54 resultados para Pedro , Infante de Portugal-Biografies
As key prey, the wild rabbit downsize constitutes a major drawback on the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) re-introduction in the Iberia. Several captive breeding units mostly located in Alentejo, endeavour the wild rabbit repopulation of depleted areas assigned for the lynx re-introduction. Here we report an RHDV2 outbreak that occurred in early 2016 in a wild rabbit captive breeding unit located in Barrancos municipality. The estimated mortality rate between March and April 2016 was approximately 8.67%. Anatomopathologic examination was carried out for 13 victimized rabbits. Molecular characterization was based on the complete vp60 capsid gene. The 13 rabbit carcasses investigated showed typical macroscopic RHD lesions testing positive to RHDV2- RNA. Comparison of the vp60 nucleotide sequences obtained from two specimens with others publically available disclosed similarities below 98.22% with RHDV2 strains originated in the Iberia and Azores and revealed that the two identical strains from Barrancos-2016 contain six unique single synonymous nucleotide polymorphisms. In the phylogenetic analysis performed, the Barrancos-2016 strains clustered apart from other known strains, meaning they may represent new evolutionary RHDV2 lineages. No clear epidemiological link could be traced for this outbreak where the mortalities were lower compared with previous years. Yet, network analysis suggested a possible connection between the missing intermediates from which the strains from Barrancos 2013, 2014 and 2016 have derived. It is therefore possible that RHDV2 has circulated endemically in the region since 2012, with periodic epizootic occurrences. Still, six years after its emergence in wild rabbits, RHDV2 continues to pose difficulties to the establishment of natural wild rabbit populations that are crucial for the self-sustainability of the local ecosystems.
The Portuguese purse seine fishery could be sustainable if measures to promote multi-specify catches are placed. Chub mackerel is one of the top three species landed by purse seine and landings have been increasing, which could be partly explained by Docapesca’s campaign promoting chub mackerel consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to understand if chub mackerel could represent a sustainable alternative. Results point to overexploitation levels, already exceeding estimated Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The break point was registered in 2011, when chub mackerel landings surpassed 30 thousand tonnes landed, which is far beyond MSY estimates by Schaefer’s (24 703 ton), Gulland’s (21 750 ton) and Cadima’s (23 250 ton) models. Chub mackerel could represent an alternative to purse seine fisheries if: (i) a catch limit is established; (ii) measures to promote a regulated market on supply and demand laws are placed; (iii) research investment is augmented; Estudo da evolução dos desembarques de cavala (Scomber colias, Gmelin, 1782) em Portugal: sua importância para a pesca de cerco. Resumo: A pesca de cerco em Portugal poderá ser sustentável se forem implementadas medidas para a sua diversificação. A cavala é uma das três espécies mais capturadas pelo cerco, tendo-se observado um aumento dos desembarques nos últimos anos, parte explicado pela campanha focada no seu consumo, promovida pela Docapesa. Torna-se necessário compreender se a cavala poderá constituir uma alternativa sustentável. Os resultados apontam para níveis de exploração acima do Rendimento Máximo Sustentável (RMS) estimado, atingido em 2011, quando os desembarques de cavala ultrapassaram as 30 mil toneladas, acima do RMS estimado de acordo com Schaefer (24 703 ton), Gulland (21 750 ton) e Cadima (23 250 ton), mantendo-se a tendência de sobre-exploração. A cavala poderá ser uma alternativa para o cerco se: (i) estabelecido um limite de captura; (ii) criadas medidas de promoção de um mercado regulado pela lei da oferta e da procura (iii) aumentar o investimento em investigação.
MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that intends to find the provenience of lithic materials in the construction of tombs. A multidisciplinary approach is carried out, with researchers from several of the knowledge fields involved. This work presents a spatial data warehouse specially developed for this project that comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. The use of the spatial data warehouse proved to be essential in the data analysis phase of the project. The Redondo Area is presented as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze the relations between geochemistry, geology and the tombs in this area.
