37 resultados para João V, Rei de Portugal, 1689-1750
Significado regional dos depósitos neogénicos continentais da área de Vila de Rei (Portugal Central)
In the Vi la de Rei arca (Central Portugal) the continental deposits ofthe Lower Tagus Tertiary 8asin lay upon the pediment of me Portuguese Central Chain. Three ronglomerate units are recorded from me base upwards. separated by regional or basinal unconfonnities: Conglomerados de Rio de Moinhos (RM); Conglomerados de Serra de Almeirim (SA) and Conglomerados de Vila de Rei (VR). The first two units (KM and SAl have been si les of gold exploitation in huge optn pit mines probably dunng Roman colonisation times. The contact ofthis units, on thc Paleozoie basement or on the Paleogene unil Grés de Monsanto, is unconfonn, defining in both limits a large nondepositional andlor erosional hiatus. Those conglomerates seal the scdimcntation ofthe Lower Tagus Tertiary Basin along irs northem border. Taking lnto account lhe significance /lssigned to their basinal unconfonnity limits, lhe uplift ofthe Portuguese Centra! Chain. and thc facl ofthis continental units yielded no fossils with chranostratigraphic significanee, they have been eonsidered ranging fram Uppcr Miocene to lhe beginning ofthe Qualemary. Finally, a lithostratigraphic equivalence with lhe Neogenic units ofthc Bierzo and Duema basins (NW ofthe Iberian Peninsula), where exploitalions from Roman limes are also evident, is presented.
O repertório português para instrumentos de tecla da segunda metade do século XVIII encontra-se disperso em bibliotecas e arquivos, em Portugal e no estrangeiro, essencialmente sob a forma de manuscrito. Neste repertório, a sonata emerge como um género musical de grande importância. De facto, as duas coleções de sonatas publicadas na época constituem as únicas obras para instrumentos de tecla impressas em Portugal durante todo esse século. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um inventário do repertório português composto para instrumentos de tecla durante o período acima descrito, focando a respectiva descrição formal e as características composicionais das sonatas em geral, e na produção de cada compositor português em particular, bem como as suas biografias e perfis. De forma a estudar a sonata portuguesa e o seu desenvolvimento no período compreendido entre 1750–1807, foi realizado um levantamento das obras portuguesas existentes para instrumentos de tecla deste período. Este levantamento foi acompanhado por pesquisas biográficas sobre cada compositor e por uma abordagem analítica baseada na Teoria da Sonata de James Hepokoski e Warren Darcy. A divisão deste período em dois subperíodos demonstra variações significativas na evolução da sonata portuguesa. O estudo deste repertório demonstra que a sonata é o género musical predominante e define o modelo da sonata portuguesa deste período, para além de caracterizar o desenvolvimento da sonata em Portugal em paralelo com o desenvolvimento deste género musical em Itália e Espanha; ABSTRACT: The Sonata Genre in Portugal: Contributions for the Study of the Portuguese Keyboard Repertory from 1750 to 1807 The extant Portuguese repertory of the second half of the eighteenth century for keyboard instruments is dispersed in libraries and archives, in Portugal and abroad, mainly in manuscript form. In that repertory, the sonata emerges as a genre of great importance. Indeed, the two collections of sonatas published at the time are the only works for keyboard instruments printed in Portugal throughout the entire century. The aim of the present work is to make an inventory of the Portuguese repertory written for keyboard instruments during the above-mentioned period, with a focus on its formal description and the compositional characteristics of the sonatas in general and in the production of each Portuguese composer in particular, in addition to the biographies and profiles of the latter. In order to study the Portuguese sonata and its development in the period comprised between 1750–1807, a survey of the existing Portuguese works for keyboard instruments from that period was done. This survey was followed by a research on the biography of each composer and an analytic approach based on the Sonata Theory by James Hepokoski and Warren Darcy. Dividing this period in two sub periods showed significant variations on the evolution of the Portuguese sonata. The study of this repertory shows that the sonata is the predominant musical genre within it and identifies the Portuguese sonata model of this period, besides characterizing the development of the sonata in Portugal in parallel with the development of the same genre in Italy and Spain.
