5 resultados para essência
Tamanho efetivo populacional e diversidade genética em progênies de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis.
Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel is a species that has good potential for reclamation of degraded soils. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the growth and survival of the species and the influence of rainfall on growth in diameter as a function of different spacings (4 m x 2 m, 4 m x 3 m, and 4 m x 4 m). The results indicate that the temporal analysis (period from November 2007 to August 2013) detected significant differences (p ? 0.05) in height between the 4 m x 2 m and 4 m x 4 m spacings, while no significant difference in diameter was found between the 4 m x 2 m and 4 m x 3 m spacings. However, the statistical differences did not persist when the data was analyzed at seven and half years old. Regarding survival, a significant difference was observed only between the 4 m x 4 m spacing and the others, with superiority to the former. A strong correlation was found between rainfall and the increment in diameter of individuals in the broader spacings (R = 0.80 in the 4 m x 3 m spacing and R = 0.77 in the 4 m x 4 m spacing), while in the denser spacing the correlation was moderate (R = 0.56 in the 4 m x 2 m spacing). Since the spacings adopted did not influence tree growth by the end of the period, the choice will depend on other factors such as survival and costs of implementation and forestry management. Plantations in regions with larger rainfall amplitude may benefit the productivity of the species.
Sclerolobium panicudatum Vogel (taxi-branco-da-terra-firme) uma espécie nativa da Região Amazônica, de rápido crescimento, elevada produção de biomassa, capaz de associar-se com bactérias do gênero Rhizobium e com fungos micorrízicos. A madeira desta espécie possui características comparáveis àquelas tradicionalmente utilizadas no Sul do Brasil como fonte de energia. É de suma importância que sejam realizados estudos sobre as exigências nutricionais desta essência florestal tão promissora. Visando estudar o crescimento, foi desenvolvida a presente pesquisa, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação do Fosfato natural trauíra superior na fase dc muda. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em vasos contendo Latossolo Amarelo álico. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, sendo quatro doses: 0, 30, 60 e 90 ppm de fósforo (P); e cinco idades: 30. 60. 90. 120 c 150 dias. Foram avaliadas as variáveis: altura, número de folhas, área foliar, produção de matéria seca das folhas, caule, pane aérea, raiz e total. Constatou-se efeito significativo em todas as variáveis em função das idades, o número de folhas apresentou um ponto máximo de 9,59 folhas/planta, aos 110.62 dias. Quanto à aplicação das doses de fósforo, observou-se efeito significativo apenas nas variáveis área foliar, obtendo-se ponto máximo de 515.91 cm²/planta com aplicação da dose estimada de 52,86 ppm de P e na variável produção de matéria seca foliar com ponto máximo de 2,44 g/planta na dose estimada de 44,25 ppm de P.
The objective of this paper was to determine changes in the spatial distribution of tree species in a logged compared to an unlogged forest of the Tapajos National Forest in the municipality of Belterra, State of Para, Brazil, over an eight-year period. The distribution pattern was determined for trees> 5 cm dbh and, also, for trees > 30 cm dbh. The relationship (a quadrate method) discussed by McGinnis was selected to be used in this study. Forty-seven percent of species with trees > 5 cm dbh showed clumped distribution in the studied forests. Geissospermwn sericeunz Benth & Hook., Minquartia guianensis Aubl., Poureria bilocularis (H. Winkler) Bachni, Protium guacayantan Cuatrec, Sclerolobium chrysophyllunz Poepp. et Endl. and the Sapotaceae family (9 species) occurred in clumps of small trees (5 cm 5 dbh < 30 cm) and big trees (dbh > 30 cm) in both the logged and undisturbed forest. Trees in all sizes of these species certainly have aggregation characteristics in different light condition's during the whole growth-cycle. Only Sclerolobium cizzysophylltan out of fourteen species that occurred aggregated in all forest conditions was light demanding. The shade-tolerant Lecythis lurida (Miers) Mori and Manilkara huberi (Ducke) Stand!. showed also aggregated distribution for small and big trees in the unlogged forest. An aggregated distribution is not always directly correlated to abundance, considering that most of the clumped species had less than seven trees per hectare.