2 resultados para ZONES
Spatio-temporal modelling is an area of increasing importance in which models and methods have often been developed to deal with specific applications. In this study, a spatio-temporal model was used to estimate daily rainfall data. Rainfall records from several weather stations, obtained from the Agritempo system for two climatic homogeneous zones, were used. Rainfall values obtained for two fixed dates (January 1 and May 1, 2012) using the spatio-temporal model were compared with the geostatisticals techniques of ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging with altitude as auxiliary variable. The spatio-temporal model was more than 17% better at producing estimates of daily precipitation compared to kriging and cokriging in the first zone and more than 18% in the second zone. The spatio-temporal model proved to be a versatile technique, adapting to different seasons and dates.
Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar gramíneas com reconhecida tolerância a períodos de estresse hídrico em consórcio com a cultura do milheto e doses de nitrogênio. O ensaio foi realizado em Sobral-CE, em delineamento em blocos casualizados com os tratamentos sendo o consórcio da cultura do milheto com o capim-buffel ou capim-massai, com 3 doses de adubação em cobertura para o milheto, sendo: 0, 50 e 100 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, e o tratamento testemunha sendo o plantio do milheto solteiro sem adubação de cobertura; com 3 blocos. Avaliaram-se os dados biométricos e produtividade de massa seca. O consórcio de culturas anuais com gramíneas forrageiras é alternativa interessante para produção de volumoso em região semiárida. O consórcio de milheto e capim-massai mostrou-se superior para dados biométricos e produtividade. O emprego de 100 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura na cultura do milheto propiciou maior produtividade de massa seca. [Millet production with forage consortium in semiarid region of State of Ceará]. Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate grasses with recognized tolerance to periods of water stress in partnership with millet cultivation and doses of nitrogen. The test was conducted in Sobral-CE, at a randomized block with treatments and millet culture consortium with buffel grass or massai grass with 3 fertilizer levels at coverage for millet, as follows: 50 and 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, and the control treatment being the planting millet single without cover fertilization; with 3 blocks. Evaluated were the biometric data and dry matter productivity. The consortium of annual crops with grasses is interesting alternative to massive production for semi-arid region. The consortium millet and massai grass was superior to biometric data and productivity. The use of 100 kg ha-1 of N topdressing in the millet culture provided greater dry mass productivity.