51 resultados para Ensino básico do 2º ciclo
Tendo como principal fio condutor a pergunta de partida (Qual o impacto das novas medidas de poltica educativa para o 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Educao de Adultos na oferta local dos ambientes de aprendizagem?) procuramos encontrar uma resposta para a problemtica na qual se centra esta investigao. A partir desta questo inicial delinemos o corpo da dissertao em duas partes: a primeira referente ao enquadramento terico e a segunda respeitante ao estudo emprico. No mbito do enquadramento terico, procedemos a uma reflexo cruzada entre educao e territrio, no sentido de perceber as suas potenciais (inter) ligaes, bem como anlise de alguns dos normativos que do suporte legal a esta problemtica, finalizando com a apresentao do campo de estudo. Ao nvel do estudo emprico, seguimos uma metodologia partilhada (qualitativa quantitativa), apoiada essencialmente numa aproximao conceptual ao estudo de caso. Os dados recolhidos, por melo de inqurito por questionrios aplicados, permitiram-nos conceber vrias leituras do territrio: Cartografia Institucional do Concelho de Gavio e Cartografia Educacional do Concelho de Gavio referente aos anos Ietivos de 2004-2005 e 2006-2007, respetivamente, dado o estuda ter decorrido ao Iongo de um perodo de trs anos Ietivos. Da anlise dos dados disponveis, centramos as nossas concluses em, pelo menos, duas dimenses totalmente opostas. Por um lado, o novo paradigma de escola a tempo inteiro assume, atualmente, neste territrio um papel preponderante, devolvendo aos ambientes formais de educao uma clara liderana no que concerne quantidade e diversidade de aprendizagens desenvolvidas; por outro, assistimos a um claro abandono das aprendizagens realizadas em espaos no formais, as quais eram dirigidas quase exclusivamente s faixas etrias mais avanadas, que agora vm as vrias possibilidades de aprender, o que quer que seja, como uma oportunidade cada vez mais distante. Face problemtica em estudo, a nossa dissertao termina com a formulao das sugestes e recomendaes que nos parecem mais oportunas. /ABSTRACT - The main question of this work is: "Which is the impact of new rules of education politics and rules, in first level (6-10years old) and adult education, in local offers into learning contexts? we look for an answer to this problematic which is the matter of our research. Throughout this question, this essay was divided into two parts: the first one refers the theoretic frame, and the second one is about the empiric study. On the theoretic frame, we made a profound consideration between education and district, in order to understand its potentials (inter) connections, as well as the analysis of some normatives, which Iegally supports this problematic, ending with a presentation of the subject. On the empiric study, our approach is a mix methodology (qualitative and quantitative one) mainly supported on the concept of the case study Data collected by inquiry and questionnaire, allowed us to realize several knowledge of the municipality: Institutional Cartography of Gavio's Municipality and Educational Cartography of Gavio's Municipality, it refers to the academic years 2004-2005 and 2006-2007, because the study was done during those two years. From data analyses, we centered our conclusions into, at least, two opposite ways. On one hand, a new paradigm of full time school (from 9:00am to 5:30pm) claims, actually, in this municipality an important rule, it restores in the formal educational environment a great control, concerning the quantity and diversity of developed learning, on the other hand, we saw a destitution of developed learning on no formal environment, which were almost exclusively direct to the elder one, now this population felt learning possibilities rather far away. Our essay ends with some suggestions and recommendations which seams to us proper into this context.
Partindo do objeto de estudo: a gesto do currculo para a diversidade cultural nossa inteno compreender a forma como o discurso do multiculturalismo se encontra presente nos principais documentos definidores de uma poltica de escola e na postura desta e dos professores, atravs das decises e prticas adotadas perante uma realidade diversificada, na presena de culturas de imigrantes. A construo do saber e a anlise que fazemos da forma como o currculo gerido, seguiram um percurso assente num quadro terico nos campos curricular e da educao intercultural, bem como nas opes metodolgicas em que o estudo assenta, e s quais recorremos para a realizao da componente emprica. Nesta, analisamos a forma como as escolas-alvo de estudo e os professores respondem presena dos alunos imigrantes atravs das representaes dos prprios alunos, seus professores e responsveis pelas escolas; ou seja, analisamos a forma como gerido o currculo para a diversidade cultural. /ABSTRACT - Taking the subject under study: curricular management for cultural diversity, as our starting point, our aim is to gain an understanding of the nature of multiculturalism as portrayed in the main documents that define school policy as well as in the position taken both by the school and the teachers, in the light of the decisions and practices adopted in the presence of a culturally diverse reality, immigrant cultures. The construction of a body of knowledge and the assessment we make of how the curriculum is managed, has been based on a theoretical framework in the areas of intercultural curricula and education, as well as on the choice of methodology for the study used in carrying out the empirical component In the latter, We have analysed the way in which the schools and the teachers under study responded to the presence of immigrant pupils, seen in the descriptions given by the pupils themselves, their teachers and those responsible for the schools, that is to say, we have analysed the way in which the curriculum for cultural diversity has been managed.
