64 resultados para Manuel, Rey de Portugal, 1495-1521
Neste trabalho de investigação pretende-se responder à questão: qual a importância da percepção do consumidor do valor da marca TAP PORTUGAL? Para atingir os objectivos da investigação realizou-se um estudo de caso, tendo-se elaborado entrevistas junto de responsáveis pela área do marketing da companhia aérea nacional e procedeu-se à recolha de informação (publicações TAP, ANA¬ AEROPORTOS, entre outras; e, aplicou-se um questionário junto dos passageiros TAP. PORTUGAL no Aeroporto Internacional de Lisboa) de modo a se poder estudar o caso aprofundadamente. Os resultados da investigação indicam que a análise da nova imagem TAP PORTUGAL por parte dos passageiros é, de um modo geral, muito positiva, estando alinhados com os objectivos definidos no rebranding levado a cabo em 2005. A presente investigação contribui para sistematizar e clarificar as percepções dos consumidores do valor da marca TAP PORTUGAL, bem como retirar algumas ilações comparativas sobre os objectivos propostos e implementados na operação de rebranding com as percepções que os seus clientes têm desta nova imagem, contribuindo para uma melhor estratégia de gestão da marca. ABSTRACT; The present research seeks to answer the question: What is the importance of consumers' perception for the brand equity of TAP PORTUGAL? To achieve the objectives of the research a case study of methodology was done, having prepared interviews with the responsible for the marketing area of the Portuguese Airline, and proceeded to gather information (TAP, ANA-AEROPORTOS publications, among others; and, have applied a questionnaire to the TAP PORTUGAL passengers who made the check-in in the International Airport of Lisbon) to make a profound study of the case. Research results indicate that the new image analysis of TAP PORTUGAL from passengers, is generally very positive, and aligned with the objectives outlined in rebranding carried out in 2005. This research contributes to systematize and clarify the consumer's perceptions for the brand equity of TAP PORTUGAL, and draw some comparative conclusions on the objectives proposed and implemented in the rebranding operation with the customers’ perception that have the new image, contributing to improve the brand management strategy. NOTA: contém Cd em mau estado (Ilegível).
Portugal regista atualmente um dos mais baixos níveis de fecundidade da Europa e do mundo, resultado da redução do número de filhos e do adiamento dos nascimentos para idades mais tardias. As características individuais e a idade ao nascimento do primeiro filho são determinantes cruciais para o número de filhos que se tem e que se espera ter, variando em função do grau de instrução. Apesar das alterações comportamentais ao longo das últimas décadas, os contextos familiares e a conjugalidade continuam a ser centrais na vida dos portugueses, pois aqueles que não vivem com cônjuge ou companheiro apresentam fecundidades mais baixas. A dimensão familiar ideal é outro determinante crítico, dado que ideais mais baixos potenciam que se tenha menos filhos, dificultando a recuperação da fecundidade. O ideal parece corresponder ao número de filhos que permite manter um determinado nível de vida para a família e ainda garantir aos filhos mais oportunidades, mesmo que para tal se tenha apenas um filho. Daí também a atual relevância das questões económicas nas decisões de fecundidade. A alteração de mentalidades parece ter gerado um novo modelo social marcado por uma crescente valorização dos filhos.
The present work describes the measurement effort for direct normal irradiance (DNI) evaluation in the sunny south of Portugal, with a network of eight radiation measurement stations in several locations (including Évora) providing a good coverage of the region. This new initiative for DNI measurement will still need many years (typically 10 or more) to produce a time series which can claim having long term statistical value. This problem can, however, be temporarily mitigated by measuring DNI at the same time as GHI and DHI, in a place where long term series dating back, already exist for those two. It so happens that a long term series (20 years) of global and diffuse solar irradiation exists for the location Évora. So the expectation is to establish correlations with the goal of attributing at least some long term statistical significance to the short and recent DNI series. The paper describes the setup of the measuring stations and presents the preliminary measurements obtained. It further presents the first correlations of monthly averages between normal beam (DNI), global and diffuse radiation. It then uses these correlations, admittedly without acceptable statistical significance (short series of less than one year of measured data), to exemplify how to get a prediction of long term DNI for Évora. This preliminary obtained value is compared to that predicted by the commercial data from Meteonorm.
