21 resultados para Antibiotics in veterinary medicine

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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In Portugal, Veterinary Pathology is developing rapidly, and in recent years we assist to the emergence of private laboratories and the restructuring of universities,polytechnics and public laboratories.The Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology,through its actions and its associates has been keeping the discussion among its peers in order to standardizethe criteria of description,classification and evaluation of cases which are the subject of our daily work.One of the last challenges is associated with the use of routine histochemical techniques and immunohistochemistry, in an effort to establish standardized panels for tumour diagnosis, which could eventually reduce each analysis cost.For this purpose a simple survey was built, in which all collaborators answered questions about the markers used for carcinoma, sarcoma and round cell tumour diagnosis, as well as general questions related with the subject. We obtained twenty-one answered to the questions, from public and private laboratories.In general, in most cases immunohistochemical and histochemical methods are used for diagnosis.The wide spectrum cytokeratins are universally used to confirm carcinoma, and vimentin for sarcoma. The CD3 marker is used by all laboratories to identify T lymphocytes. For the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma, the marker used is not consensual. In each laboratory there are different markers for more specific situations and only two labs perform PCR techniques for diagnosis. These data will be presented to promote extended discussion,namely to reach a consensus when different markers are used.


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Fleas, several aeroallergens as well as many food allergens are the most common allergenic sources for animals and frequent cause of allergic reactions with different target organs such as skin, eyes, and respiratory or digestive systems. Allergy diagnosis needs to follow well-established guidelines under clinical and laboratory approaches. Since 1980 with the Hanifin & Rajka’s criteria for the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (AD) in humans, successive proposals have been developed to identify atopic dermatitis in dogs. A consensual plan was first proposed by Willemse in 1986 undergoing several modifications in 1994. Prélaud and colleagues made important changes to the plan in 1998 and it was further adjusted by Favrot in 2009. In 2010, this plan was approved by the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD). It was subjected in 2015 to minor updates with regard to therapeutic options. To improve diagnostic accuracy by integrating the basic knowledge on sensitization development and allergen nature and diversity, allergen sources and implicated molecular allergens for animals should be clearly identified. As well as in human medicine, this molecular epidemiology concept is essential for the veterinary allergy diagnosis in the near future, standing as the basis of a component-resolved diagnosis (CRD). Besides current pharma- cotherapy, it will be highly relevant to increase the efficiency of the avoidance measures and specific immunotherapy. Clinical guidelines will lead to at least 80 % of positive diagnosis of atopy, but newer laboratory methods in veterinary medicine aiming to a more precise diagnosis and a better integration of the clinical/laboratory diagnostic course are needed. Allergoms identification for animals, from different allergen sources proteoms should become a priority in veterinary allergology, in order to allow the intended CRD, which is essential to understand the cross-reaction phenomena, allowing a more precise and possibly effective component-resolved immunotherapy (CRIT). Further research has been carried out for a better understanding of the interaction between allergic clinical condition and immune pathophysiology. As well as in human medicine, a deeper knowledge of the molecular immunological mechanisms in veterinary allergy — with their specific allergen triggers — will also provide the veterinary allergist with the necessary information to act more efficiently in the future.


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Biomarkers are nowadays essential tools to be one step ahead for fighting disease, enabling an enhanced focus on disease prevention and on the probability of its occurrence. Research in a multidisciplinary approach has been an important step towards the repeated discovery of new biomarkers. Biomarkers are defined as biochemical measurable indicators of the presence of disease or as indicators for monitoring disease progression. Currently, biomarkers have been used in several domains such as oncology, neurology, cardiovascular, inflammatory and respiratory disease, and several endocrinopathies. Bridging biomarkers in a One Health perspective has been proven useful in almost all of these domains. In oncology, humans and animals are found to be subject to the same environmental and genetic predisposing factors: examples include the existence of mutations in BR-CA1 gene predisposing to breast cancer, both in human and dogs, with increased prevalence in certain dog breeds and human ethnic groups. Also, breast feeding frequency and duration has been related to a decreased risk of breast cancer in women and bitches. When it comes to infectious diseases, this parallelism is prone to be even more important, for as much as 75% of all emerging diseases are believed to be zoonotic. Examples of successful use of biomarkers have been found in several zoonotic diseases such as Ebola, dengue, leptospirosis or West Nile virus infections. Acute Phase Proteins (APPs) have been used for quite some time as biomarkers of inflammatory conditions. These have been used in human health but also in the veterinary field such as in mastitis evaluation and PRRS (porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome) diagnosis. Advantages rely on the fact that these biomarkers can be much easier to assess than other conventional disease diagnostic approaches (example: measured in easy to collect saliva samples). Another domain in which biomarkers have been essential is food safety: the possibility to measure exposure to chemical contaminants or other biohazards present in the food chain, which are sometimes analytical challenges due to their low bioavailability in body fluids, is nowadays a major breakthrough. Finally, biomarkers are considered the key to provide more personalized therapies, with more efficient outcomes and fewer side effects. This approach is expected to be the correct path to follow also in veterinary medicine, in the near future.


