4 resultados para amadurecimento


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Dada à importância do estabelecimento de parâmetros relacionados ao amadurecimento, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a firmeza de polpa e a aceitabilidade como parâmetros para indicar o amadurecimento e a qualidade ótima para consumo de peras 'Abate Fetel'.


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Resumo: Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) foi recentemente detectado causando danos idade para morangos no Brasil. Infestação na cultura de morango tem frequentemente foi observado conjuntamente com a presença de Zaprionus indianus Gupta. este estudo investigou a suscetibilidade de morangos em três amadurecimento estágios para infestação de D. suzukii e Z. indianus e sua interação. Abstracts: Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) has been recently detected causing damage to strawberries in Brazil. Infestation in strawberry culture has often been observed jointly with the presence of Zaprionus indianus Gupta. This study investigated the susceptibility of strawberries at three ripening stages to infestation of D. suzukii and Z. indianus and their interaction. In the laboratory, strawberries cv. Albion at different ripening stages (green, semi-ripe and ripe) were exposed to D. suzukii and Z. indianus for 24 h in choice and no-choice bioassays. Additionally, we evaluated the effects of mechanical damage incurred artificially or by D. suzukii ovi-position on Z. indianus infestation. In no-choice bioassay, there were no significant differences in fruit susceptibility to D. suzukii infestation at different ripening stages. However, in choice bioassay, D. suzukii adults preferred to oviposit on R fruit. The presence of mechanical damage did not increase susceptibility of fruit to D. suzukii oviposition. For Z. indianus , there was greater susceptibility of R fruit in relation to SR and G fruit in both the choice and no-choice bioassays. There was a significant and positive interaction of mechanical damage and damage caused by D. suzukii to R fruit and infestation by Z. indianus , which was not observed in SR and G fruit. Although infestation of Z. indianus is related to attack damaged or decaying fruit, this work shows that this species has the ability to oviposit and develop in healthy strawberry fruit with and increased infestation level when the fruit has damage to its epidermis.


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A produção brasileira de maçãs está inserida em 34.664 hectares na safra de 2016, sendo 17.028 hectares plantados em Santa Catarina, 15.716 hectares no Rio Grande do Sul e 1.490 hectares no Paraná (IBGE, 2016). A cultivar de maçã Pink Lady® foi obtida do cruzamento entre Golden Delicious e Lady Williams, buscando-se da cultivar Golden Delicious a boa qualidade organoléptica e a baixa ocorrência de escaldadura e da cultivar Lady Williams a boa firmeza de polpa, o bom potencial de armazenamento e a baixa suscetibilidade ao?bitter pit? (KELLERHALS; RAPILLARD, 2002). A utilização de etefom visa melhorar a coloração dos frutos bem como antecipar a colheita, apresentando efeitos benéficos sobre a qualidade do fruto, acidez titulável, teor de sólidos solúveis e firmeza da polpa (SEIBERT et al., 2000). Entretanto, o etefom acelera o processo de amadurecimento dos frutos, podendo reduzir o período de conservação da maçã (FAN et al., 1998). Em função disso, torna-se importante avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de etefom em pré-colheita e suas implicações em pós-colheita. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o uso de etefom em pré-colheita em frutos de ?PinkLady® ? e verificar as suas implicações na pós-colheita dos frutos na região de Vacaria/RS no ciclo produtivo de 2015/2016.


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Resumo: Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) foi recentemente detectado causando danos idade para morangos no Brasil. Infestação na cultura de morango tem frequentemente foi observado conjuntamente com a presença de Zaprionus indianus Gupta. este estudo investigou a suscetibilidade de morangos em três amadurecimento estágios para infestação de D. suzukii e Z. indianus e sua interação. Abstracts: Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) has been recently detected causing damage to strawberries in Brazil. Infestation in strawberry culture has often been observed jointly with the presence of Zaprionus indianus Gupta. This study investigated the susceptibility of strawberries at three ripening stages to infestation of D. suzukii and Z. indianus and their interaction. In the laboratory, strawberries cv. Albion at different ripening stages (green, semi-ripe and ripe) were exposed to D. suzukii and Z. indianus for 24 h in choice and no-choice bioassays. Additionally, we evaluated the effects of mechanical damage incurred artificially or by D. suzukii ovi-position on Z. indianus infestation. In no-choice bioassay, there were no significant differences in fruit susceptibility to D. suzukii infestation at different ripening stages. However, in choice bioassay, D. suzukii adults preferred to oviposit on R fruit. The presence of mechanical damage did not increase susceptibility of fruit to D. suzukii oviposition. For Z. indianus , there was greater susceptibility of R fruit in relation to SR and G fruit in both the choice and no-choice bioassays. There was a significant and positive interaction of mechanical damage and damage caused by D. suzukii to R fruit and infestation by Z. indianus , which was not observed in SR and G fruit. Although infestation of Z. indianus is related to attack damaged or decaying fruit, this work shows that this species has the ability to oviposit and develop in healthy strawberry fruit with and increased infestation level when the fruit has damage to its epidermis.