4 resultados para Architecture history
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A Casa Grande de Romarigães terá sido erguida em 1700 em Romarigães, no concelho de Paredes de Coura, em torno da construção da capela de Nossa Senhora do Amparo, conformando a Quinta do Amparo. Terá servido de cenário literário a uma das mais simbólicas obras do escritor Aquilino Ribeiro – A Casa Grande de Romarigães, escrita entre 1950 e 1957, ano da sua publicação. A estrutura arquitectónica foi classificada como Imóvel de Interesse Público em 1986, atribuição que, apesar de demonstrar a preocupação de proteger e conservar este legado histórico e arquitectónico, ainda não derivou em nenhum estudo rigoroso sobre a sua evolução morfológica – instrumento fundamental para a coerência de futuras intervenções neste lugar. Com base nas constantes descrições na obra de Aquilino Ribeiro, e do seu confronto com a documentação histórica entretanto encontrada (escrita e gráfica, em grande parte inédita), este trabalho de investigação propõe o desenho da evolução morfológica da casa ao longo dos tempos, bem como a enunciação da influência deste solar para a organização social, cultural e económica da aldeia de Romarigães. Procura, enfim, e num sentido mais lato, indagar sobre a utilidade de um documento literário para o lançamento de hipóteses no contexto de uma investigação arquitectónica, consubstanciadas pela posterior comprovação através de fontes primárias; ABSTRACT: A Casa Grande de Romarigães (The Great House of Romarigães) was erected in early XVIII century, in Romarigães, Paredes de Coura, nearby the chapel of Nossa Senhora do Amparo, the chosen name for the villa – Quinta do Amparo. This house and villa has been the literary scene of one of the most remarkable works of the writer Aquilino Ribeiro (1885C1963) – A Casa Grande Romarigães, written between 1950 and 1957, the year of its publication. In 1986, the architectural structure is classified as cultural heritage by the Portuguese state but, despite the meaningful idea of preservation and protection of the historical legacy and architecture, there has not been an initiative to study its morphological evolution and architectural relevance – key tool for future and consistent interventions in such rich and particular scenario. Based on descriptions that can be found in the work of Aquilino Ribeiro, and supported with historical documentation research (both written and graphic, mostly unpublished), this work suggests the design of the morphological evolution of the house over the years, together with the construction of its influence on social, cultural and economic organization of the village of Romarigães. In a broader sense, this work intends to inquire about the usefulness of a literary document for launching assumptions in the context of an architectural research, substantiated by further evidence through primary sources.
This is much more than a mere compilation of texts about Corbusian architecture. The articles gathered here focus on Le Corbusier’s reflections about the public space of earlier times and its influence upon his own output, the relationship of his designs with the pre-existing city, and other subjects drawn from all periods of his career and training that clarify the affinity that he established with the past through urban design. They are very heterogeneous, pointing off in different directions and marking the most diverse interests. But at the same time they are interconnected, in that they seek to shed light on the affinity that Le Corbusier established with the past from the point of view of urban design, and open up new perspectives about the public space in his work and its controversial relationship with history. This special issue thus bears witness once again to Le Corbusier’s inexhaustible legacy, but also to the usefulness of research on his work and thought – a subject about which it seemed that everything had already been said when, paradoxically, we now know that there is still almost everything left to say.
