6 resultados para larva
Alguns aspectos biologicos de Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard foram estudados em laboratorio, incluindo a duracao das formas jovens e a capacidade reprodutiva, em plantas de tomate var. Rossol. As duracoes dos estagios do ovo, larva, protoninfa e deutoninfa foram de 4,8; 2,6, 2,4 e 3,2 dias, respectivamente, correspondendo a uma duracao total de, aproximadamente treze dias de ovo a adulto, para ambos os secos. Os niveis mais altos de oviposicao foram obtidos do quarto ao decimo ia, aproximadamente. Uma media de 105,7 ovos foram postos durante todo o periodo de oviposicao. Provavelmente, a utilizacao de folhas medianas ou basais, ao inves de apicais, como substrato teria resultado em um ciclo biologico mais curto e em uma oviposicao total maior do que os obtidos neste estudo.
Neste trabalho sao relatados: a importancia economica do tomateiro, a melhor epoca de seu plantio, e as principais pragas que limitam a producao do tomate industrial na regiao do submedio Sao Francisco. As pragas sao: a traca-do-tomateiro, Scrobipalpula absoluta; o microacaro ou acaro-do-bronzeamento, Aculops lycopersici; o acaro-vermelho, Tetranychus evansi; a broca-dos-frutos, Heliothis zea e Pseudoplusia oo; a larva-minadora, Liromyza sativae e a lagarta-rosca Agrotis ipsilon.
The Heliothinae complex in Argentina encompasses Helicoverpa gelotopoeon (Dyar), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), Helicoverpa armigera (Hu ̈ bner), and Chloridea virescens (Fabricius). In Tucum an, the native species H. gelotopoeon is one of the most voracious soybean pests and also affects cotton and chickpea, even more in soybean-chickpea succession cropping systems. Differentiation of the Heliothinae complex in the egg, larva, and pupa stages is difficult. Therefore, the observation of the adult wing pattern design and male genitalia is useful to differentiate species. The objective of this study was to identify the species of the Heliothinae complex, determine population fluctuations of the Heliothinae complex in soybean and chickpea crops using male moths collected in pheromone traps in Tucuman province, and update the geographical distribution of H. armigera in Argentina. The species found were H. gelotopoeon, H. armigera, H. zea , and C. virescens. Regardless of province, county, crop, and year, the predominant species was H. gelotopoeon . Considering the population dynamics of H. gelotopoeon and H. armigera in chickpea and soybean crops, H. gelotopoeon was the most abundant species in both crops, in all years sampled, and the differences registered were significant. On the other hand, according to the Sistema Nacional Argentino de Vigilancia y Monitoreo de Plagas (SINAVIMO) database and our collections, H. armigera was recorded in eight provinces and 20 counties of Argentina, and its larvae were found on soybean, chickpea, sunflower crops and spiny plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides). This is the first report of H. armigera in sunflower and spiny plumeless thistle in Argentina.