A investigação desenvolvida é sobre a empregabilidade e inserção no mercado de trabalho da comunidade cigana portuguesa. Deste ponto de vista, a investigação recai sobre o processo desenvolvido de integração social nas últimas décadas onde se questiona, os Planos de Ação para a Inclusão das Comunidades Ciganas e o seu impacto na vida socioprofissional das mesmas. Para o efeito, será realizado um estudo comparado entre Portugal e Espanha no que concerne ao processo de integração social das comunidades ciganas. Estudos recentes do Instituto Português de Administração e Marketing (IPAM) referem que o emprego é mais difícil de conseguir para pessoas deficientes e pessoas ciganas (os cegos lideram a tabela com 71,6 por cento, seguindo-se a etnia cigana com 47,3).1 Um dos principais obstáculos que se tem verificado em relação à inserção no mercado de trabalho é consequência do problema da discriminação institucional (direta ou indireta)2, relutância por parte das próprias entidades responsáveis pela implementação do desenvolvimento dos programas de emprego. Devido à importância do exercício da cidadania no processo de integração social, realizar-se à uma parte empírica dedicada ao movimento associativo em Portugal e Espanha, de modo a perceber qual o seu envolvimento na definição da política social e respetivas prioridades em relação ao emprego e defesa dos direitos humanos. No quadro da compreensão, será desenvolvido uma investigação qualitativa e quantitativa, com recurso à aplicação de inquérito junto de dirigentes/representantes de ONG´S Ciganas nos dois países, no que concerne à participação/representação das mesmas, na definição de estratégias de intervenção social tendo em conta a politica social nacional e as orientações da União Europeia como é exemplo, a Estratégia Nacional Para a Integração da Comunidade Cigana; EMPLOYABILITY AND INTEGRATION IN THE LABOUR MARKET OF THE GYPSY IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN Abstract: The research carried out is on employability and inclusion in the Community Portuguese Gypsy labor market. From this point of view, the investigation lies with the developed process of social integration in recent decades where it questions the Action Plans for Inclusion of Roma communities and their impact on the socio-professional life of the community Gypsy. For this purpose, a comparative study between Portugal and Spain regarding the process of social integration of Roma will be held. Recent studies of the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing (IPAM), indicate that employment is more difficult to achieve for disable people and Roma people (the blind lead the table with 71.6 percent, followed by 47%). One of the main obstacles that has been seen in relation to the insertion in the labor market is a result of the problem of institutional discrimination (direct or indirect), reluctance by the very entities responsible for implementing the development of employment programs. Because of the importance of citizenship in the social integration process, carried out the empirical part dedicated to the associative movement in Portugal and Spain, in order to understand what their involvement in the definition of social policy and respective priorities in relation to employment and defense of human rights. In the context of understanding, a qualitative research will be developed, using the application survey of leaders / representatives of NGOs Roma in both countries, with respect to participation / representation of the same in the definition of social intervention strategies taking into account national social policy and the guidelines of the European Union as example, the national Strategy for the Integration of Roma Community.
Judeus e muçulmanos vivem e movem-se numa sociedade que se define como uma “respublica christiana”. O direito canónico e a sua influência nas leis gerais dos reinos europeus implica, necessariamente, a construção de uma identidade cristã que se define em oposição ao “outro”, sobretudo o judeu, mas também o muçulmano. Neste sentido, a superioridade cristã, basilar no pensamento da Igreja, afeta a legislação régia portuguesa (como a demais europeia), criando progressivamente normas de segregação, tanto a nível de vestuário como de restrição espacial das minorias. O discurso da Igreja e o conceito de “infiel”, conflui, de resto, com os interesses das oligarquias concelhias, no seu programa político de hierarquização social e económica. Não obstante, os contextos vivenciais específicos de cada comunidade subvertem, bastas vezes, as normativas , numa necessária complementaridade dos membros das três religiões.
