6 resultados para on-line mittaus


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use of additives (Mg/P and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide - DCD), on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting. The experiment was run in duplicate; the gas was monitored for 30 days in different treatments (control, DCD, Mg/P and DCD + Mg/P). Nitrous oxide emissions rate (mg of N2O-N.day-1) and the accumulated emissions were calculated to compare the treatments. Results has shown that emissions of N-N2O were reduced by approximately 70, 46 and 96% through the additions of DCD, MgCl2.6H2O + H3PO4 and both additives, respectively, compared to the control. Keywords Composting; swine slurry; additives; nitrous


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Hydrogen sulphide is one of the most toxic and corrosive compound present in swine-derived biogas streams.In this study, afield scale biotrickling filter for the removal of hydrogen sulfide was investigated.A Biofilter packed with supporting biofilm materials was fed continuously with a proprietary nutrient solution and operatedfor over 73days. The system has been operating with a H2S inlet concentrations ranging from 1,000to 3,000 ppm.Significant removal efficiencies >95% was demonstrated. pH of the stock feeding solution decreased from 6.2 to as low as 3.5within couple days.The resulting drop in pH provided circumstantial evidence to support biological H2 Soxidation to sulphuric acid by sulfide-oxidizers. Sulfur precipitation was also observed to occur. The results suggested that H2S removal from biogas stream can be efficiently achieved using portable, low cost and maintenance free biotrickling filters.


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The effects of swine wastewater-derived biogas on microalgae productivity were determined. Experiments were conducted in a closed photobioreactor containing digestate effluent as culturing media and biogas in the headspaceas source of CO2. Experiments were carried out under mixothrophic and autothrophic conditions. Results showed that autotrophic growth rate (0.6 d-1)was twofoldfaster than mixotrophic. Frequent reinjections of biogas containing up to 2,000 ppm of hydrogen sulfide was not inhibitory to microalgae growth. The rapid removal of H2S in the system suggests photobioreactors can be an interesting alternative to biogas purification. A model to estimate microalgae productivity based on the amount of available CO2, inorganic and organic carbon was developedand showed good data fit correlation (r²= 0.99).


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Phycoremediation of swine wastewaters has been widely reported as an attractive tertiary treatment system, that effectively removes the excessive nutrient loadswhilst offering a valuable source of feedstock biomass. Digestate from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, 6%v/v) and a nitrification reactor (NR; 50% v/v) were used as culturing media to microalgae. Experiments were carried out in lab scale photobioreactors (PBRs) using a consortia of Chlorella and Scenedesmus. Ammonia (44 to 90%) and phosphorus (77%) were efficiently removed from both effluents tested after 4 days. Microalgae biomass harvested from the UASB effluent showed 57, 34 and 1% of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively. Comparatively, the cellular composition of microalgae grown on NR effluent had lower protein (43%) but higher carbohydrate (42%) contents. Negligible difference in lipid fraction was observed independently of the effluents tested. The results suggest that the biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewaters can offer a valuable protein and carbohydrate feedstock for nutritional and biotechnological applications.


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O livro Proposta Metodológica de Macroeducação é uma coletânea publicada pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Embrapa. É o volume 2 da série ?Educação Ambiental para o desenvolvimento Sustentável?, que reúne sete volumes, todos eles obras coletâneas. Levam o mérito de serem realizados de forma participativa, desde a escolha dos títulos, dos temas às revisões. Quanto à abrangência do livro resenhado, desde 2004 foram impressos 8.074 exemplares. A leitura se faz obrigatoriamente em meio impresso, uma vez que não está disponível para download, até o momento. O seu preço é acessível (R$ 18,00, em média) nas livrarias da Embrapa, mas exemplares com valores menores são encontrados nas principais livrarias on-line, chegando a custar R$ 5,40.