5 resultados para Yield to Maturity


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicos durante o desenvolvimento de híbridos de girassol cultivados na região de Campo Novo do Parecis - MT. O ensaio foi instalado e conduzido,entre os meses de fevereiro ejunho de 2015, na área experimental do setor de produção do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso - IFMT Campus Campo Novo do Parecis - MT, cujas coordenadas geográficas são latitude S 13°40'31" longitude O 57°53'31" e altitude média de 574 m. O solo predominante é Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com 13 tratamentos (híbridos) e 4 repetições, totalizando um total de 52 parcelas. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características agronômicas do girassol: dias para o florescimento inicial, dias para a maturação fisiológica, altura de planta, curvatura do caule, número de plantas acamadas, número de plantas quebradas e produtividade de aquênios. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de média Scott-Knott (p<0,05). O híbrido BRS G44 apresentou híbrido BRS G44 apresentou bom rendimento, ciclo precoce e porte baixo, nas condições de segunda safra de verão em Campo Novo do Parecis (MT) . Assim, este híbrido se torna boa opção para o cultivo de girassol na região. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic characteristics for the development of sunflower hybrids grown in the region of Campo Novo do Parecis - MT. The experiment was carried out and conducted between the months of February to June 2015 in the experimental area of the production sector of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso, - IFMT, Campo Novo do Parecis - MT (latitude S 13°40'31" longitude W 57°53'31" and average altitude of 574 m). The predominant soil is Typic Tropudox. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 13 treatments (hybrids) and four repetitions, resulting in 52 plots. The sunflower agronomic traits evaluated were: days to initial flowering, days to physiological maturity, plant height, stem curvature, number of lodged plants, number of broken plants and achenes productivity. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and average test Scott-Knott (p<0.05). The hybrid BRS G44 showed good yield, early maturity and low height in second summer crop conditions in Campo Novo do Parecis (MT). Thus, this hybrid is a good option for sunflower cultivation in the region.


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At worldwide level, the classical viticulture produces wines is almost all places in different climate types, where it is possible to obtain only one harvest per year. In these conditions, bud burst in vines occurs as a result of temperature raising at the end of the winter?beginning of spring. With the development of the vegetative cycle, grapes arrive to maturity/harvest period at the end of the summer?beginning of the fall season. After the fall of the leaves, vines undergo a dormant period with a vegetative repose (condition found also in some intertropical producer regions). A lot of grapes are produced for a long-time in the intertropical zone, but only a little part is used to winemaking. Considered a challenge in the past, to produce quality wines in the tropics became reality. The present industry of fine wines began about 30 years ago. Today, there are many commercial wineries in several countries in Occident and Orient in the tropical zone of the globe, like in Brazil, India, Thailand and Venezuela, producing some million liters of fine wines per year - called ?tropical wines?. This article analysis these climates, in relation to the particular viticulture adapted and developed, where it is possible to have more than one cycle per year, with one or more harvests per year. Based on the particularities of this viticulture, a characterization is proposed for the viticulture of ?tropical wines?. Some examples showing different tropical climates are presented.


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Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops and produces a high-quality edible oil. Balance of fatty acids in standard sunflower oil shows preponderance of linoleic rather than oleic acid, and conditions during seed development, such as temperature, changes the oleic/linoleic ratio of the oil. This work aimed to evaluate the environmental effect on fatty acid profile in a group of standard and high oleic varieties and hybrids. Seeds were produced during regular season crop and during off-season crop featuring different temperatures from anthesis to maturity. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. Levels of oleic acid, in standard oil genotypes, raised as the crop developed in warmer environment while levels of linoleic acid decreased, and the opposite was observed when the crop was grown under lower temperature. High oleic genotypes were less sensitive to environment switching and showed lower variation on fatty acid composition.


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RESUMO: Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol nas condições edafoclimáticas do primeiro semestre de 2015 na Chapada do Araripe, instalou-se um experimento na Estação Experimental do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), no município de Araripina, Estado de Pernambuco. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e 13 tratamentos, correspondendo aos genótipos de girassol: M734, NTC 90, BRS G43, BRS G44, BRS G45, BRS G46, SYN 065, HLA 2013, HLA 2014, HLA 2015, HLA 2016, HLA 2017 e SYN 045. Avaliaram-se as seguintes características: sobrevivência final, floração inicial, maturação fisiológica, altura média do capítulo, peso de 1000 aquênios, diâmetro médio dos capítulos, produção final de aquênios, curvatura do capítulo e plantas acamadas, quebradas e atacadas por pássaros. Os genótipos apresentaram diferenças morfoagronômicas quando cultivados no primeiro semestre em condições edafoclimáticas da região do Araripe, com exceção da variável sobrevivência. O genótipo NTC 90 alcançou o maior peso de aquênios. Todos os genótipos, exceto HLA 2015, apresentaram elevado rendimento de grãos. Os caracteres plantas acamadas, quebradas, atacadas por pássaros ou a curvatura do capítulo não foram relacionadas às diferentes cultivares. ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of different sunflower genotypes in edaphoclimatic conditions of Araripe region in the first semester of 2015. The experiment was established at the Experimental Station of Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), Araripina, Pernambuco, Brazil. Experimental design was a randomized blocks with thirteen treatments, corresponding to the sunflower genotypes: M734, NTC 90, BRS G43, BRS G44, BRS G45, BRS G46, SYN 065, HLA 2013, HLA 2014, HLA 2015, HLA 2016, HLA 2017 e SYN 045, with four replicates. The following characteristics were evaluated: final survival, early flowering, physiological maturity, average plant height, weight of 1,000 seeds, average flower diameter, final seed production, flower head curvature, lodged, broken and damaged by birds plants. The genotypes showed morphoagronomic differences when grown in the first semester of 2015 on edaphoclimatic conditions of the Araripe region, except for the variable survival. The NTC 90 genotype achieved the highest weight of head flower. All genotypes, except HLA 2015 showed high grain yield. The characters lodged, broken and damaged plants by birds or curvature of the head flower were not related to the different cultivars.