4 resultados para Ana , Santa

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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A importância da encenação de uma transição entre o mundo secular e a vida em clausura, no contexto da arquitectura cartusiana, é amplamente demonstrada através dos percursos de entrada dos conjuntos mais relevantes, bem como em muitos daqueles representados nas gravuras presentes no livro Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, uma obra do início do século XX que inclui gravuras da quase totalidade dos 282 mosteiros cartusianos distribuídos por quase toda a Europa. Na maioria das cartuxas podem observarse transições indirectas e prolongadas, capazes de tardar o passo e dar significado à passagem para a clausura – características espaciais que São Bruno, fundador da casa cartusiana, considerava primordiais para a implantação do seu eremitério. A partir de uma cuidada análise dessa transição, nas cartuxas em geral, e da sua evolução morfológica, na cartuxa de Évora em particular – estimulada pela descoberta de dados aqui analisados e interpretados pela primeira vez – apresenta-se, em continuidade com a sua história e tendo como premissa a consolidação do processo de entrada, uma proposta de redefinição da estrutura monacal de Santa Maria Scala Coeli. Esta estrutura originária do século XVI encontra-se incompleta e degradada, em particular na ala sul onde se encontra o seu principal acesso, sendo fundamental o completamento desta área para o cabal reconhecimento da unidade do conjunto e da intenção na qual se traduz a sua génese. De resto, a estratégia de investigação e de projecto descrita nesta dissertação pode ser encarada como um processo plausível de ser utilizado no caso de futuras intervenções noutras estruturas cartusianas, contribuindo assim para a recuperação e preservação do conceito fundador da identidade da arquitectura cartusiana que, no decorrer da expansão da ordem, se foi perdendo; The Architecture of the Carthusian Monastery of Santa Maria Scala Coeli: About the process of entrance. ABSTRACT: The importance of staging a transition between the secular world and life cloistered in the context of Carthusian architecture is amply demonstrated through the input paths of the most important collections, as well as many of those represented in the pictures in the book Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, one of the early twentieth century work that includes prints of almost all of the 282 Carthusians monasteries spread across almost all of Europe. In most of Carthusian the transitions that can be observed are indirect and long, able to delay the step and give meaning to the passage to the life cloistered - spatial characteristics that St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order, considered essential for the implementation of his hermitage. From a careful analysis of this transition, looking through the Carthusian in general, and its morphological evolution, in the Charterhouse of Évora in particular, encouraged by the data discovery here analyzed and interpreted for the first time - it is presented in continuity with its history and having premised on the consolidation of the entry process, a proposal for a redefinition of the monastic structure of Santa Maria Scala Coeli. This original structure of the sixteenth century is incomplete and degraded, particularly in the south wing where it is the main access, and where is fundamental the completion of this area to the full recognition of the unity of the whole and to understand the intent in which translates its genesis. Moreover, the research strategy and project described in this paper can be seen as a plausible case to be used in case of future interventions in other cartusianas structures, thus contributing to the recovery and preservation of the founder of the identity concept of the Carthusian architecture that, during the expansion of the order, was missing.


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Diante da medida política, de cunho educativo, de ampliação do Ensino Fundamental brasileiro de oito para nove anos de escolaridade obrigatória, esta investigação propôs-se analisar os reflexos desta deliberação na proposta curricular oficialmente prescrita. A questão da qual se ocupou este estudo, é portanto: Quais as mudanças de natureza curricular, nas Séries Iniciais da Rede Estadual de Ensino de Santa Catarina, decorrentes das alterações estabelecidas pela Lei n. 11.274? Este estudo caracteriza-se por uma pesquisa documental, de abordagem histórica e qualitativa, cujo método de investigação é a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A análise dos Documentos Preliminares de Seleção e Organização Curricular para as Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos, permitiu-nos inferir que não houve mudanças significativas na organização curricular quando comparada com a Proposta Curricular de Santa Catarina elaborada anteriormente; ### ABSTRACT: NINE YEARS ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM: An analysis of the possible curriculum changes in the Elementary School first grades in Santa Catarina State – Brazil This investigation purposes to examine the policy measure, in a educative way, of the brazilian Elementary Education extension, from eight to nine required years, as also this decision´s consequences in the officially prescribed curriculum proposal. The question which this study has engaged is, therefor: what are the results of the first grade of elementary school curricular changes in Santa Catarina, according with the law n. 11.274? This study describes a documentary research, with a historical and qualitative approach, which investigation method is a content analysis technique. The analysis of the Curricular Preliminary Selection and Organization Documents to the Nine Years Elementary Education allowed us to conclude that no meaning changes have occurred in the curricular organizaton, when compared with the previous proposal.