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Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária da Universidade de Évora, encontrando-se dividido em duas partes. A primeira é referente à casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio curricular, decorrido no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo (HVR), com a duração de quatro meses, desde 03 de Agosto de 2015 a 06 de Dezembro de 2016, sob orientação da Doutora Sandra Branco e coorientação do Dr. Diogo Magno, subdiretor clínico do HVR. A segunda parte é constituída por uma monografia subordinada ao tema “Erliquiose Monocítica Canina”, seguida de um caso clínico acompanhado pelo autor no âmbito do referido tema. A erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC) é uma doença infeciosa transmitida por um vetor, o ixodídeo Riphicephalus sanguineus, cujos controlos químicos e ambientais são essenciais para reduzir a prevalência da doença. É causada por uma bactéria intracelular, Ehrlichia canis, que afeta o sistema imunitário dos cães, manifestando diferentes fases de evolução e podendo apresentar formas aguda e crónica da doença. O tratamento de primeira escolha é o uso da antibioterapia com tetraciclinas, dentre as quais a doxiciclina, para além do tratamento de suporte, como a fluidoterapia. O prognóstico é variável, dependendo da precocidade e eficiência da terapêutica instituída; ABSTRACT: The present report, wrote to get the master degree in veterinary medicine area, on Universidade de Évora, is divided up into two distinct parts. On one hand it describes the clinical situations’ roll, assisted through the experimental trainee, that took place on Hospital Veterinário do Restelo (HVR), for a period of four months, specifically since 3 august 2015 until 6 december 2015, and this trainee was led by Doctor Sandra Branco, and also the HVR’s clinical subdirector Dr. Diogo Magno. On other hand the second parts reveals a monograph titled “ehrlichiosis monocytic canine” (EMC), specifying a particular clinical case followed by the author. The EMC an infectious disease transmitted by a tick - Riphicephalus sanguineus – whose chemical controls and even the environmental ones are crucial to reduce the disease’s prevalence. The disease has an intracellular bacteria origin - Ehrlichia canis – responsability for the dog’s immune system infection, and it reveals different evolution phases and present acute or in some cases chronic forms. The treatment’s first step is to use an antibiotic with tetracycline that include doxycycline, and as a fluid’s therapy addition is use to do the supportive treatment. The diagnosis is variable so it depends on precocity evaluation and even on the therapeutics efficiencies.


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O presente relatório foi elaborado com o objetivo de descrever as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora. Numa primeira parte é apresentada a casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio, com referência mais pormenorizada a alguns dos casos clínicos acompanhados nas diversas áreas de intervenção da clínica de equinos. Segue-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o corrimento nasal unilateral em equinos, com especial ênfase para as sinusites. Termina com o relato de quatro casos clínicos, desde o surgimento dos primeiros sinais clínicos até à sua resolução médica/ cirúrgica; ABSTRACT: This report was prepared in order to describe the activities developed during the integrated internship of the master's degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Evora. The first part describes the casuistics followed along the traineeship with more detailed reference to some of the clinical cases assisted in different areas of intervention of the equine clinics. The second part presents a literature review on the unilateral nasal discharge in horses with special emphasis on sinusitis. It ends with the description of four clinical cases since the appearance of the first clinical signs to their medical/ surgical resolution.


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Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária e está estruturado em duas partes. Na primeira parte deste relatório é apresentada a casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio curricular e a segunda parte é constituída por uma revisão bibliográfica subordinada ao tema, importância da ecografia em reprodução de bovinos, seguida da exposição de um caso clínico sobre orquite em bovinos e a discussão do mesmo; Abstract: clinic and surgery in livestock species This report was carried out under the curriculum of the integrated master in veterinary medicine and is structured in two parts. In the first part of this report is presented the casuistry observed throughout the traineeship and in the second part was made a literature review on the topic ultrasound importance in bovine reproduction, followed by exposure of one clinical case of orchitis in bovine and is respective discussion.


