9 resultados para tree height growth
Estimating with greater precision and accuracy the height of plants has been a challenge for the scientific community. The objective this study is to evaluate the spatial variation of tree heights at different spatial scales in areas of the city of Recife, Brazil, using LiDAR remote sensing data. The LiDAR data were processed in the QT Modeler (Quick Terrain Modeler v. 8.0.2) software from Applied Imagery. The TreeVaW software was utilized to estimate the heights and crown diameters of trees. The results obtained for tree height were consistent with field measurements.
Among the four commercial chestnut species the C. dentata (Marsh.) Boskh. and C. sativa P. Mill. has excellent quality but more susceptible to diseases when compared to C. mollissima Blume and C. crenata Siebold & Zucc. which has inferior quality but can be used as rootstocks. This work aimed to evaluate the behavior of chestnut varieties grafted in different rootstocks under São Bento do Sapucaí, São Paulo, Brazil condition. In 1986, eleven chestnut cultivars and hybrids - Ibuki (IB), Izumo (IZ), Kinchu (KI), KM1 (KM2), KM(2) KM(2), Moriowase (MO), Okuni (OK), Taishowase (TAI), Tamatsukuri (TAM), Tiodowase (TIO) and Senri (SEN) (only graft) ? were grafted each other resulting in hundred ten combinations. Fifteen-year later grafted trees with minimum of three plants were evaluated for tree height, trunk diameter above and below graft union and graft compatibility. Randomized blocks with three replications were submitted to analysis of variance for tree height and trunk diameter. Grouping analysis using the PROC CLUSTER ? SAS system was used to describe the pattern of variance among different combinations. Seventy eight combinations in hundred ten showed perfect grafting compatibility 6 months after grafting. Forty seven combinations showed incompatibility after transplanting and the dieback rate in each combination ranged from 25 to 100%. Among seventy eight combinations established in the field twenty six had enough plants for evaluation fifteen-year later. Tree height and trunk diameter showed highly significant difference among the combinations. The highest plant (6 m) was grafted on Moriowase and Tamatsukuri which showed the highest compatibility as rootstock. The harvesting season is from November to May where MOR, IB, TAM, OK and TAI behave as early-season-cultivar and SEN the latest one.
Araucaria angustifolia é uma espécie nativa potencial para a silvicultura brasileira. No entanto, uma série de desafios e limitações técnicas ainda persistem, dificultando sua expansão silvicultural, dentre os quais se destaca a falta de tecnologias de clonagem de materiais genéticos superiores, bem como sua avaliação em condições de campo. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a potencialidade da utilização de mudas de araucária oriundas de estaquia e de sementes para produção madeireira, por meio da avaliação da sobrevivência e crescimento a campo. Clones provenientes de matrizes masculinas e femininas, de diferentes tipos de estacas e mudas de sementes foram plantadas em espaçamento 3 x 3 m. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e parcelas de uma planta (one tree plot). Clones do sexo feminino e de estacas contendo o ápice apresentaram maior crescimento em diâmetro à altura do peito (6,4 cm) e altura total (3,6 m) aos 74 meses após o plantio, seguidas das de sementes e demais clones, com resultados similares. Conclui-se que a estaquia é uma técnica potencial de produção de mudas de araucária para fins madeireiros e é favorecida pela utilização de estacas proveniente de matrizes femininas e com ápice.
Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel is a species that has good potential for reclamation of degraded soils. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the growth and survival of the species and the influence of rainfall on growth in diameter as a function of different spacings (4 m x 2 m, 4 m x 3 m, and 4 m x 4 m). The results indicate that the temporal analysis (period from November 2007 to August 2013) detected significant differences (p ? 0.05) in height between the 4 m x 2 m and 4 m x 4 m spacings, while no significant difference in diameter was found between the 4 m x 2 m and 4 m x 3 m spacings. However, the statistical differences did not persist when the data was analyzed at seven and half years old. Regarding survival, a significant difference was observed only between the 4 m x 4 m spacing and the others, with superiority to the former. A strong correlation was found between rainfall and the increment in diameter of individuals in the broader spacings (R = 0.80 in the 4 m x 3 m spacing and R = 0.77 in the 4 m x 4 m spacing), while in the denser spacing the correlation was moderate (R = 0.56 in the 4 m x 2 m spacing). Since the spacings adopted did not influence tree growth by the end of the period, the choice will depend on other factors such as survival and costs of implementation and forestry management. Plantations in regions with larger rainfall amplitude may benefit the productivity of the species.