Solar resource assessment is essential for the different phases of solar energy projects, such as preliminary design engineering, financing including due diligence and, later, insurance phases. An important aspect is the long term resource estimation. This kind of estimation can only be obtained through the statistical analysis of long-term data series of solar radiation measurements, preferably ground measurements. This paper is a first step in this direction, with an initial statistical analysis performed over the radiation data from a national measurement network, consisting of eighty-nine meteorological stations. These preliminary results are presented in figures that represent the annual average values of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) and its Variability in the Portuguese continental territory. These results show that the South of Portugal is the most suitable area for the implementation of medium to large scale solar plants.
O Vale do Côa em Portugal, que «ninguém havia situado numa carta», adquiriu renome internacional após suspensão da construção de uma barragem; suspensão essa provocada pela descoberta de gravuras rupestres que foram preservadas, valorizadas e classificadas como Património Mundial da UNESCO. Markoye, no Burkina Faso, esconde uma riqueza de sítios de arte rupestre que não se pode negligenciar. No entanto, apesar de não valorizado e desconhecido do grande público, este monumento oferece um elevado potencial de exploração patrimonial caminhando no sentido do desenvolvimento local. Através do Vale do Côa e de Markoye, este texto expõe simultaneamente os problemas e o interesse de que é preciso preservar e valorizar o produto arqueológico em geral e a arte rupestre em particular, reconhecida como um dos testemunhos mais antigos e mais poderosos da comunicação visual. A experiência portuguesa serve como fonte de inspiração para colocar em prática o projecto de valorização do monumento burkinabé.
No final da década de 70 a reforma da Administração Pública surge como preocupação dos governos. No início dos anos 80 a adoção da doutrina da Nova Gestão Publica, foi um dos acontecimentos mais marcantes para a administração pública dos países da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Economico. A reforma na Administração Pública em Portugal iniciou-se após a rutura política e social de 1974. No início de 1986 Portugal entra para Comunidade Económica Europeia, o que representou uma maior abertura económica e um aumento na confiança interna da população, observando-se um avanço em termos de concretização de muitos direito sociais, entre outros, na educação. A modernização da administração pública na componente referente à área da educação, iniciou-se no final do ano de 1986, através da Lei de Base do Sistema Educativo, dando origem à descentralização dos serviços, introduzindo-se o conceito de autonomia. Os contratos de autonomia no meio escolar, são processos de administração que não influenciam os seus intervenientes, na realização das atividades pedagógicas, administrativas e gestionárias. Este estudo demonstra a opinião dos vários grupos que compõem um estabelecimento de ensino público Português. Na opinião da amostra deste estudo, os contratos de autonomia não são portadores de benefícios ou prejuízos para os estabelecimentos escolares, seja a nível pedagógico, a nível dos recursos humanos ou a nível administrativo e financeiro; Abstract: Contracts of autonomy in the management of grouping of schools in Portugal: An analysis based on the perception of the actors. At the end of the 70 the reform of public administration arises as a concern of governments. In the early 80s the adoption of the doctrine of the New Public Management, was one of the most important events for the public administration of the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development countries. The reform in Public Administration in Portugal began after the political and social rupture of 1974. In the beginning of 1986 Portugal joins the European Economic Community, which represented a greater economic openness and an increase in internal confidence of the population, shown by a progress in terms of implementation of many social rights, among others, in education. The modernization of public administration in the field of education began at the end of 1986 through the Basic Law of Education, leading to the decentralization of services, introducing therefore the concept of autonomy. Autonomy contracts in schools are management processes that do not influence their stakeholders in achieving the educational, administrative and management activities. This study shows the opinion of the various groups that form an establishment of Portuguese public education. According to the sample, the autonomy contracts don’t bring benefits or losses to schools, as far as educational practices and human resources are concerned, as well as on a financial and administrative level.