O estudo da sismicidade em Portugal ao longo de várias centenas de anos é essencial para uma melhor avaliação do risco sísmico ao qual o continente está sujeito. Neste trabalho, a organização de diversas fontes históricas e atuais numa base de dados possibilita validar facilmente a ocorrência de eventos sísmicos no período desde 1300 a 2014. A construção de um mapa de intensidades máximas observadas neste período permite mostrar que todo o território Português esteve sujeito a sismos com Io≥V. Existem também registos de grandes eventos sísmicos, concentrados em pequenas áreas, que causaram danos consideráveis. De destacar ainda o impacto dos sismos com epicentro no mar, nas cidades costeiras, no Centro e Sul do país.
O Arquipélago dos Açores é uma região sismicamente activa. Desde o seu povoamento no séc. XV o arquipélago foi afectado por 33 sismos de intensidade máxima (Io) ≥ VII. O obejctivo é apresentar o primeiro mapa de intensidades máximas observadas (IMO) do arquipélago dos Açores. A elaboração do IMO visa identificar as áreas afectadas no passado por eventos de grande magnitude. Do catálogo sísmico (1915-2003) foram selecionados as intensidades máxima dos eventos ≥ V. Foram adicionados 14 sismos históricos com Io ≥ VII que ocorreram entre 1522 e 1912. Os clusters sísmicos associados a erupções vulcânicas (1957/58 e 1964) assim como réplicas foram removidos para evitar o enviesamento dos resultados. Utilizou-se o método de krigagem ([1], [2]) para fazer a interpolação para obter os valores de intensidade dos pontos desconhecidos com base dos pontos e intensidades conhecidas. O mapa IMO mostra que a parte oriental das ilhas de São Jorge e Graciosa têm os valores de intensidade mais elevados, XI e IX, respectivamente. Nas ilhas da Terceira e Pico as IMO, com intensidades VIII e VII, respectivamente, estão limitadas aos extremos oriental e ocidental. No Faial, uma faixa com direcção NW-SE apresenta os valores de intensidade (X) mais elevada. Em S. Miguel as IMO (VII e X) estão localizadas na parte ocidental, sudeste e norte da ilha. Por fim, só a parte oriental da ilha de Santa Maria apresenta os valores mais elevados de IMO (VI). Não apresentamos resultados para as ilhas Flores e Corvo, devido à reduzida sismicidade que não preenche os critérios estabelecidos para a selecção de sismos com Io ≥ V. Os mapas IMO não têm capacidade para descriminar os efeitos de sítio, apesar de mostrarem as áreas com elevado movimento do solo.
Introdução Caracterização da área de estudo Materiais e métodos O modelo SWAT Dados de chuva, vazão e produção de sedimentos Tipos de solos e determinação dos parâmetros do SWAT Análises Estatísticas Cenários de Uso do Solo Resultados e discussões Estimativa da Vazão Estimativa da produção de sedimentos Modelagem Hidrossedimentológica em Diferentes Cenários Conclusões Referências bibliográficas RESUMO – A erosão dos solos é um dos mais graves problemas ambientais em todo o mundo, principalmente em regiões semiáridas que sofrem com a variabilidade espaço-temporal da precipitação. Este artigo analisou os processos hidrossedimentológicos na Bacia do Rio Cobres, localizada na porção semiárida de Portugal, utilizando o modelo SWAT. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados diários de precipitação, temperatura, umidade do ar, vazão e produção de sedimentos, para o período de 1960 a 2000, mapas digitais de elevação do terreno com resolução espacial de 90 m, uso e ocupação do solo e tipos de solo da bacia. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do modelo na calibração da vazão, com Coeficiente de Determinação (R²) = 0,81 e Coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) = 0,63, e também para produção de sedimentos com R² = 0,62 e NS = 0,47. O Cenário 3 (Mata) apresentou o maior decréscimo na vazão média, em relação aos Cenários 1 (Real) e 2 (Pastagem). Conclui-se que o modelo SWAT acoplado ao SIG é uma ferramenta poderosa na análise espaço-temporal do comportamento dos processos hidrossedimentológicos. Palavas-chave: SIG, modelo hidrossedimentológico, erosão ABSTRACT – Effects of Scenarios of Land Use on Runoff and Sediment Yield for Cobres River Basin, Portugal. Soil erosion is a major environmental problem worldwide, mainly in semiarid regions that suffer with rainfall spatial and temporal variability. Thus, this paper analysed the runoff-erosion process at the Cobres River Basin, located in semiarid portion of Portugal, using the SWAT model. In this paper, rainfall, temperature and humidity data from 1960 to 2000, and digital maps of land cover, terrain digital elevation model with spatial resolution of 90 m, soil types were used. The results showed the effectiveness of the model for the runoff calibration, with R² = 0.81 and NS = 0.63, and also for sediment yield with R² = 0.62 and NS = 0.47. Scenario 1 (Forest) had the highest decrease in average streamflow, in relation to the Scenarios 1 (Real) and 2 (Pasture) scenarios. It is concluded that the SWAT model coupled to GIS is a powerful tool in the analysis of temporal and spatial behaviour of runoff-erosion processes.
