, subfamily Scolytinae, revealed the presence of nematodes belonging to Bursaphelenchus. Dauers of this genus were found aggregated under the elytra in nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings (Fig. 1). The dauers were identified from 12 individuals of Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst, 1783) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) collected under the bark of Pinus sylvestris trunks. Each insect carried ca 10-100 dauers. The ITS-RFLP patterns of the dauers so obtained confirmed the identification of B. pinophilus associated with this insect species. Bursaphelenchus pinophilus has been found mainly in Europe and has been reported from various countries such as Poland (Brzeski & Baujard, 1997), Germany (Braasch, 2001), and Portugal (Penas et al., 2007). The recent detection of this species associated with dead P. koraiensis in Korea (Han et al., 2009) expands its geographical distribution and potential importance. It has been found associated only with Pinus species, but very little is known about the insect vector. The bark beetle, Hylurgus ligniperda, was initially suggested as the insect vector by Pe-nas et al. (2006), although the nematode associated with this insect was later reclassified as B. sexdentati by morphological and molecular analysis (Penas et al., 2007). According to the literature, P. bidentatus has been cited as a vector of Ektaphelenchus sp. (Kakuliya, 1966) in Georgia, and an unidentified nematode species in Spain (Roberston et al., 2008). Interestingly, B. pinophilus was found in the nematangia formed at the root of the hind wings of P. bidentatus. Although this phenomenon is not so common in other Bursaphelenchus species, B. rufipennis has been found recently in such a structure on the hind wings of the insect Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kanzaki et al., 2008). Although other nematode species (e.g., Ektaphelenchus spp.) are frequently found associated within the same nematangia (see Kanzaki et al., 2008), in this particular case, only dauers of B. pinophilus were identified. The association between B. pinophilus and P. bidentatus represents the first report of this biological association and the association with the Scolytinae strengthens the tight and specific links between this group of Bursaphelenchus species and members of the Scolytinae (Ryss et al., 2005).


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo aprehender y analizar las representaciones sociales sobre la depresión elaboradas por los habitantes del barrio La Legua en Santiago de Chile. Participaron en esta investigación 200 habitantes del barrio La Legua, de ambos sexos, mayores de 18 años. Los dispositivos de recogida de datos fueron el Cuestionario de Asociación Libre de Palabras y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck BDI-II. Los datos obtenidos por el cuestionario fueron tratados por medio de los software Evoc, Simi y Tri-Deux y analizados de acuerdo al abordaje estructural de las representaciones sociales y análisis factorial de correspondecia (AFC). Los datos obtenidos por medio del BDI-II fueron procesados a través del software SPSS. En las conclusiones se problematiza la relación entre los distintos factores asociados a la depresión en el contexto particular de La Legua y las representaciones sociales construidas por sus habitantes. Se observó que los elementos de mayor consensualidad fueron tristeza, angustia, problemas y enfermedad. Las divergencias fueron moderadas. Se percibe que para los habitantes del barrio La Legua la depresión está fuertemente asociada a la esfera afectiva, pero se infiere que también es el resultado de la complejidad del entorno social; RESUMO: Esta pesquisa teve como objectivo principal apreender e analisar as representações sociais da depressão desenvolvidas pelos habitantes do bairro La Legua no Santiago de Chile. Participaram na pesquisa 200 habitantes do bairro, de ambos os sexos, com mais de 18 anos. A recolha de dados foi feita através de questionário, utilizando a Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras e Beck Depression Inventory BDI-II. Os dados obtidos por associação livre de palavras foram tratados usando software Evoc, Simi e Tri-Deux e analisados segundo a abordagem estrutural das representações sociais e análise fatorial de correspondência (AFC). Os dados obtidos pelo BDI-II foram processados através do software SPSS. As conclusões questionam a relação entre os diferentes factores associados à depressão no contexto particular do bairro La Legua e as representações sociais desenvolvidas pelos seus habitantes. Observou-se que os elementos de maior consensualidade foram a tristeza, a angústia, os problemas e a doença. As divergências encontradas foram moderadas. Percebe-se que para os habitantes do bairro La Legua a depressão está fortemente associada à esfera afectiva mas infere-se igualmente que também resulta da complexidade do meio social; ABSTRACT: This research aims to understand and analyze social representations of depression held by inhabitants of La Legua neighborhood in Santiago, Chile. A total of 200 inhabitants, of both genders older than 18 years of age participated in the study. The instruments used were: Free Technique of Word Association and Beck Depression Inventory BDI-II. The data obtained by the free technique of word association were processed using software Evoc, Simi and Tri-Deux and analyzed through the structural perspective of the social representations and the factorial analysis of correspondence (AFC). The data obtained by the BDI-II were processed using software SPSS. In conclusion, the discussion is about the association of the different factors of depression in this specific context and the social representations elaborated by the inhabitants of La Legua neighborhood. It was observed that the most consensuality elements were sadness, anxiety, problems and disease. The differences were moderate. It is perceived that for inhabitants of La Legua neighborhood depression is strongly associated with the affective sphere, but it appears that it is also the result of the complexity of the social environment.