Numa poca em que nos regemos, cada vez mais, pela Cincia e Tecnologia fundamental que os cidados estejam devidamente informados, exercendo uma cidadania plena, tomando decises fundamentadas e intervindo na sociedade. Para viabilizar estes intentos, importante que a educao cientfica se inicie nas escolas o mais cedo possvel, para a edificao de futuros cidados cientificamente literatos. Apesar das dificuldades manifestadas pelos professores na implementao do ensino das Cincias nas escolas do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1. CEB), so vrias as potencialidades que tm vindo a ser atribudas a este campo curricular. Com este estudo pretendeu-se descrever e interpretar as concees de ensino e aprendizagem de professores do 1. CEB, no contexto do Programa de Formao em Ensino Experimental das Cincias (PFEEC), bem como averiguar como implementam as atividades prticas de ndole experimental e investigativo em sala de aula, e quais as dificuldades sentidas durante a sua realizao. Para atingir estas finalidades, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodolgica de orientao interpretativa, de base naturalista, recorrendo-se ao mtodo de estudo de casos mltiplos, fazendo-se uso de distintos instrumentos de recolha de dados: observao naturalista, entrevistas, notas de campo e documentos escritos. Participaram neste estudo trs professoras do 1. CEB, pertencentes a duas escolas do concelho de Faro. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das concees das professoras relativamente s categorias edificadas foram modificadas aps a frequncia do PFEEC. Contudo, outras aparentam estar fortemente enraizadas. Estas mudanas que ocorreram parecem estar relacionadas com a modificao das aes, atitudes e sentimentos das professoras que se coadunaram com a metodologia de trabalho defendida pelo PFEEC, culminando na modificao das suas prticas letivas. Durante a planificao e implementao das atividades as professoras manifestaram algumas dificuldades e constrangimentos. Todavia, no decorrer do PFEEC, estes obstculos foram sendo minimizados; IMPACT OF A TRAINING PROGRAMME ON THE CONCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABSTRACT: In an era in which we are governed, more and more, by Science and Technology, it is fundamental that citizens are properly informed; exercising full citizenship; making fundamental decisions and intervening in society. To enable these intentions, it is important that scientific education takes place in schools as soon as possible, so as to edify future scientifically literate citizens. Despite the teachers' difficulties in implementing Science teaching in Primary Schools, there are many potentialities that have come to be attributed to this curricular field. This study is intended to describe and interpret science learning and teaching conceptions of the Primary School teachers, in the context of the Training Programme in Experimental Science Teaching (PFEEC), as well as determine how they implement the experimental science and inquiry based learning activities in the classroom, and take into account what experienced difficulties occur during their execution. To reach these goals, a methodological approach of interpretive orientation, on a naturalistic basis, using a method of multiple case study, by means of distinct data collection tools was used: naturalistic observation, interviews, field research notes and written documents. Three Primary School teachers of the municipality of Faro took part in this study. The results showed that the majority of the teachers' conceptions in relation to the edified categories were modified after the attendance of the PFEEC. However, others seem to be deeply rooted. These changes that occurred seem to be related to the modification of actions, attitudes and feelings of the teachers who complied with the work methodology defended by the PFEEC, culminating in the modification of their session practices. During the planning and implementation of the activities, the teachers showed some difficulties and constraints. Nevertheless, during the PFEEC, these obstacles were minimized.