Tsunamis are highly energetic events that may destructively impact the coast. Resolving the degree of coastal resilience to tsunamis is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible. In part, our understanding is constrained by the limited number of contemporaneous examples and by the high dynamism of coastal systems. In fact, longterm changes of coastal systems can mask the evidence of past tsunamis, leaving us a short or incomplete sedimentary archive. Here, we present a multidisciplinary approach involving sedimentological, geomorphological and geophysical analyses and numerical modelling of the AD 1755 tsunami flood on a coastal segment located within the southern coast of Portugal. In particular, the work focuses on deciphering the impact of the tsunami waves over a coastal sand barrier enclosing two lowlands largely inundated by the tsunami flood. Erosional features documented by geophysical data were assigned to the AD 1755 eventwith support of sedimentological and age estimation results. Furthermore, these features allowed the calibration of the simulation settings to reconstruct the local conditions and establish the run-up range of the AD 1755 tsunami when it hit this coast (6– 8 m above mean sea level). Our work highlights the usefulness of erosional imprints preserved in the sediment record to interpret the impact of the extreme events on sand barriers
This study examines the long profiles of tributaries of the Tagus and Zêzere rivers in Portugal (West Iberia) in order to provide new insights into patterns, timing, and controls on drainage development during the Quaternary incision stage. The studied streams are incised into a relict culminant fluvial surface, abandoned at the beginning of the incision stage. The streams flow through a landscape with bedrock variations in lithology (mainly granites and metasediments) and faulted blocks with distinct uplift rates. The long profiles of the analyzed streams record an older transitory knickpoint/knickzone separating (1) an upstream relict graded profile, with lower steepness and higher concavity, that reflects a long period of quasi-equilibrium conditions reached after the beginning of the incision stage, and (2) a downstream rejuvenated long profile, with steeper gradient and lower concavity, particularly for the final reach, which is often convex. The rejuvenated reaches testify to the upstream propagation of several incision waves, interpreted as the response of each stream to increasing crustal uplift and prolonged periods of base-level lowering by the trunk drainages, coeval with low sea level conditions. The morphological configurations of the long profiles enabled spatial and relative temporal patterns of incisions to be quantified. The incision values of streams flowing on the Portuguese Central Range (PCR; ca. 380–150 m) are variable but generally higher than the incision values of streams flowing on the adjacent South Portugal Planation Surface (SPPS; ca. 220–110 m), corroborating differential uplift of the PCR relative to the SPPS. Owing to the fact that the relict graded profiles can be correlated with the Tagus River T1 terrace (1.1–0.9 My) present in the study area, incision rates can be estimated (1) for the streams located in the PCR, 0.38–0.15 m/ky and (2) for the streams flowing on the SPPS, 0.22–0.12 m/ky. The differential uplift inferred in the study area supports the neotectonic activity of the bordering faults, as proposed in previous studies based upon other geological evidence.
The Oporto's St. Lourenço Church of the Jesuit College is locally known, since the St. Augustin Barefooted Eremites occupation (1779/80), as Grilos' Church. The Oporto's siege laid by D. Pedro and D. Miguel (1832/33) succeed in the college abandonment by Grilo's Friars. Throughout Augustin Friars presence period, the white plasters of the nave (end of 18th c.) were executed and it was constructed the Holly Sacrament Chapel (early 19th c.) with neoclassic coloured stuccos and plasters, influenced by Robert Adam, Luigi Chiari and Teixeira Barreto ornamental motifs. Pigments were added to the external layer to imitate the marble and to achieve the “base” colour of the panels. This study of the blue, rose and white stuccos and plasters of H.S. Chapel of Grilo's Church allows carrying out useful database on the original mortars composition by the use of different analytical techniques, important to select the most adequate solutions for restoration interventions. Optical microscopy, XRD, TG-DTA, SEM-EDS, XRF analysis results were considered to identify the composition of different layers and to provide mineralogical, microstructure and chemical characterization of the mortars components and to quantify the binder content in those mortars. These results were compared with collected information on compositions from other sources. This study allowed the identification of the decay causes of decorative stuccos and plaster, suggesting that water retention in the masonries and wooden laths structure of the dome of the chapel is the main factor.