RESUMO ABSTRACT Comunicações orais e Posters Oral communications and posters Este formulário, após preenchido, e aceites as condições descritas no regulamento das Comunicações orais e Posters deve ser enviado para isnr@porto.ucp.pt After complete this form and accept the conditions described in the oral communications and posters regulation, please sent to isnr@porto.ucp.pt Tipo de comunicação (comunicação oral ou poster): Comunicação oral Type of communication: (oral communication or poster): Oral comunication Título (Title): “CAPACITAR O DOENTE ONCOLÓGICO COM DOENÇA AVANÇADA E/OU O CUIDADOR PARA A GESTÃO DA DOR EM DOMICÍLIO” “EMPOWER THE ONCOLOGIC PATIENT WITH ADVANCED DISEASE AT HOME AND/OR THE CAREGIVER FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PAIN” Autoria (Authors): CORREIA, Isabel* (doutoranda em Enfermagem na Universidade de Lisboa) LOPES, Manuel (orientador do projeto) Afiliação dos autores (Authors affiliation): – Professora adjunta na Universidade de Évora, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, doutoranda em enfermagem Universidade de Lisboa - – Professor Doutor em Enfermagem, Diretor da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, Universidade de Évora E-mail: icorreia@uevora.pt - 964078445 mjl@uevora.pt Resumo (3000 caracteres com espaços) INTRODUÇÃO Um dos sintomas mais frequentes no doente oncológico com doença avançada é a dor. Segundo Palliative Care in European, a dor oncológica, tem uma importância especial porque o cancro é a segunda causa de morte em Portugal e por existir dor moderada a intensa em mais de 90% dos doentes em situação oncológica terminal. O desenvolvimento de um programa estruturado de intervenção de enfermagem que vá de encontro às necessidades do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou cuidador, relativamente à gestão da dor, poderá ter um impacto muito significativo no controlo da dor e de outros sintomas. OBJETIVOS Avaliar o efeito de um programa de Intervenção de Enfermagem na capacidade de gestão da dor por parte do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou o cuidador em domicílio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS A implementação do programa tem a duração prevista para 6 semanas. Compreende duas sessões educativas, três telefonemas e uma sessão de avaliação final. O programa foi elaborado, após uma Revisão sistemática de Literatura, com base no programa “ THE PRO-SELF”, nas Orientações Genéricas preconizadas pelo Plano Nacional de Luta Contra a dor e na Intervenção de enfermagem “Controle da Dor” da Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). RESULTADOS O projeto encontra-se na fase de implementação e avaliação do programa educativo. No início os doentes não apresentam informação relativamente à gestão da dor, no final demonstram capacidade para a monitorização da dor e de outros sintomas e para a gestão da terapêutica, realizando os registos num diário de bordo. A literacia, a situação clínica e a disponibilidade interferem na capacidade de gestão. A proximidade da morte e a alteração do estado de consciência interferem na autonomia e na tomada de decisão. CONCLUSÃO Em fase de colheita e análise de dados. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 1. FREIXO, Manuel. Metodologia Cientifica - Fundamentos, Metodos e Tecnicas. s.l. : Piaget, 2011. 2. Bulechek, Gloria M. e etal. Classificaçaõ das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC). Rio de Janeiro : elsevier, 2010. 3. Tsigaroppoulos, T. e etal. Problems faced by relatives caring for cancer patients at home. International Journal Of Nursing Practice. 15, 2009, Vol. 1, Nursing Pratice. 4. west, C.:Dodd,M., et al. Pain Control Program-an effective approach for cancer pain management. Oncology Nursing Forum. 1, 2003, Vol. 30, Oncology Nursing. 5. NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316C0CF8DACD/0/ControlodaDor.pdf, . (2008). . Consultado em 30 de Novembro de 2012 a partir de. Direcção-Geral da Saúde . http://www.portaldasaude.pt. [Online] 2008. [Citação: 30 de Novembro de 2012.] http://www.portaldasaude.pt/NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316COCF8DACD/0/Controlodador.pdf . Abstract (3000 characters with spaces) INTRODUCTION One of the most frequent symptoms in oncological patient with advanced disease is pain. According to Palliative Care in European, oncological pain, has a special importance because the cancer is the second most common cause of death in Portugal and there is moderate to severe pain in more than 90 % of patients in oncological terminal situation. The development of a structured program of nursing intervention that will meet the needs of the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver at home