Agroforestry systems with eucalyptus prevail in Central and Southeast Brazil, and little information is available about systems using native trees. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the development of seven native tree species grown under two agroforestry systems. The experiment was conducted starting in 2007 in 12-hectare area in the municipality of São Carlos, São Paulo state, Brazil. The tree species planted in the two systems (a silvopastoral system and an agrisilvicultural system) were: 'capixingui' (Croton floribundus) and 'mutambo' (Guazuma ulmifolia) (tutors), 'jequitibá-branco' (Cariniana estrellensis), 'canafistula' (Peltophorum dubium) and 'ipê felpudo' (Zeyheria tuberculosa) (timber trees), and 'angico-branco' (Anadenanthera colubrina) and 'pau-jacaré' (Piptadenia gonoacantha) (N-fixing trees). Data were collected for 48 months. The results show differences among tree development, which was evaluated as growth in height and diameter, as well as sensitivity to insect and disease damage. The overall results show that the agrisilvicultural system allowed better tree development. The species with best performance in the two systems were capixingui, mutambo and canafístula. Ipê-felpudo and jequitibá-branco showed the worst results. The high variability among individuals of the same species indicates the possibility of high production advances with selective breeding of these species.
The objective of this paper was to determine changes in the spatial distribution of tree species in a logged compared to an unlogged forest of the Tapajos National Forest in the municipality of Belterra, State of Para, Brazil, over an eight-year period. The distribution pattern was determined for trees> 5 cm dbh and, also, for trees > 30 cm dbh. The relationship (a quadrate method) discussed by McGinnis was selected to be used in this study. Forty-seven percent of species with trees > 5 cm dbh showed clumped distribution in the studied forests. Geissospermwn sericeunz Benth & Hook., Minquartia guianensis Aubl., Poureria bilocularis (H. Winkler) Bachni, Protium guacayantan Cuatrec, Sclerolobium chrysophyllunz Poepp. et Endl. and the Sapotaceae family (9 species) occurred in clumps of small trees (5 cm 5 dbh < 30 cm) and big trees (dbh > 30 cm) in both the logged and undisturbed forest. Trees in all sizes of these species certainly have aggregation characteristics in different light condition's during the whole growth-cycle. Only Sclerolobium cizzysophylltan out of fourteen species that occurred aggregated in all forest conditions was light demanding. The shade-tolerant Lecythis lurida (Miers) Mori and Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Stand!. showed also aggregated distribution for small and big trees in the unlogged forest. An aggregated distribution is not always directly correlated to abundance, considering that most of the clumped species had less than seven trees per hectare.
The obtaining of a compact plant, with less vigor and high productivity, equivalent to a conventional plant, constitutes a strong tendency in the current horticulture, aiming at a raising of the fruit production at the same planted area. One of the techniques that have had success nowadays is the interstem use. This study was developed in a commercial orchard of Randon Agro Silvo Pastoril S.A. (RASIP), located in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of apple trees of 'Imperial Gala' with different lengths of EM-9 interstem. The treatments consisted of five interstem lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 cm. In the seventh year of implantation the following parameters were evaluated: the height of the plant, the diameter of the 'Imperial Gala' 5 cm above the second graft point, the volume of the tree-head (height, width and length), the number of bud per branch, and the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch. Through this study it could be concluded that the greater interstem (30 cm) presented better indices with relation of vigor control. However, the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch with the interstem of 10 cm offered only significant superiority, when compared with the interstem of 30 cm. Using interstem technique allows to gather the benefits of the rootstock 'Marubakaido' and to control excessive vigour with the interstem EM-9.