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O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado de Medicina Veteri-nária, estando divido em duas partes. A primeira parte refere-se à casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio curricular, realizado no Centro Hospitalar Veterinário do Porto, no período de-corrido entre 1 de setembro de 2015 e 29 de fevereiro de 2016. A segunda parte engloba uma monografia sobre o tema “Cetoacidose Diabética em canídeos”, incluindo ainda o relato de três casos clínicos acompanhados no decorrer do estágio. A cetoacidose diabética (CAD) é uma complicação urgente do diabetes mellitus, ocorrendo principalmente em animais nunca antes tratados com insulina de longa ação. O diagnóstico de CAD passa pela anamnese, sinais clínicos e deteção de hiperglicemia severa, glicosúria e cetonúria. O diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças concomitantes constituem o passo mais desafiante. O prognóstico depende da severidade da acidose, das doenças concomitantes e das limitações financeiras dos proprietários; Abstract: Small Animal Practice This report was carried out for the completion of the Master degree in veterinary medicine and is divided in two parts. The first part includes the accompanied cases throughout the train-eeship, which was held at the Centro Hospitalar Veterinário of Porto, between September 1st 2015 and February 29th 2016. The second part includes a monograph on "Diabetic Ketoacidosis in dogs ", including the report of three clinical cases followed during the internship. Diabetic ke-toacidosis (DKA) is an urgent complication of diabetes mellitus, occurring mainly in animals that were never treated with long-action insulin. The diagnosis of DKA involves the history, clinical signs and detection of severe hyperglycemia, glycosuria and ketonuria. The diagnosis and treat-ment of concomitant diseases are the most challenging steps. The prognosis depends on the severity of acidosis and concomitant diseases, as well as the financial restrictions of the owners.


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Para conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora foi realizado um estágio no Centro Hospitalar Veterinário, situado no Porto, de Setembro de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2016, sob a orientação do Dr. André Gomes Pereira. O presente relatório está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte consiste numa descrição de todos os casos e procedimentos assistidos. A segunda parte é composta por uma monografia sobre o tema “Pancreatite Canina”, com apresentação de dois casos clínicos, acompanhados durante a realização do estágio. A pancreatite é atualmente a doença do pâncreas exócrino mais comum em cães, podendo estar associada a inúmeros fatores de risco. A não existência de um teste, não invasivo, suficientemente específico e sensível, aliado à inespecificidade dos sinais clínicos torna o diagnóstico da pancreatite desafiante. Contudo, a ecografia abdominal é um teste de fácil utilização, que associado à crescente especialização do Médico Veterinário se tem mostrado muito útil na deteção de alterações pancreáticas; Abstract: (Small Animal Medicine and Surgery) For completion of the MSc in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Évora was held an internship at the Centro Hospitalar Veterinário located in Porto, from September 2015 to February 2016, under the supervision of Dr. André Gomes Pereira. This report is divided into two sections. The first part is a description of all cases and procedures. The second part consists of a monograph about "Canine Pancreatitis" with the presentation of two clinical cases followed during the internship. Pancreatitis is currently the most common exocrine pancreas disease in dogs that may be associated with numerous risk factors. The absence of a test, non-invasive, sensitive and specific enough, combined with the lack of specific clinical signs makes the diagnosis of pancreatitis challenging. However, abdominal ultrasound is an easy to use test that combined with the increasing specialization of the veterinarian has been very useful in detecting pancreatic changes.


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O estágio curricular, descrito no presente relatório, teve lugar no Hospital Veterinário do Porto, num período de seis meses, desde 14 de setembro de 2015 a 14 de março de 2016. Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária e encontra-se dividido em duas partes. A primeira referente à casuística acompanhada no decorrer do estágio e a segunda constituída por uma revisão bibliográfica subordinada ao tema “Eritema multiforme canino”. Seguidamente apresenta-se um caso clínico acompanhado pela autora, no âmbito desse mesmo tema. O eritema multiforme é uma doença imunomediada multifatorial descrita em humanos, cães, gatos, cavalos, bovinos e ovinos. A sua patogenia continua por esclarecer mas supõe-se que seja resultado de uma reação de hipersensibilidade mediada por células a vários antigénios. O seu diagnóstico é histopatológico, sendo que o prognóstico varia consoante a severidade das lesões e o conhecimento da causa; Abstract: Small Animal Surgery and Clinical Practice The externship described in this report took place at the Veterinary Hospital of Porto, in a six month period, between the 14th of September 2015 and the 14th of March 2016. This report was carried out under the masters degree in veterinary medicine and is divided into two parts. The first is related to the casuistics accompanied during the externship and the second consists of a literature review on the theme "Canine erythema multiforme", followed by a clinical case accompanied by the author, on the same subject. Erythema multiforme is a multifactorial immune-mediated disorder described in humans, dogs, cats, horses, cattle and sheep. Its pathogenesis remains unclear but is thought to be a result of a hypersensitivity reaction mediated by cells to various antigens. The diagnosis is histological, and the prognosis varies depending on the severity of lesions and the knowledge of the cause.


