7 resultados para Abandoned mines

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a implementação de estratégias de remediação de duas minas abandonadas na região do Alto Alentejo, a mina da Tinoca e a mina da Mostardeira. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de fitoremediação com as espécies Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.)Coss. e Spergularia purpurea (Persoon)G. Don fil. As misturas utilizadas como suporte para desenvolvimento das plantas resultaram da mistura (1:1) de resíduos de escombreira e solo. Estas misturas foram realizadas para as duas minas independentemente. A estas misturas foram adicionados correctivos minerais e um correctivo orgânico. Dos estudos realizados observou-se que medidas de atenuação/diluição não se mostraram suficientemente eficazes para permitir uma estabilização da zona superficial em causa, pelas espécies de plantas estudadas. Por outro lado, a adição de um correctivo orgânico, juntamente com a subida do pH do solo, conduziu a um melhoramento das características físicas e químicas das misturas originais facilitando a sua revegetação. ABSTRACT: This study was designed to implement remediation strategies in two abandoned mines in the region of Alto Alentejo, the Tinoca mine and Mostradeira mine. Phytoremediation tests were carried out with the species Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss. and Spergularia purpurea (Persoon) G. Don fil. The mixtures used to support plant growth resulted from the admixture (1:1) of waste tailings and soil and were performed independently for the two mines. Soil mineral correctives and organic fertilizers were added to these mixtures. The study showed that mitigation/dilution measures were not sufficiently effective to allow the stabilization of the area with the plant species studied. However, the addition of an organic corrective, along with the rise of soil pH, led to an improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the original amendment soil mixtures, hence facilitating its phytorestoration.


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The increasing integration of renewable energies in the electricity grid contributes considerably to achieve the European Union goals on energy and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions reduction. However, it also brings problems to grid management. Large scale energy storage can provide the means for a better integration of the renewable energy sources, for balancing supply and demand, to increase energy security, to enhance a better management of the grid and also to converge towards a low carbon economy. Geological formations have the potential to store large volumes of fluids with minimal impact to environment and society. One of the ways to ensure a large scale energy storage is to use the storage capacity in geological reservoir. In fact, there are several viable technologies for underground energy storage, as well as several types of underground reservoirs that can be considered. The geological energy storage technologies considered in this research were: Underground Gas Storage (UGS), Hydrogen Storage (HS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Underground Pumped Hydro Storage (UPHS) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES). For these different types of underground energy storage technologies there are several types of geological reservoirs that can be suitable, namely: depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, aquifers, salt formations and caverns, engineered rock caverns and abandoned mines. Specific site screening criteria are applicable to each of these reservoir types and technologies, which determines the viability of the reservoir itself, and of the technology for any particular site. This paper presents a review of the criteria applied in the scope of the Portuguese contribution to the EU funded project ESTMAP – Energy Storage Mapping and Planning.


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O património industrial mineiro assume cada vez mais, uma importância crescente em Portugal. As estruturas abandonadas deste período industrial que tanto marcou o nosso país estão a ser cada vez mais desprotegidas, sofrendo uma degradação crescente à medida que o tempo passa. É, portanto, relevante recuperá-las e elaborar projetos de valorização que visem dinamizar essas áreas preservando a memória coletiva. É neste panorama que se inserem as Minas das Barrojeiras das Alcanadas, concelho da Batalha. Pertencentes ao Couto Mineiro do Lena, laborando entre 1854 e 1956, estas minas foram abandonadas e entretanto despidas das estruturas que a compunham. Tendo isto em conta, foi proposta a realização de um circuito de valorização que complementa a exposição presente no MCCB, e que irá dinamizar aquele local; ABSTRACT: The industrial mining heritage, has nowadays an increasing importance in Portugal. The abandoned structures of this industrial time that defined so intensely our country are being forsaken more and more, suffering a growing degradation though out the time. Is therefore imperative to recover them and produce valuation projects that aim on enhancing the sites. Is in this perspective that the Minas of Barrojeiras of Alcanadas (in Batalha) are inserted. Belonging in the Couto Mineiro do Lena, and being active from 1854 till 1956, these mines were forsaken and later on, stripped from the structures that followed the activities of exploring the mineral. With this in mind, was proposed a valorization circuit that will enhance the location of the mine´s and will be a complement to the exhibition in Batalha´s MCCB.