O presente Relatrio de Estgio de Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Educao Pr-escolar e 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico foi realizado no mbito do Mestrado em Educao Pr-escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Universidade de vora, tendo por base as unidades curriculares de Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Educao Pr-escolar e em 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Ao longo das respetivas prticas foi desenvolvido o tema Educao Literria: A Literatura para a infncia e as expresses artsticas, assente na metodologia da investigao-ao e teve como principal objetivo promover nas crianas a educao literria e a sua relao com as expresses artsticas. Deste modo, este documento encontra-se organizado em cinco captulos: o primeiro captulo inclui todo o enquadramento conceptual que suporta a temtica investigada; o segundo captulo refere-se conceo da ao educativa em Pr-escolar e 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico; o terceiro captulo considera a metodologia utilizada na investigao-ao; o quarto captulo remete para a interveno nos respetivos contextos; o quinto captulo diz respeito ao trabalho de projeto de cariz literrio, desenvolvido em ambos os contextos; concluindo com as respetivas consideraes finais; Report of Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Primary Education: Literacy Education- Childrens Literature and Artistic Expressions Abstract: This Internship Report of Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Primary Education was carried out within the framework of the Master's Degree in Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Primary Education, at the University of vora, based on the courses units of Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Primary Education During the respective practices it was developed the theme of Literary Education: Children's literature and the artistic expressions, based on the research-action methodology and had as a main objective the promotion of literary education in children and their relationship with the artistic expressions. Thus far, this document is organized into five chapters: the first chapter includes all the conceptual framework that supports the thematic investigated; the second chapter refers to the conception of educational activity in Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Primary Education; the third chapter considers the methodology used in the research-action; the fourth chapter refers to the intervention in the respective contexts; the fifth chapter concerns the work project of literary nature , developed in both contexts; concluding with the final considerations.
O presente relatrio da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) resulta da observao e participao no contexto da PES em Educao Pr-Escolar realizado em Florianpolis, Santa Catarina (Brasil), atravs do programa Luso-Brasileiro, no Ncleo de Educao Infantil Colnia Z-11 e da PES em 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola EB1 da Quinta da Vista Alegre, pertencente ao Agrupamento Manuel Ferreira Patrcio de vora. O relatrio centra-se no meu percurso e aprendizagens como futura educadora/professora: ir aprendendo a profisso em contexto, indo ao encontro de quem somos e em quem nos vamos tornando, dando enfase ao papel das crianas nos processos de aprendizagem que experimentmos. Na conceo da ao educativa, tornada prtica pedaggica em contexto, a avaliao, formativa e transformadora, assim como a reflexo acerca da prtica foram fundamentais para o melhoramento da interveno e, por tal, influncias positivas na aprendizagem das crianas e na minha aprendizagem profissional. A problemtica deste relatrio teve como base o querer compreender relaes entre uma reflexo sistemtica, por escrito, sobre o desenvolvimento do meu projeto de formao em contexto, considerando que a avaliao formativa deveria nortear e monitorizar o nosso trabalho, as relaes e aprendizagens, na ao docente que ia desenvolvendo, quer em Educao Pr-Escolar quer no 1 Ciclo. Neste percurso, entrelaando a ao e a investigao, procurei respostas para as seguintes questes: o que sabia acerca da docncia que se pauta por uma avaliao formativa e formadora no trabalho com crianas? O que fiz para aprendermos em conjunto, tendo em conta uma funo reguladora que a avaliao poderia tomar? Como o fiz? Em que momentos e com quem? Para qu, com que finalidade? O que aprendi no decorrer deste processo de aprendizagem profissional, onde a investigao-ao teve um papel relevante?; Supervised Teaching Practices Report to obtain a Masters Degree in Preschool and Primary school: Abstract: The present report of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) is a result of the observation and participation in context of STP in pre-school that took place in Florianpolis, Santa Catarina (Brazil), through the Luso-Brazilian program, in Ncleo de Educao Infantil Colnia Z-11 and through STP in Primary School of Ensino Básico in Escola EB1 da Quinta da Vista Alegre, which belongs to the Manuel Ferreira de vora Group. The report focuses on my journey and learnings as a future teacher: learning the profession in its actual context, trying to find who we are and what we can become, and emphasizing the childrens role in these learning processes. In the conception of the education activities, which became possible by pedagogical practice in context, the evaluation, formative and transformative, as well as the reflection about the practice were vital to improve the intervention and, consequently, to have a positive influence in the childrens learning process and in my own professional experience. The main focus of this report is to understand the relation between a systematic reflection, in writing, about the development of my teaching in context project, considering that the formative evaluation should guide and monitor our work, the relationships and learnings, in the educational process that I developed, either in pre-school or primary school. In this journey, by combining action and investigation, the main intention was to answer the following questions: What did I know about teaching characterized by a formative assessment when working with children? What did I do so we could learn together, bearing in mind a regulative function that evaluation could take? How did I do it? In what moments and whom with? What for, and what was the purpose? What did I learn throughout this professional learning process, where the investigation-action played a major role?
