7 resultados para late leaf spot
Based on the evidences presented in this paper, results from classical genetic studies, fine-mapping information and physical position analysis using the reference genome sequence of P. vulgaris, the BIC Genetic Committee has formally accepted the proposed new gene symbols.
The aim of this study was to identify sources of resistance in the germplasm collection providing information of potential sources of resistance to introduce in breeding programs.
Cultivares comerciais de macieiras são infectadas por 3 espécies principais de vírus: Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) e Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), geralmente em infecções complexas. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a diversidade genética de genes da proteína capsidial (CP) de isolados de ACLSV.
Apples are commercially grown in Brazil in a subtropical environment that favors the development of fungal diseases such as Glomerella leaf spot (GLS) caused mainly by Glomerella cingulata (anamorph Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of mixed infections by Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) on the infection and the colonization processes of C. gloeosporiodes in cv. Maxi Gala plants. Leaves of 16-month-old potted plants were spray-inoculated and both the disease incidence and lesion count were monitored over time and leaf severity was assessed in the final evaluation using an image analysis tool. Results showed that initial infection estimated from a monomolecular model fitted to progress of lesion count was higher and the incubation period (time to reach 50% incidence) was on average 10 h shorter in virus-infected plants compared to non-infected plants. It is hypothesized that initial events such as conidial germination and fungal penetration into plant cells were facilitated by the presence of viral infection. Also, final GLS severity was significantly higher in the virus-infected plants. Mixed infections by ASGV/ASPV seemed to make apple leaves more susceptible to the initial infection and colonization by C. gloeosporioides.
RESUMO: A reação de 23 genótipos de girassol à mancha de Alternaria foi avaliada em dois experimentos de campo, conduzidos em Londrina, PR, nas safras 2013/2014 e 2014/2015. Os experimentos foram semeados em outubro de 2013 e outubro de 2014. A severidade da doença, que ocorreu por infecção natural das plantas pelo fungo, foi avaliada na fase de desenvolvimento R3, utilizando uma escala diagramática da doença. Após a colheita, também foram avaliados a produtividade, o peso de mil aquênios e o teor de óleo. Em cada experimento, verificou-se diferença estatística significativa entre os híbridos avaliados em condições de campo, tanto para a severidade da doença, quanto para os componentes de produção. Nenhum genótipo de girassol apresentou resistência completa à mancha de Alternaria. ABSTRACT: The reaction of 23 sunflower genotypes to Alternaria leaf spot disease was evaluated in two field experiments carried out in Londrina, state of Paraná, Brazil, during 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 growing seasons. The experiments were sown in October 2013 and October 2014. Alternaria disease severity, under natural conditions in the field, was evaluated at the R3 growth stage with reference to a diagrammatic scale developed for this disease. After harvesting, yield, 1000-seed weight and oil content were also evaluated. For each experiment, statistical significance was observed among the evaluated genotypes for disease severity and yield components. None of the sunflower genotypes showed complete resistance to Alternaria leaf spot.
RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a severidade da mancha de Alternaria de genótipos de girassol em ambientes do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Três experimentos foram avaliados, dois na Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) e um localizado na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (Recanto das Emas, DF). Foram feitas análises ao longo do ciclo da cultura com um intervalo de 15 dias, sendo a primeira aos 35 dias após emergência. Cada planta foi analisada em três partes: terço inferior, terço médio e terço superior. Ao final de cada experimento, a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) foi calculada para cada genótipo. De acordo com os resultados observados, o ambiente de sequeiro na Embrapa Cerrados, que deteve a maior média da severidade da doença, entre os ambientes avaliados. Dentre os genótipos avaliados, MG 360 mostrou menor severidade da doença no sequeiro e AGUARA 06 no irrigado da Embrapa Cerrados. O genótipo BSG 42 na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, se destacou pela menor severidade do fungo. Houve influência significativa do ambiente nos resultados de severidade da doença, que está estreitamente relacionada com os fatores climáticos como temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. A compreensão dessas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento do fungo é essencial quando se avalia a resistência em genótipos de girassol. ABSTRACT: This study had the purpose of comparing the severity of Alternaria leaf spot on genotypes of sunflower in the Brazilian Cerrado. Three field trials were established, two at Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) and one at Embrapa Produtos e Mercados (Recanto das Emas, DF). Evaluations were made during the crop cycle every 15 days, the first one happening 35 days after crop emergency. Each plant was analyzed in three parts: lower, middle and upper thirds. At the end of each trial the average area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), for each third, was calculated for all genotypes. According to the observed results, the dryland environment at Embrapa Cerrados had the highest mean disease severity, among the studied environments. Between the evaluated genotypes, MG360 showed less severity in dryland and AGUARA 06 in the irrigated environment at Embrapa Cerrados. At Embrapa Produtos e Mercado the genotype that presented the best performance was BRS G42. Environmental conditions deeply affected the trials, mainly temperature and relative humidity. Their influence on Alternaria leaf spot epidemics in the Cerrado region must be studied in more detail, to avoid misinterpreting data when evaluating sunflower genotypes for resistance to this important fungal disease.