Quando pela primeira vez, por volta de 2010/2011 se colocou a questão da definição das áreas onde os ecossistemas estariam dependentes de águas subterrâneas, e entendendo-se por “ecossistemas dependentes de águas subterrâneas” os ecossistemas que dependem, em todo ou em parte de águas subterrâneas e que seriam irrevogavelmente afetados em caso de afetação da quantidade ou qualidade das águas subterrâneas, tornou-se necessário criar mecanismos para rapidamente se conseguirem identificar esses sistemas ecológicos. Para esse fim, foram em primeiro lugar, com base em dados de níveis freáticos de águas subterrâneas, identificadas as áreas onde as águas subterrâneas se situariam próximo da superfície do solo. Depois foram usados modelos conceptuais, onde estes existiam, para determinar as zonas onde havia hipóteses de haver ascensão de água subterrânea. Finalmente, foram identificadas áreas onde condições hidrogeológicas locais permitiriam a sustentação de ecossistemas com caraterísticas específicas (lagoas temporárias, por exemplo). As áreas identificadas foram então comparadas com as zonas protegidas classificadas em Portugal (Rede Natura 2000, Parques e Reservas Nacionais, etc.). Curiosamente, verificou-se de imediato uma grande coincidência entre as áreas identificadas no estudo e as áreas protegidas já definidas, mostrando que as áreas ecologicamente importantes já o eram por razões também ligadas às águas subterrâneas. Depois avançou-se para uma análise mais ecológica, com base em dados pré-existentes, e recorrendo a uma equipa pluridisciplinar. Por esta via foram identificados sistemas em linhas de água ou ligados a lagos e sistemas terrestres, de que resultou toda a cartografia final dos ecossistemas dependentes de águas subterrâneas dos planos de bacia no sul de Portugal.
Abstract: In this text, we deal with proccesses of appropriation of space in the Dam of Póvoa (Portugal) using a dwelling perspective (Ingold 2009) over the territory. The reconversion of innactive spaces in rural areas into leisure-related ones in a quite common practice in contemporary times.The Spaniards beach is one of the local names given by locals to the Dam of Póvoa (Castelo de Vide), in northern Alentejo (Portugal). In the collective memory of the residents, the Dam (built in the 1920’s) is remembered for the many flowers surrounding the area. This Garden-style aesthetics has outlived the initial function of the Dam (to produce electric power). From the 1960’s to the 1980’s, it was also a popular leisure space for Spanish and Portuguese people. It is not a beach, but being inland, it was the closest thing to a beach the residents had. The centrality of this leisure space in the area only decayed after the construction of swimming pools in the nearby towns. Early in the begginning of 21st century a fire destroyed part of the natural floral landscape of the dam. Abandoned for some years, the place has still been appropriated by leisured people in day-trips (for sight-seeing, pic-nics), fishing competitions, caravan soujorns, and, since 2013, in a music and dance festival named Andanças (www.andancas.net). The research that underlies this paper was carried out between 2013 and 2016 by a team of anthropologists. An ethnography of the Dam and its uses, and of the festival and its participants was carried out. In our working-paper we higlight the main research findings achieved. Key-words: Leisure; Landscape; Tourism; Music; Space; Portugal.