O presente relatrio surgiu da nossa investigao e da nossa praxis tanto no contexto da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Educao Pr-Escolar, como em Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em instituies da cidade de vora. O principal objetivo foi compreender a finalidade e funcionalidade atribuda pelas crianas aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Neste sentido, foi construdo um referencial terico que sustentou todo o processo de investigao. Desta forma, considero fundamental, contextualizar de forma breve, os ambientes educativos e a conceo da ao educativa que regeu a minha prtica. O presente relatrio foi construdo com base na investigao-ao, levando assim, utilizao de algumas tcnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, de forma a atingir os objetivos propostos. Ao longo da investigao procurei promover o desenvolvimento da leitura e da escrita, por parte das crianas, no contexto educativo, bem como, promover uma explorao da lngua portuguesa articulada com os diversos domnios curriculares. Os resultados que surgiram deste trabalho veem evidenciar que as crianas j apresentam diversos conhecimentos acerca do que a leitura e a escrita, bem como a sua funcionalidade. Por outro lado, notria a separao entre a educao pr-escolar e o 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no sentido em que, no primeiro contexto, as crianas apresentam um papel central na aprendizagem, pois tudo realizado com base nos seus interesses e necessidades, ao passo que, no segundo contexto, as atividades so planeadas para as crianas, mas elas no so participantes nesses processos. Assim, este relatrio encontra-se organizado em quatro captulos. O primeiro captulo refere-se fundamentao terica que sustenta a investigao do tema. O segundo captulo encontra-se relacionado com a conceo da ao educativa, na qual so apresentados os contextos onde desenvolvi a minha prtica. No terceiro captulo encontra-se a metodologia aplicada ao longo da PES, tendo por base a questo do educador/professor-investigador, bem como a anlise, interpretao dos dados obtidos atravs da entrevista individual semiestruturada e respetivas concluses. Por fim, no quarto captulo tecerei implicaes e investigaes futuras acerca do estudo realizado; Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Basic Education: Learning reading and writing in early childhood (from 3 to 10 years old) Abstract: This report emerged from our research and our praxis both in the context of Supervised Teaching Practice in Pre-School Education, as in teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in some institutions of the city of vora. The main objective was to understand the purpose and function assigned by the learners to reading and writing. In this sense, a theoretical framework was created which underpinned the whole process of investigation. In this way, I consider fundamental to contextualize briefly the educational environments and the design of the educational action that conducted my practice. This report was built on the basis of researchaction leading to the use of some techniques and tools for data collection in order to achieve the proposed objectives. Throughout the investigation I tried to promote the development of reading and writing by children in the educational context, as well as to promote an exploration of the Portuguese language in conjunction with the diverse curricular areas. The results that have emerged from this work prove that children have already a wide knowledge about what reading and writing are as well as its functionality. On the other hand, it is evident the separation of pre-school education from the first cycle of basic education in the sense that, in the first context, the children have a central role in learning, because everything is done based on their interests and needs, while in the second context activities are planned for the children, but they do not participate in those processes. Thus, this report is organized into four chapters. The first chapter refers to the theoretical background that supports research on the theme. The second chapter is related to the design of educational activity, which presents the contexts where I developed my practice. The third chapter presents the methodology applied along the PES based on the issue of educator/teacher-researcher, as well as the analysis, interpretation of data obtained through the individual semi-structured interview and the corresponding conclusions. Finally, in the fourth chapter I will discuss the implications and the future investigations about the study performed.
