3 resultados para Ancestor worship.

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Esta investigação visa averiguar quais as práticas educativas dos pais para apoiar a aprendizagem dos seus filhos. A investigação é enquadrada pelo marco sociocognitivo da auto-regulação da aprendizagem (Bandura, 1997; Rosário, 2004; Schunk, 2001; Zimmerman, 2000). A amostra foi constituída por 30 encarregados de educação com filhos a frequentar o 4°ano de escolaridade do ensino básico, numa escola pública localizada no distrito de Lisboa. Os dados foram obtidos através de questionários de resposta aberta, tendo sido utilizados procedimentos qualitativos e quantitativos na sua análise e tratamento. Os resultados revelam que os pais consideram maioritariamente que aprender e estudar são algo que se diferencia. Os factores determinantes sobre quem dá suporte e apoio ao aprender da criança prendem-se sobretudo com a disponibilidade e com o conhecimento por parte do progenitor em causa. Os pais criam condições físicas e ambientais para o apoio ao estudo o qual é sobretudo feito através da realização dos TPC e acreditam que o apoio por si prestado é vantajoso. As estratégias mais utilizadas pelos pais são as de ensaio e monitorização. /ABSTRACT: This investigation's purpose is to inquire what strategies are being used by parents in learning support. The investigation is of quality kind, and it's based on the sociocognitive theory (Bandura, 1997; Rosário, 2004; Schunk, 2001; Zimmerman, 2000) of self-regulated learning. ln this study participated 30 parents whose children are forth grade students, in a public school located in the district of Lisbon. Ali the data was obtained through an open­answer questionnaire and qualitative and quantitative procedures were used in its study and analysis. The results attained reveal that parents consider studying to be something different from learning. The determinant factors on who provides children's learning support are mostly related with the availability and the knowledge of the ancestor in cause. Parents create physical and ambient conditions for study support which over all is made through the accomplishment of homework and believe that the support given from themselves has advantageous. The strategies most commonly used by parents are of rehearsal and monitoring.


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A temática proposta como objeto de estudo na presente tese, é o resultado de uma investigação dedicada ao fenómeno de utilização da imaginária processional nos cortejos de penitência de pendor franciscano, nos séculos XVII a XX na ilha de S. Miguel, Açores. Este tipo de manifestações religiosas, particularmente característico no espaço Iberoamericano, evidencia-se pela originalidade cenográfica, na qual são utilizados vestuário e adereços cénicos como complementos dos respetivos conjuntos escultóricos, as denominadas imagens de vestir. No arquipélago dos Açores, a Venerável Ordem Terceira da Penitência teve um papel de grande importância na organização destes eventos processionais, sendo que as ilhas de S. Miguel e da Terceira representam atualmente um dos últimos redutos na organização de procissões penitenciais, com recurso à utilização de imagens de vestir. No caso especifíco de S. Miguel, este tipo de imaginária pode ser ainda observada nos acervos de algumas das antigas igrejas conventuais da Ordem dos Frades Menores existentes nesta ilha, bem como na única procissão oriunda do espírito penitencial da Ordem Terceira, que se realiza anualmente na cidade da Ribeira Grande. O estudo agora apresentado pretende compreender as diversas componentes da utilização deste tipo de imaginária, bem como o registo do legado patrimonial que os seculares franciscanos perpetuaram até à atualidade, materializado num processo de patrimonialização das suas imagens de vestir, expresso na dicotomia entre os objetos, enquanto matéria, e as suas realidades biográficas, ligadas às comunidades de Terceiros que estiveram por detrás do uso destas imagens processionais; ABSTRACT: Religious sculptures for dressing of the Third Procession: history, concepts, typologies and traditions - A Franciscan heritage legacy in the island of S. Miguel, Azores, between the 17th and 19th centuries. The theme proposed as object of study in this thesis is the result of a research dedicated to the custom of adorning religious sculptures and displaying them in Franciscan penitential processions between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries, in the island of S. Miguel, Azores. This type of religious expression, particularly characteristic in the Ibero-American space, featuring up by scenic originality, in which clothing and scenic props are used to complement the respective sculptural groups, called religious sculptures for dressing. In the Azores, the Venerable Third Order of Penance had a major role in organizing these processional events, and the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira currently represents one of the last holdouts in organizing penitential processions, with the use of religious sculptures for dressing. In the case of S. Miguel, this type of imaginary can still be seen in the collections of some of the ancient Order of the convent churches of the Friars Minor existing on this island, and the only procession coming from the penitential spirit of the Third Order, which is held annually in the city of Ribeira Grande. The study now being presented aims to understand the various components of the use of such imaginary, and the recording of heritage legacy that the Franciscan secular perpetuated to the present day, materialized in a patrimonialization process of their dress images, expressed in the dichotomy between objects, as matter, and their biographical realities, linked to third-party communities that were behind the use of these processional images.


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Ice ages are known to be the most dominant palaeoclimatic feature occurring on Earth, producing severe climatic oscillations and consequently shaping the distribution and the population structure of several species. Lampreys constitute excellent models to study the colonization of freshwater systems, as they commonly appear in pairs of closely related species of anadromous versus freshwater resident adults, thus having the ability to colonize new habitats, through the anadromous species, and establish freshwater resident derivates. We used 10 microsatellite loci to investigate the spatial structure, patterns of gene flow and migration routes of Lampetra populations in Europe. We sampled 11 populations including the migratory L. fluviatilis and four resident species, L. planeri, L. alavariensis, L. auremensis and L. lusitanica, the last three endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. In this southern glacial refugium almost all sampled populations represent a distinct genetic cluster, showing high levels of allopatric differentiation, reflecting long periods of isolation. As result of their more recent common ancestor, populations from northern Europe are less divergent among them, they are represented by fewer genetic clusters, and there is evidence of strong recent gene flow among populations. These previously glaciated areas from northern Europe may have been colonized from lampreys expanding out of the Iberian refugia. The pair L. fluviatilis/L. planeri is apparently at different stages of speciation in different locations, showing evidences of high reproductive isolation in the southern refugium, and low differentiation in the north.