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O presente relatório refere-se às atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio final do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora. O trabalho está dividido em duas componentes. A primeira consiste na descrição das atividades desenvolvidas na área da sanidade, profilaxia e clínica médica e cirúrgica de espécies pecuárias. A área da sanidade animal foi, em termos percentuais, aquela que registou uma maior atividade. A segunda componente visa uma revisão bibliográfica da língua azul ou febre catarral ovina, complementada pelo relato e discussão de dois surtos, um numa vacada e outro num rebanho de ovinos. A língua azul é uma doença epizoótica, infeciosa, de etiologia viral, transmitida por insetos do género Culicoides que afeta ruminantes domésticos e silvestres; Abstract: This report refers to the activities developed during the final stage of the Master‘s Degree in Veterinary Medicine of the University of Évora. The work is divided into two components. The first is the description of the activities in the area of sanity, prophylaxis and medicine and surgery in livestock species. The area of sanity was, percentually, the one with most accounted cases. The second component of this work aims to a literature review of bluetongue, complemented with the presentation and discussion of two outbreaks, one in a cattle herd and the other in a sheep herd. Bluetongue is a viral, epizootic and infectious disease transmitted by insects of the genus Culicoides which affects domestic and wild ruminants.


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O presente relatório de conclusão do curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora é baseado no estágio curricular realizado no hospital de equinos “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” na Alemanha e em clínica ambulatória com a Dra. Rita Rocha Pires na zona da Grande Lisboa e no concurso de saltos de obstáculos internacional de Vilamoura. O presente relatório é dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte apresenta a casuística nos dois locais do estágio e descreve alguns dos casos clínicos e cirúrgicos acompanhados nas diferentes áreas da clínica de equinos. A segunda parte aborda uma monografia sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de diferentes tipos de tratamento de fraturas completas do terceiro osso do metacarpo/tarso e apresenta um caso clinico de fratura cominutiva do terceiro osso do metatarso, o qual foi acompanhado durante o estágio na Alemanha; EQUINE CLINICS AND SURGERY ABSTRACT: The present report is based on the curricular internship, integrated on the Master´s degree in veterinary medicine at the University of Évora, which took place at the equine hospital “Pferdeklinik in Kirchheim” in Germany and at outpatient clinic with Dr. Rita Rocha Pires in the Greater Lisbon area and at the international show jumping competition in Vilamoura. This report is divided into two sections. The first section presents the casuistry at the two internship sites and describes some of the clinical and surgical cases followed in different areas of equine clinics. The second section develops a monograph on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of treatment for complete third metacarpal/tarsal bone fractures and presents a clinical case of a comminuted third metatarsal bone fracture, which was accompanied during the internship in Germany.


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O presente relatório foi elaborado com o objetivo de descrever as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora. Numa primeira parte é apresentada a casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio, com referência mais pormenorizada a alguns dos casos clínicos acompanhados nas diversas áreas de intervenção da clínica de espécies pecuarias. A segunda parte deste relatório é composta por uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema “Cetose em bovinos”. Termina com um estudo que tem como objetivo principal avaliar a relação entre a ocorrência de cetose e os valores do índice de condição corporal no pré-parto e nas primeiras semanas de lactação. Os resultados não evidenciaram qualquer associação estatisticamente significativa entre os valores do índicie de condição corporal e a prevalência de cetose; Clinical medical and surgery in livestock species Abstract: This report was prepared in order to describe the activities developed during the integrated internship of the master's degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Evora. The first part describes the casuistics followed along the traineeship with more detailed reference to some of the clinical cases assisted in different areas of intervention of clinic livestock species. The second part of this report consists of a brief literature review on the topic "ketosis in cattle". It ends with a study that aims to evaluate the relationship between the occurrence of ketosis and the values of body condition score in antepartum and during the first weeks of lactation. The results did not show any statistically significant association between the values of body condition score and the prevalence of ketosis.