O presente relatrio de estgio desenvolveu-se no mbito da unidade curricular de Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada, tendo por finalidade a obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Corresponde descrio e anlise de um trabalho desenvolvido em dois contextos, jardim-de-infncia e 1 ciclo, inseridos num meio urbano, com grupos de crianas de trs, quatro, cinco e seis anos e de seis e sete anos (respetivamente). Este trabalho procurou compreender de que forma ocorriam as conexes entre a vida na escola e na famlia em contexto. Comeando por compreender como poderiam ser promovidas e ampliadas as relaes entre ambos, de forma a envolver os familiares nas aprendizagens das crianas. No entanto criando sempre um espao de troca de aprendizagens onde as diferenas sejam valorizadas. O enquadramento terico foi construdo de forma focada em trs reas de pesquisa: as conexes entre a escola e a famlia, e sua relevncia; as tipologias de relao escola-famlia; e os problemas e estratgias de interveno no mbito da relao escola-famlia. Este relatrio foi sustentado na metodologia de investigao-ao, utilizando diferentes instrumentos de recolha de dados de modo a responder s questes e objetivos propostos: observaes, notas de campo e reflexes; reviso de literatura e questionrio. Os resultados que emergiram deste relatrio, sustentados nos instrumentos de recolha de dados, realam a importncia das conexes entre a vida na escola e na famlia. Apesar da existncia de alguns obstculos nesta relao, torna-se necessrio encontrar estratgias que os eliminem por forma a compreender ambas as partes e um melhor rendimento escolar das crianas; Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool and Primary Education : Life at School and in the Family, which connections? Abstract: This is an action-reseach project research developed within the Supervised Teaching Practice, part of the master in Preschool Education and Primary Teaching. It entails the description and analysis of the work developed in one pre-school and one and primary school, inserted in an urban environment, with children from three to six and from six to seven years (respectively). This work sought to understand how occurred the connections between life at school and in the family context. Starting to understand how they could be promoted and expanded relations between the two context, in order to involve family members in the learning of children. However creating always a swap space of learning where the differences are valued. The theoretical framework focused on three subjects: the importance of the connections between the school and the family,; the types of school-family relationship; and problems and intervention strategies within the school-family relationship. This report adopted an action research methodology, using different data collection instruments in order to reach the objectives proposed: observations field notes and reflections; literature review and a questionnaire. The results that emerged from this report, supported by data, highlight the importance of the connections between life at school and in the family. Despite some obstacles in this relationship, it is necessary to find strategies to eliminate them in order to understand both parts and a better school performance of children.
O presente relatrio insere-se no mbito das unidades curriculares de Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Pr-Escolar e em 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico, inseridas no Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de vora. A investigao traduzida neste relatrio decorreu nos dois contextos acima referidos, sendo primeiramente realizada no contexto de Educao Pr-Escolar e seguidamente no contexto de 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O principal objetivo da investigao centra-se no desenvolvimento das capacidades de resolver problemas em matemtica, tanto em crianas mais pequenas, como mais tarde no incio da escolaridade obrigatria. Surgiu assim a questo orientadora da investigao: Que prticas devo realizar para contribuir para que as/os crianas/alunos consigam tornar-se bons resolvedores de problemas? Seguiram-se a esta outras trs questes no sentido auxiliar a investigao: Como lidam as/os crianas/alunos com a resoluo de problemas? Que estratgias utilizam as/os crianas/alunos para resolver problemas? Que representaes usam as/os crianas/alunos na resoluo de problemas? No desenvolvimento da investigao foi realizada uma sequncia didtica de tarefas matemticas de explorao de resoluo de problemas onde foram recolhidos os dados para uma posterior anlise, tendo em conta no s os objetivos da investigao como os referenciais tericos. Concluiu-se que a metodologia utilizada desenvolveu a capacidade de resolver problemas dos estudantes, ou seja, a explorao de problemas utilizando diferentes estratgias e representaes, tal como a partilha de conhecimentos e a comunicao matemtica, so ferramentas essenciais para uma interveno eficaz no que concerne resoluo de problemas; Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and Teaching of the Primary School: Developing the capacities to solve problems in mathematics Abstract: The present report is inserted in the context of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary School, integrated in Master in Preschool Education and Teaching Primary School at University of vora. This research was held in two different contexts, the first one was performed in a pre-school classroom, and later the second one in classroom of first year of Primary School. The main objective of the research was focused on the development of the capacities to solve mathematical problems either in small children, or later in the beginning of compulsory schooling. As so, the question guiding this investigation emerged: Which practices should I perform to help children/students become better problem solvers? After this, other three questions came up in order to help the research: How do children/students deal with solving problems? What strategies do children/students use to solve problems? What representations do children/students use to solve problems? Throughout this research a didactic intervention consisting in a sequence of mathematical tasks to explore the resolution of problems was performed, allowing data collection for a latter analysis, based not only on the objectives and initial research questions, but also on theoretical approaches consulted. We came to the conclusion that the ability of students to solve problems was improved with the methodology used in this research, meaning that, challenging students with problems using different strategies and representations, such as knowledge sharing and mathematical communication, are essential tools for effective intervention concerning problem solving.