Lost in history, the ruin of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not recognized separated from its birthplace, i.e. nature, for more than 700 years. Yet, within its silent presence, the monument dominated the name of the region: ‘Paharpur’ (land of hillock), according to its appearance surrounds by its flat land topo¬graphy. Discovered in 1919, the single largest Buddhist Vihara (monas¬tery) of ancient Bengal came into light, pronouncing the flou¬rishing minute of Buddhist architecture, once dominant religious force of the subcontinent. The earliest historical monumental architecture of greater Asia, had long been deriving itself from the Buddhist monastic architecture as early as VI century BC. In line of history, the discovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contributed attesting the sensitivities of a highly sophisticated architectonic typology of Vihara Architecture in the land of ancient Bengal. The recovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not only from its cradle of nature, but also from its remarkable existence imprinted in the reign of Pala dynasty (750 - 1155 AD) announcing the existential foothold of man in his nature. The existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ comprises the factors, responsible in shaping the anchorage of the mo¬nument since the birth of Vihara architecture, as early as 530 BC. These factors not only denote the building technology in response to its environment but also the amalgamation of be¬lief, upon which the dwellers transformed the site as a place announcing their existence on earth. This research paper aims at exploring the existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, in terms of its territorial, functional, structural, social, cultural, religious sym¬bolic hierarchies of human achievement while clarifying the architectonic typology that shaped ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ through evolution process of ‘Vihara Architecture’. This understanding intends to combine the archaeological knowledge with comparative architectural analysis of contem¬porary Viharas of ancient Bengal, to define the singularity of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. In consequence, the glorious past of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ is intended to portray through iden¬tifying the relation of religious and functional rationalism with the connotation of art, architecture and belief moulded within natural forces, as one complete entity; RESUMO: Vihara Arquitetura: Definindo a posição existencial do século VIII Budista mosteiro “Somapura Mahavihara” de Bengala antiga. Perdidas na História, as ruínas de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ foram confundidas com uma montanha durante mais de setecentos anos. Contudo, no seu silêncio presente, o monumento marcou a toponímia da região; ‘Paharpur’ significa ‘a terra do outeiro’, evidenciando a singularidade deste monumento numa região dominada por uma extensa planície. Em 1919, foi descoberto o maior mosteiro budista da antiga região de Bengal, demonstrando a prosperidade da arquitectura budista. Tem¬poralmente, a descoberta de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contribuiu para atestar a evolução e a sofisticação da tipologia arquitectónica denominada ‘Arquitectura Vihara’, existente na antiga região de Bengal. A noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ compreende os factores responsáveis por moldar a ancoragem do monumento ao lugar em que se insere desde o início da arquitectura Vihara, que remonta a 530 a.C. Estes factores evidenciam a tecnologia construtiva empregue para responder ao ambiente envolvente mas também a evolução da religião, factores estes que os monges construtores consideraram ao transformar o lugar e anunciar a sua existência na Terra. Esta investigação tem por objectivo explorar a noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, nas suas dimensões territoriais, funcionais, estruturais, sociais, culturais e nas hierarquias simbólicas das realizações humanas para clarificar a tipologia arquitectónica que deu forma a ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ durante a evolução da arquitectura Vihara. Este entendimento pretende combinar/cruzar o conhecimen¬to arqueológico com estudos arquitectónicos comparativos de Viharas na antiga região de Bengal, com o objectivo de definir a singularidade de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. Neste estudo estudar-se-á também o confronto entre a dimensão religiosa e a artística (divino vs. humano), integrados na arquitectura de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ em perfeita harmonia.
It is generally assumed that Le Corbusier’s urban planning made a break with the past, and that the public spaces designed by him had nothing to do with anything that existed before – a conviction fostered by both the innovative character of his proposals and by the proliferation in his manifestos of watchwords that mask any evocation of the past – words like civilisation machiniste, l’esprit nouveau, l’architecture de demain. However, in his writings, Le Corbusier often mentioned the powerful analogy that exists between the architecture of other times and the logic of modern production. Vers une architecture, for example, contains a mixture of photographs showing silos, cars, aeroplanes, ships (i.e. the fruits of 19th and 20th century civil architecture and mechanical engineering) alongside photographs of Greek and Roman buildings. While Le Corbusier, at the end of the 1920s, claimed “I have only one teacher: the past; only one education: the study of the past”, a series of sketches in the first volume of the Œuvre complète, done during his youth at the archaeological sites visited during his Grand Tour, shows that his interest in the past went far beyond a simple reference.