on pain management, will be able to provide for the management of pain, increasing knowledge for the control of pain while minimizing the associated symptoms that influence the quality of life of the patient and the caregiver's anxiety. PURPOSE/GOAL/AIM To evaluate the effect of an educational program of Nursing Intervention on pain management by the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver. RESEARCH/PROBLEM What is the effect of a structured program of nursing intervention directed to the patient and/or oncological patient caregiver with advanced disease at home, in the management of pain? METHODOLOGY Almost experimental study, with assessment of the management capacity of the oncological patient pain with advanced disease at home and/or informal caregiver, before and after the intervention of nursing (educational program) and transverse evaluation throughout the study. Population: oncological patients with advanced disease at home, with more than 18 years, and or family caregiver, attending an Oncology Unit – Hospital during the day. RESULTS Made an application in an Oncology service in oncological patients with advanced disease at home, it was found that at the beginning the patients did not present information regarding pain management, at the end demonstrated capacity for monitoring of pain and other symptoms and therapeutic management, performing a logbook records. CONCLUSION In the process of collection and analysis of data. KEYWORDS Educational Program; oncological patient; oncological pain.
Portugal, no contexto da Europa Ocidental, é o 3.º país com a mais elevada taxa de incidência por infeção VIH/SIDA [i.e. 13.5/100.000 hab.] (ECDC, 2012). O reconhecimento dos efeitos positivos conseguidos através de parcerias com jovens-adultos, dão voz aos mais novos, empoderando-os na prevenção (UNFPA, 2014). O projeto-piloto de intervenção por pares é uma parceria da Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João de Deus-Universidade de Évora com a Administração Regional de Saúde, no âmbito das políticas do Ministério da Saúde e Plano Nacional de prevenção e controlo da infeção por VIH Sida. Objetivo: Contribuir para a Prevenção do HIV-SIDA na Comunidade Académica. Método: O projeto assenta em metodologias de trabalho interdisciplinar e interpares como estratégia de promoção da saúde. Constituídas bolsas de voluntários e formados “pares de educadores”. Realizadas intervenções na Universidade de Évora que abrangeram o pessoal docente, não docente e discente. Realizados debates e jogos dobre a temática do VIH. Distribuídos preservativos e feita demonstração do correto uso do mesmo. Entre outras atividades ouve ainda a possibilidade de realizar de forma gratuito e confidencial o teste rápido do VIH. Resultados: De Fevereiro de 2013 a Maio de 2014 foram formados 54 “pares de educadores”. Das intervenções realizadas resultaram 11 debates com a presença de 522 Pessoas, a distribuição de 11017 preservativos masculinos, 950 femininos, 241 Atividades de aconselhamento individual e realização de Testes Rápidos do VIH. Conclusão: A comunidade académica, pela diversidade de papéis, idades e experiências das pessoas, constitui um grupo interessante para a realização do programa de intervenção comunitária. Considera-se pertinente a continuidade deste projeto, estando já agendadas novas intervenções para o Ano 2014/15
The main aim of this chapter is to analyze the social and political effects of dynastic marriages between the Portuguese and Castilian-Aragonese crowns on the configuration of transnational, aristocratic families during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To illustrate these questions we have chosen to follow the Soares de Alarcão family (known in Spain as Suárez de Alarcón) and the paths it took between the royal houses of Portugal and Castile for seven generations. The working hypothesis of the chapter is that the identity of the Iberian nobility during this era was characterized by a shared noble culture rather than by any particular features derived from the family’s land of origin. That assumption allows us to discuss whether the use of a particular language or culture indicates ties or political loyalties based on criteria of nationality, or, at the very least, place of birth. Therefore, this essay discusses the miscegenation of Iberian nobilities derived from dynastic marriages. It articulates the structural characteristics of this group and its political impact with the individual trajectories and historical contexts in which they developed. While these topics can be of interest for the comprehension of Portuguese early modern history, they can also help us to reflect more broadly on processes of identity construction.