O presente relatrio desenvolve-se no mbito da unidade curricular de Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada para obter o grau mestre em Educao Pr-escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentando o trabalho de investigao-ao desenvolvido em contexto de Jardim de Infncia e 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico focalizado na articulao integrada do saber. Elegeram-se como objetivos deste trabalho compreender a natureza das aprendizagens nas primeiras idades, promovendo a construo articulada do saber evitando a sua disciplinarizao, utilizando diversas linguagens e implementar a metodologia de projeto no trabalho curricular. O enquadramento terico procura aprofundar conceitos de interdisciplinaridade e construo articulada do saber nos processos de aprendizagem e o trabalho de projeto enquanto matriz de construo de conhecimento. Sustentado na metodologia de investigaoao utilizaram-se diversos instrumentos de recolha e anlise de dados como a observao, registo de notas de campo e entrevistas s crianas permitindo responder aos objetivos delineados. Este trabalho permitiu compreender a necessidade da construo articulada das aprendizagens para promover aprendizagens significativas; Supervised teaching Practice in Pre-school and Primary Education: Integrated Knowledge Construction Abstract: This is the report of the action-research project developed in the context of a Pre-school and a Primary School focused on the integration of knowledge, part of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master in Pre-school Education and Teaching in Basic Education (1st cycle). The objectives of this work are: to understand the nature of learning in the early ages through not only promoting the construction of an articulated knowledge while avoiding its disciplinarization, but also using several languages and implement the project methodology in curricular work. The theoretical framework seeks to explore the concepts of interdisciplinarity and the integration of knowledges construction in the processes of learning as the projects work as a basic framework of knowledge construction. Adopting an action-research methodology, several instruments were used for data collection and analysis, such as observation, field notes and interviews to children, allowing to reach the stipulated objectives. This study provided the understanding of the need for the learnings articulated creation to promote relevant learning.
O presente relatrio foi elaborado no mbito da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Jardim-de-Infncia e 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico, inserida no Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O objetivo geral foi promover o livro e a leitura, procurando contribuir para a formao de leitores com hbitos de leitura frequentes. O tema surgiu pela necessidade de compreender qual o papel do educador/professor na promoo da leitura, tendo em conta que este deve orientar o seu trabalho no sentido de transformar a escola numa comunidade de leitura, na qual o prazer de ler uma conquista fundamental. Tambm foi nosso propsito incidir no papel da famlia, tendo em conta a promoo do livro e da leitura. A Dimenso Investigativa da PES baseou-se na observao participante; nos registos fotogrficos; no caderno de formao e na aplicao de dois inquritos por questionrio, um educadora e professora cooperantes e outro a uma amostra de seis crianas do grupo de pr-escolar, que ingressavam no ano letivo seguinte no 1 ano do 1 CEB. Os resultados mostram que em ambos os contextos, jardim-de-infncia e 1 ciclo do ensino básico, existem poucos momentos de leitura de histrias, como tambm a utilizao frequente da rea da biblioteca da sala. Atravs da anlise dos inquritos por questionrio s profissionais de educao, verifica-se que ambas mencionam que existe a rotina frequente de leitura de histrias, salientando-se que esses momentos no foram observados durante a minha observao e interveno. Com a anlise dos inquritos por questionrio ao grupo de crianas do pr-escolar, estes consideram o momento de leitura de histrias promovido pela educadora, satisfatrio; Abstract: The present report has been prepared in scope of Practice of Supervised Teaching in kindergarten and 1st cycle of basic education, entered in the masters degree in Pre-School Education and teaching of the first cycle of basic education. The overall objective was to promote the book and reading, seeking to contribute to the formation of readers with frequent reading habits. The theme came about by the need to understand what the role of the educator/teacher in promoting reading, given that this must orient their work in order to transform the school into a community of reading, in which the pleasure of reading is a fundamental achievement. It was also our purpose focus on the role of the family, taking into account the promotion of books and reading. The Research Dimension of the PES was based on participant observation; photographic records; in the formation and implementation of two surveys, one educator and cooperating teacher and another a sample of six children of the preschool group, which entered the school year following the first year of the 1st CEB. The results show that in both contexts, kindergarten and 1st cycle of basic education, there are few moments of reading stories, as well as the frequent use of the library area of the room. Through the analysis of surveys to education professionals, it turns out that both mention that there is the routine of reading stories, stressing that those moments were not observed during my observation and intervention. With the analysis of the surveys to the Group of children from preschool, they consider the moment of reading stories promoted by the educator, satisfactory.