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O presente relatório tem como objetivo a descrição das atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora realizado de 15 de novembro de 2015 a 15 de maio de 2016. Na primeira parte descreve a casuística acompanhada durante o estágio na Equimuralha, com destaque para alguns casos mais relevantes de cada área da clinica e cirurgia de equinos. Posteriormente a revisão bibliográfica com o tema Parasitismo de Gasterophilus spp. em Cavalos. Culminando com um estudo retrospetivo referente aos dados de equinos que apresentaram míase oral durante o exame da cavidade oral e correção da mesa dentária de 2014 a 2016 com o tema: “Estudo do parasitismo por Gasterophilus spp. na cavidade oral de cavalos no Alentejo”; Equine Clinics and Surgery Abstract: This report describes the activities developed the integrated internship of the master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Évora, which was held from 15th November 2015 to 15th May 2016. The first part describes the casuistics followed during the traineeship in Equimuralha, highlighting some cases of each area of intervention of the equine clinics and surgery. A Second part contains a literature review on the Parasitism of Gasterophilus in horses. Finally, a retrospective study is performed about horses presenting oral miasis between 2014 and 2016 during the oral examination: “Parasitism study by Gasterophilus spp. in the oral cavity of horses in Alentejo”.


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O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio curricular realizado no Badoca Safari Park, no âmbito do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária da Universidade de Évora, na área de medicina de espécies zoológicas Este encontra-se dividido em duas partes, uma relativa às atividades realizadas e casuística, acompanhada de aprofundamento teórico, e outra relacionada com a pesquisa de hemoparasitas em ungulados, através de esfregaços sanguíneos, efetuada no decorrer do estágio. As hemoparasitoses são infeções com potencial zoonótico, transmitidas por vetores, associadas a importantes perdas económicas. O controlo destas afeções tem como obstáculos fatores económicos e sociais, a heterogenicidade de hospedeiros que estes hemoparasitas e respetivos vetores apresentam, assim como o facto das espécies de animais selvagens poderem atuar como hospedeiros reservatórios. A entrada de animais exóticos e saída de autóctones, em zonas endémicas, provoca desequilíbrios na relação entre o parasita e hospedeiro que poderão despoletar episódios de doença; Abstract: Zoo and Wildlife medicine This report refers to the internship held at Badoca Safari Park, as part of the integrated master’s degree in veterinary medicine, at the University of Évora, in the clinic area of wild species and wild animals. This thesis is devided into two parts, one on the activities and cases, accompanied by theoretical studies, and the other related to hemoparasites research on ungulates through blood smears, performed during the intership. The hemoparasitoses are infections with zoonotic potential, transmited by vectors associated with significant economic losses. The control of these affections has as main obstacles the economic and social factors, the heterogeneity of hosts these hemoparasites and respective vectors present, as well as the fact that the wildlife species can act as reservoir hosts. The entry of exotic animals and the disappearance of natives, in endemic areas, causes imbalances in the relationship between parasite and host that can trigger episodes of illness.


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O presente relatório, inerente ao estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, tem como objetivo descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio na área da clínica e cirurgia de espécies pecuárias. A primeira parte do relatório consiste na descrição do local de estágio e na distribuição casuística das atividades acompanhadas. A segunda parte consiste numa revisão bibliográfica e no desenvolvimento de dois casos clínicos ocorridos em bovinos, relacionados com o tema, “necrobacilose hepática bovina” (NHB). A NHB é uma doença infecciosa de grande impacto económico, principalmente em explorações de bovinos de engorda intensiva. Carateriza-se pela formação de abcessos hepáticos, cujo agente etiológico primário é Fusobacterium necrophorum. É de difícil diagnóstico em vida, raramente demonstra sinais clínicos e o seu tratamento é pouco eficaz. A prevenção baseia-se na adição de antimicrobianos na alimentação, num correto maneio alimentar e eventualmente vacinação; Abstract: Medical and Surgical Pathology of livestock species The present report, inherent of the master in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Évora, aims to describe the activities carried out during the internship in the field of clinic and surgery of livestock species. The first part of the report is the description of the local of internship and the statistical distribution of activities. The second part consists of a literature review and the development of two clinical cases in cattle, related to the theme, “hepatic bovine necrobacillosis "(HBN). The HBN is an infectious disease of great economic impact, especially in feedlot cattle. It is characterized by the formation of liver abscesses, whose primary etiological agent is Fusobacterium necrophorum. It is difficult to diagnose in life, rarely show clinical signs and their treatment is ineffective. Prevention is based on the addition of antimicrobials in food, a correct feed management and eventually vaccination.