O estudo de uma jazida fossilifera descoberta recentemente no Devónico do Anticlinal de Valongo(Portugal) forneceu novos elementos paleofaunisticos, biostratigrilficos e paleoambientais sobre este contexto estratigráfico. Efetuou-se uma extensa amostragem paleontológica, acompanhada por estudos de estratigrafia em que se focaram aspetos detaxonomia,tafonomia,biostratigrafia e paleoecologia de invertebrados marinhos. Durante o trabalho de campo foram descobertos vários grupos taxonómicos de invertebrados tipicos deste Sistema, entre os quais se contam corais rugosos e tabulados, briozodrios, braquiópodes, bivalves, tentaculites, crinóides, trilobites e vários fósseis problemáticos. As litofacies, a presença de ripple marks com concentrações de tentaculites reorientadas e as carateristicas paleoecológicas da associação fóssil amostrada permitem inferir a presença de um ambiente litoral, de pouca profundidade, com sedimentação siliciclástica fina e correntes de deriva de intensidade moderada. A ocorr6ncia do bizarro género Tiaracrinus, um crinóide, sugere idade compreendida entre o Lochkoviano (Devónico Inferior) e o Eifeliano (Devónico Médio). Este género é reconhecido pela primeira vez no Maciço Ibérico.
O afloramento de Brielas, costa de Caparica (Miocénico Médio) apresenta uma elevada riqueza especifica representada neste estudo por 671 dentes isolados, 11 dentículos dérmicos e 4 fragmentos de aguilhão. Foram identificados e descritos quarenta seis taxa pertencentes as seguintes ordens: Carcharhiniformes,Myliobatiformes, Hexanchiformes, Lamniformes, Rajiformes, Squatiniformes e Torpediniformes. Trata-se de uma fauna cuja maioria dos géneros possuem representantes actuais e onde se encontram, inclusivamente,algumas espécies que existem actualmente no território marítimo português. Descreve-se pela primeira vez no registo f6ssil português Torpedo torpedo, e o género Mustelus é descrito em idade mais antiga que a da primeira referencia deste género em Portugal. Verifica-se a presença de formas bentónicas e nectónicas de águas quentes tropicais a temperadas, que habitariam frequentemente zonas costeiras; é de notar a presença de certas formas em detrimento de outras, reforçando as conclusões de investigadores anteriores.
O trabalho desenvolvido insere-se num projecto do FFishGUL, Freshwater Fish Group of the University of Lisbon, que consiste na publicação de um guia ilustrado que reúna e disponibilize informação sobre a fauna ictiológica dulciaquícola de Portugal Continental, dirigido a diversos públicos-alvo. Este guia procura promover o conhecimento sobre as espécies e comunidades piscícolas e ser uma ferramenta técnica de resposta a questões prioritárias em termos de conservação do património natural, gestão dos recursos hídricos e ordenamento do território. O âmbito deste trabalho de mestrado centra-se na ilustração de algumas das espécies de peixes tratadas, investigando e criando pela primeira vez uma representação rigorosa que promova a documentação e identificação destas, como ponto de partida para o trabalho a realizar para a totalidade das espécies a tratar no guia. O trabalho desenvolvido é um trabalho que se pode considerar inédito, na medida em que não existe, tanto quanto sabemos e após extensiva pesquisa bibliográfica neste domínio, nada publicado que se assemelhe aos níveis de rigor, detalhe e coerência entre todo o conjunto apresentado. O resultado pretendido para este guia é o de uma publicação de referência, de grande utilidade técnica e de cuidada comunicação visual. Nesse sentido foi também desenvolvido um layout gráfico, visando uma apresentação cuidada e apelativa dos conteúdos do guia, pretendendo contribuir para uma maior sensibilização dos vários públicos a que se destina; ABSTRACT: This Masters thesis is part of a larger project, developed by FFishGUL, the Freshwater Fish Group of the University of Lisbon, consisting of the edition of an illustrated guide to the freshwater fish of mainland Portugal. This guide aims to create a hitherto nonexistent tool to promote knowledge on Portuguese freshwater fish communities and species and help on the management of water resources and land-use planning. This Masters thesis is centered on the illustration of some of the guide’s fish species, aiming to study and create an accurate representation that will facilitate their correct identification. These illustrations serve as an example of the process that will be followed for the total guide’s species range. The developed work can be regarded as unprecedented, to the extent that there is not, as far as we know, and after extensive bibliographic research in this field, any published work resembling the levels of accuracy, detail and coherence of what is here presented. This guide intends to be a reference publication, of major technical utility and careful visual communication. In this sense a graphic layout was also developed, aiming a careful and attractive presentation of the guide’s contents and contributing to greater awareness of the various target audiences.