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A presente dissertação teve como linha de rumo a questão de partida: De que forma é que a existência de ambientes de aprendizagem não formal e informal no território/comunidade pode enquadrar e reforçar as aprendizagens formais e a relação com a escola? Através duma abordagem teórica que inclui uma revisão bibliográfica e a análise de normativos legais que abordam e regulamentam a área em que decorre o nosso estudo, procurámos dar resposta aos seguintes objectivos: a) efectuar a cartografia institucional do território educativo do Agrupamento de Escolas nº4 de Évora; b) conhecer o potencial educativo existente nas associações e instituições localizadas no território; c) identificar instituições que possibilitem novas ofertas educativas e possam promover e potenciar o sucesso educativo, d) avaliar a oferta local de ambientes de aprendizagem e a sua disponibilidade para a promoção de parcerias educativas. Ao nível do estudo empírico e como forma de dar resposta às questões da investigação, optámos por uma metodologia mista (quantitativa/qualitativa), numa aproximação conceptual ao estudo de caso, tendo recorrido ao inquérito por questionário, aplicado como técnica de recolha de dados. Após a apresentação dos dados disponíveis, sua análise e interpretação, apurámos as seguintes conclusões: a) as instituições objecto do nosso estudo constituem um recurso do qual este Agrupamento não pode prescindir para a prossecução da sua acção educativa; b) estas instituições desenvolvem no seu seio uma considerável quantidade de actividades que envolvem aprendizagens; c) estas instituições estão receptivas à promoção de parcerias com o Agrupamento; d) estas instituições, pela área de actividade desenvolvida e pelo desenvolvimento de actividades com aprendizagem, podem potenciar novas ofertas educativas; e) estão reunidas as condições, nesta comunidade educativa, para a construção duma Carta Educativa de Agrupamento envolvendo todos os ambientes de aprendizagem disponíveis. No final da nossa dissertação expressámos as recomendações e sugestões que possam potenciar futuras investigações ABSTRACT; The following dissertation had, has a basis, the starting question (How can the existence of formal and informal environments in the territory/community regulate and reinforce the formal apprenticeships and the relationship with the school?). Through a theoretical approach and bibliographical and an analysis of legislation concerning to the area of our study we have tried to answer to the following objectives: a) create an institutional map of the educative territory of 4th Group of Schools of Évora) understand the educational potential of the institutions and associations in the territory; c) identify the institutions that may offer new educational offers that promote and may increase the educational success and d) evaluate the local offer of apprenticeship environments and their willingness to promote educational partnerships. ln terms of empirical study and as a way to answer the questions of our investigation we have opted to use a mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology in a conceptual approach to the case study having used a survey by questionnaire which was used as a technique for data collection. After the presentation of the available data, we have analyzed and interpreted it and got to the following conclusions: a) the institutions that we have studied are a resource that our Group of Schools must use to fulfill its educational action; b) these institutions create inside themselves a considerable amount of activities that involve apprenticeships; c) these institutions are receptive to the creation of partnerships with the group; d) these institutions may create new educational offers because of their activity area and their development of apprenticeship activities; e) there are conditions, in this educational community for the creation of a real Educational Chart for the 4th Group of Schools concerning all the learning environments. At the end of our dissertation we express our recommendations and suggestions that may help in future investigations