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Effect of storage on physical-chemical properties and phenolics of sweet cherry from São Julião region. A.C. Agulheiro-Santos1, F. Vieira1, D. Gonzalez2, M. Lozano2, V. Palma1, A.E. Rato1 1Universidade de Évora. Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânica (ICAAM). 7000 Évora, Portugal. 2Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX). Ctra. San Vicente. Finca Santa Engracia. 06071 Badajoz, Spain. Worldwide the consumption of fruit and vegetables is increasing due to the dietary guidelines recommended by nutritionist. Because of their high content on phenols, vitamins, mineral and antioxidants, berry fruits are consumed not only in fresh forms but also as processed and derivative products such as juices, yogurts, jellies and dried fruits. As a high consumed red fruit, sweet cherry has been the focus on some studies, mainly regarding bioactive compounds content. “Sweetheart” cherries from São Julião region (Alentejo, Portugal) from two different production campaigns were kept in different storage conditions in order to evaluate both the environmental and storage effect on some physical-chemical properties and phenolics. Cold conditions - Cold (1 ºC, 95% RH) and modified atmosphere - MA (1 ºC, 95% RH with micro-perforated bags of Pplus®, Sidlaw Packaging, Bristol, UK) were tested. In order to establish the appropriate storage conditions, individual phenolic acids and physical-chemical properties were analysed during two consecutive years. Results show a general decrease on phenolic compounds content between cherries from both years. It is also observed that MA conditions do not affect significantly both phenolics and physical-chemical parameters when compared with Cold conditions. Additionally, it is observed similar behaviour on Cold and MA sweet cherries regarding its pH, total soluble solids content (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and colour and individual phenols during storage time. Concluding, these results show, as expected, changes between cultivars which may be correlated with the environmental conditions on different years. Keywords: sweet cherry, postharvest, phenols, physical-chemical, storage conditions.


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O presente estudo aborda a problemática dos alunos de risco no 2° Ciclo da E.B. 2,3 Ana de Castro Osório, no ano letivo 2004/2005. Na dimensão teórica são referenciadas algumas questões de Organização Escolar (escola reflexiva, autonomia de escola, gestores intermédios e supervisão escolar, o papel do Diretor de Turma, o Projeto Curricular de Escola, algumas linhas orientadoras da política educativa portuguesa, no período em que decorre a elaboração desta investigação) e abordados alguns aspetos gerais dos pré-adolescentes, diversos conceitos de risco, a ação de diversas entidades com competência na área da infância e juventude, o papel da família e a relação desta com a escola. Foi utilizada a metodologia do “Estudo Caso”, no decurso da qual foram analisados documentos internos da escola e elaborados instrumentos de recolha de dados (questionários aplicados aos Alunos e aos seus Diretores de Turma). No tratamento das informações de natureza quantitativa, utilizou-se o programa informático Excel, enquanto nas questões abertas procedeu-se à análise de conteúdo. Em síntese, concluiu-se que: a) um terço dos alunos que frequentava o 2° Ciclo do Ensino Básico, foi sinalizado como “aluno de risco”. Cerca de 75% era do 5° Ano de Escolaridade. Os fatores de risco que mais se destacam são: assiduidade irregular, desmotivação/desinteresse/apatia, défice de atenção e concentração, indisciplina e retenções sucessivas no seu percurso escolar. A família é pouco participativa. b) a resposta curricular dá-se essencialmente dentro da sala de aula; c) a resposta organizacional assenta essencialmente nalgumas medidas previstas nos documentos legislativos. Na última parte do trabalho deixamos expressas as conclusões do estudo mais pormenorizadas, bem como algumas recomendações/sugestões que eventualmente, poderão orientar posteriores investigações. /ABSTRACT - The risk students on a 2nd Cycle of classroom of the E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório, during academic year of 2004/2005: A Case study The present study attempts to assess risk students on a 2nd Cycle (Sth and 6th grades) classroom of the “E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório” Public School during the academic year of 2004/2005. On a theoretical scale, are assessed some questions about the Classroom Organization (reflexive school, school autonomy, intermediate directors and school supervision, the role of the Class Tutor, the School Curricular Project, some guidelines about the Portuguese education policy during the period when this study took place), and was also assessed some general aspects of preadolescents, risk concepts, and actions taken by various organizations specialized in the areas of childhood and youth, the role of the family and the interrelation between the family and the school. It was used a “Case Study” methodology during which was assessed school documents of this particularly school, and data collecting instruments (Student-applied and Class Tutor-applied questionnaires). On dealing with quantitative data, it was used the Excel application, while for the open questions was assessed by its contents. In brief, it was concluded that: a) a third of students that attended the 2nd Cycle Basic Education schools revealed to be “risk students”. Around 75% of them were 5th grade students. Among the most important risk factors are: irregular attendance, unmotivated/aloofness /apathy, lack of attention and concentration, indiscipline and successive retentions during their education pathway. The family is scarcely participative. b) The curricular response is normally given within the classroom; c) the organizational response lies mostly on some measures included in government documents. On the last part of the paper, we focus on more detailed conclusions, as well as give recommendations/suggestions which may eventually be of guidance to future studies.