Lavandula spp. belong to the family Lamiatae and some species are often used in popular medicine and have been used for centuries in a large number of medical applications and in aromatherapy. Although similar ethnobotanical properties of Lavandula spp., its essential oils, general chemical composition and therapeutic applications differ from different species. Lavandula stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Southern Alentejo and Algarve. The aim of our study was evaluate the chemical composition and toxicological and pharmacological activities of leaves essential oils of spontaneous plants of L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve). The essential oils of these wild plants, collected in spring, were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was evaluated by GC/FID. The acute toxicity of essential oils was evaluated "in vitro" using brine shrimp (LC50) and "in vivo" using Swiss mice (DL50). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties of L. stoechas subsp. luisieri essential oil were evaluated in mouse or rats by the Amour-Smith and carrageen-induced paw edema tests, respectively. Results showed important differences in chemical composition of essential oils from two species analyzed either to diversity and proportion of its constituents. The essentials oils showed citotoxicity against Artemia salina and a DL50 higher than 2000 mg/kg for mice. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of essential oils were exhibit for the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg.
Este livro assume-se como um contributo para o conhecimento do dispositivo de Reconhecimento e Validação dos Adquiridos Experienciais que, em Portugal se denominou Processo de RVCC (Reconhecimento Validação e Certificação de Competências)
In 1999, the pinewood nematode (PWN) , Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was found and identified for the first time in Portugal and in Europe. Following detection, Portuguese authorities initiated the implementation of eradication measures during 1999 and 2000, following an alert provided to European Community officials; as a result, the nematode was confirmed to be confined in the Setúbal region, near Lisbon. A task force from the follow-up group (GANP) created by the Secretary of State for the Rural Development established a national eradication programme (PROLUNP) to (1) Contain PWN within the initial geographic limits; (2) Implement eradication measures; and (3) Monitor PWN at a national level. Research is presently being conducted both at universities as well as research institutes, focusing on the characterization ofBursaphelenchus species associated with maritime pine, as well as on the insect vector, Monochamus galloprovincialis. Recent reports indicate that the nematode may be present in Siberia (Russia), which would present a threat to Eastern European forestry. Efforts are presently being developed by several European countries to establish a research consortium to detect and study the possible presence of PWN, for a new PRAs. A recent workshop held in Portugal, in 2001, has been an oportunity for sharing experiences and techniques on detection and control. There is clearly a greater awareness of this issue in Europe.
Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is described and illustrated. Dauer juveniles were isolated from the body of the large pine weevil, Hylobius sp., collected from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) stumps, in Portugal. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. was reared and maintained in P. pinaster wood segments and on Petri dish cultures of the fungi Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructicola. The new species is characterised by a relatively small body length of ca 583 μm (females) and 578 μm (males), a lateral field with two incisures, presence of a small vulval flap and a conoid female tail with a rounded or pointed terminus. Males have stout spicules with a disc-like cucullus and seven caudal papillae arranged as a single midventral precloacal papilla, one precloacal pair and two postcloacal pairs. In the character of the lateral field, B. antoniae sp. n. comes close to B. abietinus, B. rainulfi and B. hylobianum, whilst spicule characters place it within the piniperdae-group sensu Ryss et al. Morphologically, B. antoniae sp. n. is closest to B. hylobianum; the spicules of these two species having flattened, wing-like, alae on the distal third of the lamina. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is distinguished from B. hylobianum on the arrangement of the caudal papillae (two vs three pairs). ITS-RFLP profiles and the failure to hybridise support the separation of the two species. Phylogenetic analysis of the new species, based on the 18S rDNA sequence, supports the inclusion of this new species in the B. hylobianum-group sensu Braasch. Sequence analysis of the 28S rDNA D2/D3 domain did not place the new species in a definite group.