During a field survey carried out on symptomatic maritime pine trees (Pinus pinaster) in Góis, central Portugal, Bursaphelenchus luxuriosae was isolated for the first time in Portugal, and in Europe. Identification of the nematodes was based on morphological characters and molecular analyses for this species. The general morphology of both females and males is in agreement with the original description for B. luxuriosae, namely the typical morphology of the male spicules and the conspicuous morphology of female tail. Species identification was confirmed through sequencing of the ITS rDNA region and the fragment spanning the D2/D3 domain of the 28S rDNA gene. This species belongs to the xylophilus-group and is the third species in this group known in Portugal. The nematodes were retrieved in small numbers (<100 nematodes/100 g dry wood), and no insect vector association could be established.
The tribe Longidorini within the subfamily Longidorinae (Longidorus spp. and Paralongidorus spp.) and the subfamily Xiphineminae (Xiphinema spp.) are two large nematode groups with about 260 and 230 known species, respectively. They are globally two important groups of ectoparasitic nematodes considered to be major pests because of their activity as vectors of important plant nepovirus, with some species included in the list of quarantine pathogenic organisms in many European countries. Knowledge of the biodiversity and occurrence of this nematode group is a prerequisite for the establishment of sound management strategies and control measures. According to data collected from the databases (such as EPPO, FSTA, and Web of Science) and published in specialised literature, a total of 15 Longidorus, 1 Paralongidorus and 40 Xiphinema species have been recorded as present in Portugal. However, the taxonomic status of some species is controversial, and thus needs to be clarified. A comprehensive review for unravelling the biodiversity and occurrence of nematode species of the genus Longidorus, Paralongidorus and Xiphinema in Portugal is herein provided. This review includes an updated checklist of species with information on the localities, host plants and geographical distribution. Additionally, maps on the species distributions of Longidorinae and Xiphineminae nematodes present in Continental Portugal and the Portuguese Macaronesian islands are provided, as well as unpublished data on authors and comments on the current taxonomic status. Finally, new insights and directions for future research on Longidoridae in Portugal are presented.
Este livro assume-se como um contributo para o conhecimento do dispositivo de Reconhecimento e Validação dos Adquiridos Experienciais que, em Portugal se denominou Processo de RVCC (Reconhecimento Validação e Certificação de Competências)
Most Bursaphelenchus species are fungal feeding nematodes that colonize dead or dying trees. However, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , the pine wood nematode, is also a pathogen of trees and is the causal agent of pine wilt disease. B. xylophilus is native to North America and here it causes little damage to trees. Where it is introduced to new regions it causes huge damage. The most severely affected areas are found in the Far East but more recently B. xylophilus has been introduced into Portugal and the potential for damage here is also high. As incidence and severity of pine wilt disease are linked to temperature we suggest that climate change is likely to exacerbate the problems caused by B. xylophilus and, in addition, will extend (northwards in Europe) the range in which pine wilt disease can occur. Here we review what is currently known about the interactions of B. xylophilus with its hosts, including recent developments in our understanding of the molecular biology of pathogenicity in the nematode. We also examine the potential developments that could be made by more widespread use of genomics tools to understand interactions between B. xylophilus , bacterial pathogens that have been implicated in disease and host trees.