O presente relatrio expe e analisa a dimenso investigativa desenvolvida em contexto de jardim-de-infncia e de 1 ciclo no mbito da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este projeto teve como finalidade compreender de que maneira a comunicao e a linguagem promovem ou no interaes e aprendizagens das crianas. Para tal, foi dado destaque ao papel do docente enquanto mediador e facilitador das aprendizagens. Assumiu-se uma perspetiva de novas abordagens pedaggicas que promovessem a capacidade individual e coletiva na construo de novos conhecimentos, salientando as comunidades de aprendizagem como o modelo a ser adotado. Este modelo promove estruturas dialgicas, onde a comunicao tem um papel bastante relevante. Neste sentido, foi dada voz s crianas. A investigao presente teve como objetivo causar mudana nos contextos em que se realizou, assim, a reflexo relevou-se um instrumento essencial a todo esse processo; ABSTRACT: This report presents and analyzes the investigative dimension developed in the context of kindergarten and 1st cycle under the Supervised Teaching Practice Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st cycle of basic education. This project aimed to understand how communication and language promote or not interactions and learning of children. To this end, emphasis was given to the role of the teacher as a mediator and facilitator of learning. A perspective of new pedagogical approaches that promote individual and collective capacity to build new knowledge was assumed, emphasizing learning communities as the model to be adopted. This model promotes dialogical structures where communication plays a very important role. In this sense, voice to the children was given. This research aimed to cause changes in the contexts in which it held, for that end, reflection turned out to be a key tool to all of that process.
O presente relatrio surge no mbito do Mestrado em Educao Pr-escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico e visa a obteno do grau de mestre nos nveis de escolaridade referidos. Neste descrevo o projeto de investigao-ao desenvolvido nos contextos da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionado (PES) em Educao Pr-escolar e 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). A investigao-ao realizada visava, sobretudo, ajudar-me a compreender quais as condies que deveria reunir de modo a responder de forma adequada s necessidades das crianas e a perceber como poderia melhorar a minha ao e interveno promovendo aprendizagens significativas e de qualidade, salientando que o propsito no era fornecer o mesmo a todas as crianas, mas sim, a cada uma aquilo de que necessitava. A minha aposta na Diferenciao Pedaggica e numa gesto flexvel do currculo surge orientada pelo princpio do direito de todos aprendizagem e como resposta intencional heterogeneidade dos grupos de crianas que frequentam atualmente as instituies. Assim, de modo a atingir os objetivos propostos, planeei algumas sugestes de interao que permitiam a utilizao de estratgias diversificadas e a observao das crianas durante a utilizao das mesmas. A metodologia utilizada contemplou uma pesquisa bibliogrfica com base em vrios referenciais tericos e a recolha e anlise de dados. Esta investigao possibilitou constatar que a Diferenciao Pedaggica subjacente s propostas apresentadas proporciona o desenvolvimento das crianas tanto a nvel social como cognitivo; ABSTRACT: The present report reflects the research develop in the context of the Master Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the Primary School at University of vora, and aims to obtain the degree of master in the levels mention above. This research was held in two different contexts, the first one in a pre-school classroom, and later in a classroom of fourth year of Primary School. The research performed aimed mainly to help me to understand what conditions must be gathered in order to respond appropriately to children's needs and to see how it could improve my actions and intervention by promoting meaningful and quality learnings, stressing that the purpose was not to provide the same for all children, but to each one what they needed. My bet on Pedagogical Differentiation and a flexible management of the curriculum comes to the principle of the right of all to learning and as an intentional response to the heterogeneity of the groups of children who currently attend institutions. Thus, in order to achieve the proposed objectives, I planned some suggestions for interacting with groups of childrens which allowed me to use multiple strategies and to do observation of the individuals while they were being applied. The methodology included a literature search based on various theoretical frameworks and data collection and the respective analysis. This research led us to confirm that the proposals based on pedagogical differentiation provide children's development both socially and cognitive and it is essential to ensure it since the earliest years of school, in order to build a rich differentiated pedagogical action and to promote learning for all students in pre-school and 1st cycle contexts by using diverse strategies.