The occurrence of mafic (mainly gabbros and diorites) and felsic (syenites and granites) rocks, in close spatial association, in the Elvas region, at the northern part of the Ossa-Morena Zone, could be interpreted as a single bimodal (alkaline) plutonic complex. However, in spite of scarce isotopic (Sm-Nd) data, the co-magmatic origin of both rock groups (mafic and felsic) has already been questioned [1]. Based on the mineral chemistry of primary clinopyroxenes (Di–Hd, %En: 45.5 – 27.2) and representative whole-rock analyses, gabbros and diorites of the Elvas massif show a transitional character between alkaline and non-alkaline fields and wide compositions: SiO2 (42.47 – 58.00 wt%); TiO2 (0.24 – 1.68 wt%); Y/Nb (4.0 – 10.7); Th (0.1 – 6.8 ppm); Zr (18.6 – 576.9 ppm). The felsic group is composed by highly differentiated rocks which correspond to distinct levels of silica saturation and alkalinity. Peralkaline syenites usually present sodic (riebeckite) and sodic-calcic (aegirine-augite, ferrowinchite) inosilicates and reveal quite variable compositions: SiO2 (57.50 – 72.07 wt%); TiO2 (0.10 – 1.45 wt%); Th (1.7 – 67.0 ppm); Zr (133.0 – 4800.0 ppm). The alkaline granites show hedenbergite as the characteristic inosilicate, presenting relatively common compositions: SiO2 (61.85 – 78.06 wt%); TiO2 (0.21 – 0.58 wt%); Th (11.8 – 38.4 ppm); Zr (317.3 – 1234.6 ppm) [2]. Recent Sm-Nd isotopic results, on a total of 18 whole-rock samples (6 mafites and 12 felsites), allow new and more consistent interpretation concerning the petrogenesis of these plutonic rocks. Assuming an age of 490 Ma [3], the felsic rocks provide (0.6 < Nd490 < 4.3), similar to other contemporary (per)alkaline rocks of this region [4], reflecting magmatic extractions from time-integrated depleted mantle sources followed by variable and incomplete mixing (and/or AFC-type) processes with enriched, probably crustal sources. This alkaline/peralkaline magmatism is thought to represent the main regional record of the rifting event which presumably led to the opening of the Rheic Ocean. On the other hand, the mafic plutonic rocks of the Elvas massif cannot represent the magmatic precursors of these syenites and granites as they show completely distinct Nd isotopic ratios (3.7 < Nd490 < 1.2) indicating important contribution of long-term enriched (crustal) sources. Instead, considering the age and the Nd isotopic signature of other mafic plutonic unit emplaced nearby (the Campo Maior massif: ca. 370 Ma; 6.0 < Nd370 < 5.2) [5], and recalculating the isotopic ratios of the Elvas massif for the same age (4.3 < Nd370 < 1.6), it is plausible to consider that these plutons (Campo Maior and Elvas) can be coeval and representative of the Variscan magmatism in this region. In such hypothesis, the differences between these isotopic values could be explained, on a time-integrated basis, either by magmatic sources for the Elvas massif less enriched in LREE than the sources involved in the Campo Maior massif, or, if both plutonites share similar depleted mantle sources, by magmatic differentiation paths considerably affected by crustal contamination processes, which reached higher degrees in the Campo Maior massif.
O presente trabalho consiste num estudo sobre a evolução do ensino da Bateria em Portugal e toda a sua envolvência ─ músicos e principais instituições com tradição e responsabilidade no ensino e divulgação musical; Abstract: This dissertation proposes a study on the evolution of the teaching of the Drum Set in Portugal and all its surroundings ─ musicians and leading institutions with tradition and responsibility in teaching and musical dissemination.
