2 resultados para Anniversary

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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This special issue reports some of the highlights of the conference Living Landscape – The European Landscape Convention in Research Perspective, organised jointly by UNISCAPE and Landscape Europe (UNISCAPE, 2010). Starting questions for this conference were: what has science contributed to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (CoE, 2000) and what are the topics for the future of European landscape? The 10th anniversary of the Florence Convention in October 2010 was an opportunity to discuss the merits of landscape science in integrated research of a rapidly changing environment. Many interdisciplinary contributions presented referred to the Landscape Convention. The conference focused on cutting-edge research results at the crossroads of sciences and humanities, design and empiricism. Not by chance, the conference was also the occasion to launch a new ESF-COST Science-Policy Briefing on Landscape Research (Bloemers, Daniels, Fairclough, Pedroli, & Stiles, 2010 Bloemers, T., Daniels, S., Fairclough, G., Pedroli, B., & Stiles, R. (Eds.) (2010) Landscape in a changing world. Bridging Divides, integrating disciplines, serving society. Science Policy Briefing nr 41. Strasbourg and Brussels: ESF-COST. ): ‘Landscape in a Changing World – Bridging Divides, Integrating Disciplines, Serving Society’. It emphasises the importance of four interdisciplinary themes: Universal commons: securing landscape as a common good. Roots and routes: coming to terms with mobility and evolving lifestyles. Reactions and resilience: long-term landscape transformations. Road maps: landscape as baseline and context for future change. The papers in this special issue largely reflect these themes.


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City & Spectacle: a vision of pre-earthquake Lisbon consists of a virtual recrea on of the city of Lis- bon on the eve of the great earthquake of 1 November 1755, giving shape to a laboratory model for research into the city’s history. As its star ng point the project has the virtual recrea on of one the most emblema c of spaces from 18th century Lisbon, the Royal Opera House, which disappeared during the 1755 earthquake. The recrea on of the Opera House was developed in the scope of the commemora- ons of the 250th anniversary of the 1755 catastrophe as an a empt to restore this space of the highest ar s c quality to memory and to return it to the inventory of the Portuguese heritage of architectural history.1 Using Second Life® technology it was possible to put forward a model of both the struc- ture and interiors of the Opera House as well as its anima on combined with a small piece of the opera presented at the inaugura on of the building in April 1755. The public presenta on of this virtual model at the conference 1755: Catástrofe, memória e arte (1755: catastrophe, memory and art), which took place at the Centro de Estudos Compara- stas, Universidade de Lisboa, led to a debate on the study and cri cal analysis of documentary sources and their selec on and applica on on recrea ons using virtual world technology. It also emphasized the need to extend the research on pre-earthquake Lisbon.