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Nonobstant l’importance de l’exploitation des mines dans l’Empire portugais, la formation en ingénierie minière c’est développé tard dans le pays, ainsi pour surmonter la manque de formation en génie minier, le gouvernement a contracté avec des ingénieurs étrangers et au même temps plusieurs ingénieurs portugais ont complété sa formation à l’étranger. Dans ce texte, après une brève analyse des moyens par lesquels le gouvernent a essayé de créer une formation en mines et métallurgie au Portugal sont analysés les parcours professionnels de quelques ingénieurs portugais qui ont fréquenté l’École des mines de Paris.


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Although the extractive operations of quarrying are often considered environmental threats, there is some evidence that abandoned quarries may have a significant positive impact on biodiversity by enhancing habitat quality for several species. In Estremoz Anticlinal, SE Portugal, many of the existing marble quarries have been inactive for decades and were abandoned without any restoration project in progress. The impact of quarry abandonment on avifauna diversity was assessed relative to reference conditions using adjacent rural fields as control areas. No significant differences were found in within-community diversity (alpha diversity) between abandoned quarries and reference sites. However, several dissimilarity indices showed a clear divergence in species composition between abandoned quarries and reference sites. Furthermore, statistically significant differences in species compositions were found between quarries abandoned for different periods. Over time, species composition becomes more similar to that observed in reference sites, reflecting ecological succession and landscape resilience to quarrying. Nevertheless, the studied quarrying landscape exhibited higher gamma and beta diversity than the former traditional landscape; thus, our results suggest that abandoned quarries, rather than damaging and destroying niches, can promote new ecological niches and significantly diversify rural landscapes.


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Although the extractive operations of quarrying are often considered environmental threats, there is some evidence that abandoned quarries may have a significant positive impact on biodiversity by enhancing habitat quality for several species. In Estremoz Anticlinal, SE Portugal, many of the existing marble quarries have been inactive for decades and were abandoned without any restoration project in progress. The impact of quarry abandonment on avifauna diversity was assessed relative to reference conditions using adjacent rural fields as control areas. No significant differences were found in within-community diversity (alpha diversity) between abandoned quarries and reference sites. However, several dissimilarity indices showed a clear divergence in species composition between abandoned quarries and reference sites. Furthermore, statistically significant differences in species compositions were found between quarries abandoned for different periods. Over time, species composition becomes more similar to that observed in reference sites, reflecting ecological succession and landscape resilience to quarrying. Nevertheless, the studied quarrying landscape exhibited higher gamma and beta diversity than the former traditional landscape; thus, our results suggest that abandoned quarries, rather than damaging and destroying niches, can promote new ecological niches and significantly diversify rural landscapes.


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Resumo O trabalho de investigação que está a decorrer, tem como objeto de estudo as questões da identidade e da memória de uma aldeia alentejana, enquanto território de partilha de uma comunidade rural, tendo em conta a participação estratégica dos atores locais. Estudaremos a partir daí, a sua relação com a terra, o quotidiano, a mudança, a organização social, a ruralidade, os fatores portadores de futuro e novas propostas de desenvolvimento local, para territórios de baixa densidade. Pretende-se encontrar formas contributivas para preservar a identidade da aldeia e concomitantemente encontrar conjuntamente com os atores locais territorializados, alternativas de desenvolvimento local, capazes de contrariar a tendência de despovoamento e empobrecimento territorial. Com este trabalho de investigação, que se insere no âmbito da Sociologia da Ação, será utilizada metodologicamente o MACTOR e a sua aplicabilidade na determinação da estratégia de atores e respetivas relações de forças com o território e o que a ele diz respeito e ainda a observação participante/método de pesquisa de terreno e consequentemente o inquérito por entrevista. Pretendendo-se aprofundar e conhecer os problemas da interioridade e abandono populacional, designadamente na aldeia de Penedos que se situa na margem direita do rio Guadiana, freguesia de S. Miguel do Pinheiro e concelho de Mértola, no Baixo Alentejo. Abstract The research that is taking place, has as its object of study the issues of identity and memory of an Alentejo village, while sharing the territory of a rural community, taking into account the strategic participation of local actors. We'll look from there, his relationship with the earth, the everyday, change, social organization, rurality, the factors bearing on the future and new proposals for local development to areas of low density. The aim is to find ways contributory to preserve the identity of the village and found concomitantly in conjunction with local stakeholders territorialized, alternative local development, able to counteract the trend of depopulation and impoverishment territorial. With this research work, which falls within the Sociology of Action, will be used to methodologically MACTOR and its applicability in determining the strategy of respective actors and power relations with the territory and that he has concerns and participant observation / method of field research and thus the survey interview. Intending to go deeper and understand the problems of interiority and abandoned population, particularly in the village of Penedos which lies on the right bank of the Guadiana River, parish of S. Miguel do Pinheiro, county of Mértola, in the Baixo Alentejo.