3 resultados para Bull Mountains
em Repositório Científico da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Introdução: A adolescência é uma fase do ciclo vital marcada por diversas alterações físicas, psicológicas e sociais. Desta forma, é possível estabelecer uma relação entre violência e adolescência, dado que é durante esta etapa de vida que os jovens se deparam com o sentimento de ameaça da sua identidade, o que poderá despoletar comportamentos agressivos (Hernández, 2013). O bullying é uma forma de violência escolar que tem vindo a apresentar uma elevada prevalência, tornando-se imprescindível mencionar que este fenómeno não é um evento" normal", e não deve ser um acontecimento que os jovens devam vivenciar durante a transição entre a infância e a adolescência (Andrade, 2012). Com a finalidade de reduzir a prevalência de bullying na comunidade escolar elaboramos o Projeto de Intervenção Educativa "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", no qual definimos os seguintes objetivos específicos: aumentar o nível de literacia para a saúde da comunidade escolar (alunos e docentes), relativamente ao bullying e desenvolver o projeto em todas as turmas do 5º ao 9º ano de um Colégio, incluindo os docentes. Metodologia: A nossa população alvo consistiu num total de 203 alunos do 5º ao 9º ano e 13 docentes de um Colégio. É um estudo transversal de investigação-ação, sendo que foi aplicado um questionário de diagnóstico e realizadas sessões de educação para a saúde, que posteriormente foram avaliadas com a aplicação de um novo questionário. Resultados: Foi possível verificar que após a sessão de educação para a saúde, 93,1% dos estudantes identificaram o que fazer numa situação de bullying, sendo que 62,6% dos estudantes responderam que numa situação de agressão chamavam um adulto; 95,1% referiram que sabiam o que era o bullying, 56,8% associaram o conceito à agressão física e 92,6% referiram conhecer os tipos de bullying, sendo que o bullying físico (71,9%) e o bullying verbal (69,5%) foram os tipos mais mencionados. Na intervenção educativa realizada aos docentes foi aplicado um questionário, onde 76,9% considerou que o ambiente escolar era agradável, 84,6% caracterizou o relacionamento entre os estudantes como "adequado" e 77% afirmou que não vivenciou nenhuma situação de bullying. Conclusões: Deste modo, é possível afirmar que após a intervenção educativa, os alunos adquiriram novos conhecimentos no que diz respeito às questões "Numa situação de agressão o que fazes?", "Sabes o que é o bullying?", "O que é o bullying?" "Conheces os tipos de bullying?" e "Quais são os tipos de bullying?".
Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.
Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.