INTRODUCTION AND GOALS: Genus Bursaphelenchus includes several pests of the world importance for the rural economy, the most dangerous are the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (the pinewood nematode caused decline of the pine trees in south Asia and in one spot area in Europe, Portugal, Peninsula de Setubal) and the Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, causing the decline of coco-palm plantations in Carribean and Latin American regions. The peculiarity of the host-parasite association of the genus that the nematode life cycle includes three trophic components: plant (mostly a tree), insect vector and a fungus. Goals of the presentation is to list all species of the world fauna and all efficient diagnostic characters, then create the identification tool and analyze the similarity of species and possible ways and causes of the host-parasite evolution of the group. RESULTS: Complete list of species with synonymy and a catalogue of all efficient diagnostic characters with their states, selected from papers of the most experienced taxonomists of the genus, are given for the genus Bursaphelenchus. List of known records of Bursaphelenchus species with names of natural vectors and plants and their families is given (for world pests the most important groups of trees and insects are listed). The tabular, traditional and computer-aided keys are presented. Dendrograms of species relationships (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference) based on all efficient taxonomic characters and separately on the spicule characters only, are given. Discussion whether the species groups are natural or purely diagnostic ones is based on the relationships dendrograms and the vector and associated plant ranges of Bursaphelenchus species; the xylophilus species group (B. xylophilus, B. abruptus, B. baujardi, B. conicaudatus, B. eroshenkii, B. fraudulentus, B. kolymensis, B. luxuriosae; B. mucronatus), the hunti group (B. hunti, B. seani, B. kevini and B. fungivorus) are probably the natural ones. CONCLUSIONS: The parasitic nematode association includes three trophic components: plant, insect vector and fungus. The initial insect-plant complex Scolytidae-Pinaceae is changeable and only in rare occasions the change of the preferred vector to Cerambycidae (the xylophilus group), Hymenoptera (the hunti group) led to formation of the natural species-groups. From the analysis it is clear that although the vector range is changeable it is comparatively more important for the evolution of the genus Bursaphelenchus than associations with plants at the family level. Data on the fungi species (3rd component in natural Bursaphelenchus associations) are insufficient for the detailed comparative analysis.
The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), is a serious pest and pathogen of forest tree species, in particular among the genus Pinus. It was first reported from Japan in the beginning of the XXth century, where it became the major ecological catastrophe of pine forests, with losses reaching over 2 million m3/ year in the 1980s. It has since then spread to other Asian countries such as China, Taiwan and Korea, causing serious losses and economic damage. In 1999, the PWN was first detected in the European Union (EU), in Portugal, and immmediately prompted several government (national and EU) actions to assess the extent of the nematode’s presence, and to contain B. xylophilus and its insect vector (Monochamus galloprovincialis) to an area with a 30km radius in the Setúbal Peninsula, 20 km south of Lisbon. International wood trade, with its political as well as economic ramifications, has been seriously jeopardized. The origin of the population of PWN found in Portugal remains elusive. Several hypotheses may be considered regarding pathway analysis, basically from two general origins: North America or the Far East (Japan or China). World trade of wood products such as timber, wooden crates, palettes, etc… play an important role in the potential dissemination of the pinewood nematode. In fact, human activities involving the movement of wood products may be considered the single most important factor in spreading of the PWN. Despite the dedicated and concerted actions of government agencies, this disease continues to spread. Very recently (2006), in Portugal, forestry and phytosanitary authorities (DGRF and DGPC) have announced a new strategy for the control and ultimately the erradication of the nematode, under the coordination of the national program for the control of the pinewood nematode (PROLUNP). Research regarding the bioecology of the nematode and insect as well as new detection methods, e.g., involving real-time PCR, has progressed since 1999. International agreements (GATT, WTO) and sharing of scientific information is of paramount importance to effectively control the nematode and its vector, and thus protect our forest ecosystems and forest economy.
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been a major tool in detailed morphological observations of plant parasitic nematodes during the last 30 years, efficiently complementing light microscopical (LM) studies. Nematodes are extremely difficult to observe and characterize due to their small size (aprox. 1 mm long) and paucity of morphological characters, so detailed surface observations of several organs and nematode regions are of the highest value. Among plant parasitic nematodes, one of the most devastating species is the “pinewood nematode” (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which has been a major problem for forest species, and in particular pines, in Asia (Japan, China, Korea) and has been recently detected in the European Union (Portugal). B. xylophilus belongs to a closely related, morphologically similar group of species, within the genus Bursaphelenchus, and designated by the “xylophilus group”. SEM has become a crucial tool in observing several genital characters of males and females, such as male genital papillae, male copulatory spicules, female vulval flap and female genital papillae.s In this presentation, we will show how SEM has been utilized to observe and characterize the shape of the vulval flap, the presence/ absence of papillae near the flap, and confirm the presence and the arrangement of the male genital papillae. LM is also used in this work to show its value as a complementary tool to SEM, in both genital characteristics and other, general, characters of the genus Bursaphelenchus, such as the male bursa and cephalic region.