Este estudo procurou, por um lado, caracterizar as bibliotecas das Universidades públicas portuguesas em termos de recolha de dados estatísticos, seu tratamento e posterior utilização na gestão e tomada de decisão nessas bibliotecas. Por outro lado, procurou auscultar a satisfação do staff e a satisfação dos utilizadores dessas mesmas bibliotecas. Além desta competente mais descritiva, este estudo incluiu também uma componente explicativa baseada num modelo teórico que sugere, primeiramente, a existência de uma relação entre a utilização de informação estatística (IE) na gestão e tomada de decisão e a satisfação do staff e a satisfação dos utilizadores. E, seguidamente, a presença de uma relação de interdependência entre o grau de satisfação do staff e o grau de satisfação dos utilizadores, tal como é sugerido pela teoria da cadeia de lucro na prestação de serviços (Heskett et al., 1994). Foi possível apurar a existência de uma cultura de recolha de dados estatísticos, tratamento e utilização dessa informação para a gestão e tomada de decisão entre as bibliotecas participantes. O estudo também revela que a recolha e utilização de IE tem um impacto positivo na satisfação dos utilizadores, mas afecta negativamente a satisfação do staff com o ambiente de trabalho. / ABSTRACT; This study characterizes the Portuguesa Higher Education Libraries with respect to the collection of data, its statistical analysis and subsequent use in the management and decision making of these Libraries. ln addition, the study also tried to obtain information on the level of satisfaction of staff and users in the same Libraries. Besides this descriptive component, this study includes an explicative component based on a theoretical model. This model first suggests the existence of a positive relationship between the use of statistical information in management and decision making in a Library and the level of satisfaction of users and staff. A second prediction of the model is the existence of an interdependence relationship between the level of satisfaction of the staff and the level of satisfaction of the users, as it is suggesting by the service-profit-chain theory (Heskett et al., 1994). The results reveal the existence of a culture of data collection, statistical analysis of the data and subsequent use in management and decision making among the participant libraries. The study also shows that the collection and use of statistical information has a positive impact on the level of satisfaction of the users but a negative impact on the level of satisfaction of staff regarding the job environment.
The study of groundwater dependent ecosystems opened the opportunity to involve specialists of different areas of knowledge in order to obtain answers for complex interrelations between groundwater and the associated ecosystems. The actual study, carried out in two coastal lagoons of the Portuguese SW coast, showed the high dependency of the marine life and vegetation of the lagoons and associated streams discharging in the lagoons on the fresh water supply of these two lagoons and the high contribution they receive from groundwater in the dry period, which corresponds to more than half of each hydrologic year. Every year, the lagoons are artificially opened to the ocean for a few days to a few weeks, which dramatically changes the inside salinity. The sensitivity of these ecological niches is demonstrated by the strong dependence that some species that are more sensitive to high salinity waters show in relation to the entrance of freshwater resultant from the discharge of the phreatic aquifer of Sines sedimentary Basin. The great biodiversity of these lagoons and its precarious balance is only possible to preserve if the aquifer continue to act as a regulatory factor of the lagoon’s salinity. The equilibrium can be changed in the event of overexploitation of the phreatic aquifer, which is not at risk in the near future. In a scenario of climate change the lagoons will benefit from a slow increase in groundwater contribution, due to the rise of sea level, which will be accompanied by a rise in groundwater levels in the aquifer near the sea.
This study examines the long profiles of tributaries of the Tejo (Tagus) and Zêzere rivers in central eastern Portugal (West Iberia) in order to provide new insights into the patterns, timing and controls on drainage development during the Pleistocene to Holocene incision stage. The long profiles were extracted from lower order tributary streams associated with the trunk drainage of the Tejo River and one main tributary, the Zêzere River (Fig. 1). These streams flow through a landscape strongly influenced by variations in bedrock lithology (mainly granites and metasediments), fault structures delimiting crustal blocks with distinct uplift rates, and a base-level lowering history (tectonic uplift / eustatic). The long profiles of the tributaries of the Tejo and Zêzere rivers record a series of transient and permanent knickpoints. The permanent knickpoints have direct correlation with the bedrock strength, corresponding to the outcropping of very hard quartzites or to the transition from softer (slates/metagreywaques) to harder (granite) basement. The analyzed streams/rivers record also an older transient knickpoint/knickzone separating: a) an upstream relict graded profile, with lower steepness and higher concavity, that reflects a long period of quasi-equilibrium conditions reached after the beginning of the incision stage; and b) a downstream reach displaying a rejuvenated long profile, with steeper gradient and lower concavity, particularly for the final segment, which is often convex (Fig. 2). The rejuvenated reaches testify the