2 resultados para 770 - Fotografie, Computerkunst (Photography and photographs)

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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This paper focusses on the study of the underdrawings of 16th century easel paintings attributed to the workshop of the Portuguese-Flemish Master Frei Carlos. This investigation encompasses multidisciplinary research that relates the results of surface exams (infrared reflectography, standard light photography and infrared photography) with analytical investigations. The surface analysis of Frei Carlos’ underdrawings by infrared reflectography has shown heterogeneous work, revealing two different situations: (1) an abundant and expressive underdrawing, revealing a Flemish influence and (2) a simple and outlined underdrawing. This preliminary research raised an important question related to this Portuguese-Flemish workshop and to the analytical approach: Is the underdrawing's heterogeneity, as observed in the reflectograms, related to different artists or is this rather an effect that is produced due to the use of different materials in the underdrawing's execution? Consequently, if different materials were used, how can we have access to the hidden underdrawings? In order to understand the reasons for this dissemblance, chemical analysis of micro-samples collected in underdrawing areas and representing both situations were carried out by optical microscopy, micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (μ-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) and micro-Raman spectroscopy (μ-Raman). Taking into account the different possibilities and practical and theoretical limitations of surface and punctual examinations in the study of easel painting underdrawings, the methodology of research was adjusted, sometimes resulting in a re-analysis of experimental results. This research shows the importance of combining multispectral surface exams and chemical analysis in the understanding of the artistic creative processes of 16th century easel paintings.


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Em Lisboa, ao longo dos séculos, o homem foi conquistando as águas do Tejo. Hoje, após os diversos aterros, a frente ribeirinha da cidade é uma consolidada faixa de terreno, rematada por muros que, contra a «ondulação» do Tejo, definem uma expandida área que acolhe uma intensa actividade portuária. Foi nesta faixa junto do rio que se desenrolou parte importante da história de Lisboa, desde as ocupações romana e muçulmana, e também muito particularmente aquando do período dos Descobrimentos, da reconstrução pombalina pós-terramoto e do surto industrial do século XIX. Alguns destes momentos históricos encontram-se reflectidos nas inúmeras plantas, cartas e mapas disponíveis neste estudo, desde a Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, de João Nunes Tinoco, até ao Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, de 1946. É com base nessas plantas, mas também em cartas manuscritas, relatos de época, gravuras e fotografias antigas – documentos em grande parte inéditos –, que este trabalho de investigação propõe cartografar este território, realizando desenhos originais que possibilitam um novo olhar sobre o seu processo de crescimento e consolidação. Assim, este estudo concilia todos estes elementos, constituindo uma análise completa que se debruça sobre a evolução da frente ribeirinha de Lisboa e que permite descobrir inúmeros aspectos até aqui desconhecidos, ajudando a responder à pergunta que hoje se coloca: perante o cenário que o porto actual atravessa, como melhor poderá Lisboa recuperar a relação com o rio?; THE CITY AND THE RIVER: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LISBON'S RIVERFRONT ABSTRACT: In Lisbon, over the centuries, man was conquering the waters of the Tagus. Today, after the various landfills, the city's riverfront is a consolidated strip of land, finished by walls that, against the "ripple" of the Tagus, define an expanded area that hosts an intense port activity. It was in this band along the river that unfolded important part of the history of Lisbon, from the Roman and Muslim occupations, and also very particularly during the period of the Discoveries, the post-earthquake reconstruction, and the industrial boom of the nineteenth century. Some of these historical moments are reflected in many plans, charts and maps available in this study, since the plan designated Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, made by João Nunes Tinoco, to the plan called Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, drawn in the year of 1946. Based on these plans, but also in handwritten letters, time reports, antique prints and photographs – documents that are mostly unpublished – this research work proposes map this territory, performing original drawings that provide a new look at their growth process and consolidation. Thereby, this study combines all these elements, providing a complete analysis which focuses on the evolution of the Lisbon riverfront and that allows you to discover many aspects unknown until now, helping to answer the question that now arises: according to the present scenario that the harbour is going through, how can Lisbon recover the relationship with the river?