O presente relatrio da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada surge no mbito do Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de vora e o resultado de uma investigao sustentada pela ao educativa desenvolvida ao longo da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada, no Pr-Escolar e no 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta investigao tem como principais objetivos compreender de que forma se processa a hora do conto nos dois contextos onde realizei a minha prtica, nomeadamente compreender qual a sua importncia na promoo da leitura. Para isso, pretendi responder s seguintes questes: Que prticas devo realizar para promover a leitura, para formar leitores competentes, autnomos, e para desenvolver a capacidade lingustica das crianas? E como dinamizar a hora do conto no ambiente educativo? Neste sentido, procedeu-se construo do quadro terico que sustenta a investigao do tema A hora do conto: Relato de prticas, onde procuro compreender a importncia e a dinamizao da hora do conto, nomeadamente na promoo da leitura. Para alm da fundamentao terica, a metodologia adotada foi a investigao-ao, onde propus uma prtica de dinamizao e promoo da leitura. Importa tambm realar a importncia dos instrumentos de investigao utilizados durante a PES, que contriburam para a recolha de dados, nomeadamente a entrevista semiestruturada realizada educadora e professora cooperante, possibilitando assim o alcance dos objetivos acima enunciados. Assim, a investigao permitiu contribuir de forma significativa para a ampliao dos estudos acerca da importncia da Hora do Conto como um importante veculo para a formao de leitores, uma vez que o gosto pelas histrias comea na voz dos pais, passa pelos contadores, educadores, professores, os quais assumem uma grande responsabilidade de introduzir a criana no mundo da literatura; ABSTRACT: This report of the Supervised Teaching Practice comes under the Masters Degree in Pre-school Teaching and Primary Education of the University of vora and is the result research supported by the education developed throughout Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool and in Primary Education. The main objectives of this inquiry are to understand how story time is processed in two contexts where I did my practice, in particular to understand what is the importance in promoting reading. For this reason, I wanted to answer the following questions: What practices should I take to promote reading, to form competent readers, autonomous, and to develop the linguistic ability of children? And how to encourage story time within the educational environment? In this sense, a theoretical framework was designed which supports the inquiry of the theme "The Story Time: Reporting practices", where I try to understand the importance and the encouragement of story time, particularly in the promotion of reading. In addition to the theoretical foundation, the methodology adopted was research-action, where I proposed a practice of stimulation and promotion of reading. It is also important to emphasize the importance of the research tools used during the PES, which contributed to the collection of data, in particular structured interviews held with the teacher and teachers assistant, thus enabling to achieve the objectives set out above. This way the investigation significantly contributed to the expansion of the studies about the importance of story time as as an important vehicle for the formation of readers, since the taste for stories begins in the parental voice, passes by storytellers, educators , teachers who take on a great responsibility to introduce the child in the world of literature.
O presente relatrio transparece o progresso de aprendizagem e reflexo realizado no mbito da Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada em Educao Pr-Escolar e no 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste, evidenciou-se uma reflexo da prtica educativa que teve como finalidade compreender de que maneira se podero potenciar as aprendizagens das Cincias Naturais nas crianas. Para tal, destacam-se alguns objetivos que estiveram bastante presentes na dimenso investigativa, tais como a promoo de ambientes de aprendizagem na rea das cincias fsico-naturais tornando as crianas observadores ativos com competncias para investigar, experimentar e aprender; a promoo de contextos de aprendizagem participativa e ativa, desafiadoras e motivantes; o conhecimento e compreenso dos conhecimentos prvios destas, refutando assim a sua expresso e dvida atravs do questionamento; e por fim, a promoo de atitudes, competncias de ao, competncias metodolgicas e competncias de comunicao nas crianas em relao aprendizagem de acontecimentos naturais. Assim sendo, a principal finalidade desta investigao-ao nos contextos onde se realizou foi compreender processos associados (re)construo de conhecimentos com base nos saberes que as crianas j tinham, construindo eu prpria saberes profissionais, atravs da minha prpria ao, registada, analisada e fundamentada; ABSTRACT: The following report transpires the progress of learning and reflection that was accomplished within the Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary Education. In this, it showed a reflection of educational practice that aimed to understand how it may enhance the learning of Natural Sciences in children. For such, we highlighted a few goals that were very present in the research dimension, such as, promoting learning environments in the area of physical and natural sciences, making children active observers with powers to investigate, experiment and learn; promoting ways of participation and active learning, challenging and motivating; knowledge and understanding of prior knowledge of these, thus disproving your expression and doubt through questioning; and finally, the promotion of attitudes, action skills, methodological skills and communication skills in children with regard to the learning of natural events. Therefore, the main purpose of this research-action, in ways where it was accomplished, was the reconstruction of knowledge based on the awareness that children already contained, building my own professional knowledge, through my own action that were recorded, analyzed and justified.
Gerir a vontade e a capacidade de aprender nem sempre so variveis que fazem parte da mesma equao pedaggica nas instituies de ensino superior. Esta constatao serviu de base para esta reflexo que traduz a gesto curricular realizada no mbito do Curso de Formao de professores para o 1 Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de vora.