upstream propagation of several incision waves that are the response of each stream to continuous or increasing crustal uplift and dominant periods of base-level lowering by the trunk drainages, coeval of low sea level conditions. The long profiles and their morphological configurations enabled spatial and relative temporal patterns of incision to be quantified for each individual tributary stream. The incision values of streams flowing in uplifted blocks of the Portuguese Central Range (PCR) (ca.380-280 m) indicate differential uplift and are higher than the incision values of streams flowing on the adjacent South Portugal planation surface – the Meseta (ca. 200 m). The normalized steepness index, calculated using the method of Wobus et al. (2006), proved to be sensitive to active tectonics, as lower ksn values were found in relict graded profiles of streams located in less uplifted blocks, (e.g. Sertã stream in the PCR), or in those flowing through tectonic depressions. Fig. 1 – Geological map of the study area. 1 – fluvial terraces (Pleistocene); 2 – sedimentary cover (Paleogene and Neogene); 3 – slates and metasandstones (Devonian); 4 – slates and quartzites (Silurian); 5 – quartzites (Ordovician); 6 – slates and metagreywackes (Precambrian to Cambrian); 7 – slates, metagreywackes and limestones (Precambrian); 8 – granites and ortogneisses; 9 – diorites and gabros; 10 - fault. SFf – Sobreira Formosa fault; Sf – Sertã fault; Pf – Ponsul fault; Gf – Grade fault. The differential uplift indicated by the distribution of the ksn values and by the fluvial incision was likely accumulated on a few major faults, as the Sobreira Formosa fault (SFf), thus corroborating the tectonic activity of these faults. Due to the fact that the relict graded profiles can be correlated with other geomorphic references documented in the study area, namely the T1 terrace of the Tagus River (with an age of ca. 1 Myr), the following incision rates can be estimated: a) for the studied streams located in uplifted blocks of the PCR, 0.38 m/kyr to 0.28 m/kyr; b) for the streams flowing on the South Portugal planation surface, 0.20 m/kyr. The differential uplift inferred between crustal blocks in the study area corroborates the neotectonic activity of the bordering faults, which has been proposed in previous studies based upon less robust data. Fig. 2 – Longitudinal profile of the Nisa stream a tributary of the Tejo River. Note the equilibrium relict profile upstream the older transient knickpoint (hatched line) and the downstream rejuvenated profile (continuous line). Legend: tKP – transient knickpoint; rKp – resistant knickpoint; Mt – schist and phyllite; Gr – granite; Hf – hornfels; Og – orthogneisse. In the inset Distance – Slope plots, fill circles correspond to the relict graded profile, crosses correspond to the rejuvenated profile located downstream the older transient knickpoint (tKP).
Spirituality is considered a dimension of nursing care, which is often recognized as being neglected, mainly due to a lack of education. Several studies have addressed nursing students’ perceptions and skills for providing spiritual care, but there is little evidence on how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. This study comprised Portuguese and Brazilian nursing schools (from São Paulo) and describes how spirituality is addressed in undergraduate nursing curricula. It is descriptive and the survey research was performed in 2014–2015. The questionnaire was composed of closed and open-ended questions and was sent by e-mail. A total of 129 answers were obtained, mostly from Portugal. Results indicated that several curricular units include spirituality, although having different contents. The learning outcomes are consistent with improving nursing students’ integral education, developing the clinical reasoning regarding spirituality, and improving the assessment of the patient across the life span. Nevertheless, it seems that spirituality is poorly addressed in clinical practice. Few nursing schools have courses or curricular units specifically dealing with spirituality, but they do provide some form of teaching on the subject. No standard curriculum exists, but teachers believe that it is a very important subject that should be included in the courses taught.
The present work describes the measurement effort for direct normal irradiance (DNI) evaluation in the sunny south of Portugal, with a network of eight radiation measurement stations in several locations (including Évora) providing a good coverage of the region. This new initiative for DNI measurement will still need many years (typically 10 or more) to produce a time series which can claim having long term statistical value. This problem can, however, be temporarily mitigated by measuring DNI at the same time as GHI and DHI, in a place where long term series dating back, already exist for those two. It so happens that a long term series (20 years) of global and diffuse solar irradiation exists for the location Évora. So the expectation is to establish correlations with the goal of attributing at least some long term statistical significance to the short and recent DNI series. The paper describes the setup of the measuring stations and presents the preliminary measurements obtained. It further presents the first correlations of monthly averages between normal beam (DNI), global and diffuse radiation. It then uses these correlations, admittedly without acceptable statistical significance (short series of less than one year of measured data), to exemplify how to get a prediction of long term DNI for Évora. This preliminary obtained value is compared to that predicted by the commercial data from Meteonorm.