4 resultados para Water Storage
RESUMO: Os solos da região Noroeste do Paraná apresentam cerca de 85 a 90% de areia e níveis críticos de nutrientes, conferindo alta suscetibilidade à erosão e baixa capacidade de armazenamento de água. Além disso, a região apresenta clima quente, tornando-a bastante vulnerável a estresses abióticos. Uma das estratégias para aumentar a produtividade e, ao mesmo tempo, incrementar serviços ambientais é aumentar a diversidade de atividades, por meio do sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (iLPF). O sistema iLPF pode conferir maior taxa de sequestro de carbono, conservação da biodiversidade e melhoria da qualidade do solo, água e ar, em comparação a sistemas não integrados. No município de Santo Inácio, PR, foram conduzidas por cinco anos duas áreas com sistema iLPF. Nos três primeiros anos de condução, foi possível conciliar a produção de grãos (soja), forragem (Brachiaria ruziziensis e B brizantha ) e madeira (eucalipto), sem que um componente prejudicasse o outro. A partir do terceiro ano, as árvores interferiram expressivamente na produtividade de grãos e forragem, indicando a necessidade de redução do número de árvores por área. O iLPF é um sistema de produção relevante para aumentar a provisão de bens e serviços ecossistêmicos na região Noroeste do Paraná, mas que ainda precisa de ajustes tecnológicos para incrementar os ganhos econômicos e ambientais. ABSTRACT: Most soils in Northwest of Paraná state, Brazil, are sandy (85 to 90% sand), with critical nutrient levels, high susceptibility to erosion and low water storage capacity Moreover, the region?s warm weather confers to these soils high vulnerability to abiotic stresses The diversification of production via adoption of integrated cropping-livestock-forestry (ICLF) systems is an important strategy to increase productivity and, simultaneously enhance ecosystem services. ICLF systems can increase carbon sequestration, conserve biodiversity and improve soil, water and air quality, compared with specialized production systems. Two trials were carried out for five years using ICLF in Santo Inácio county in Paraná state, Brazil. In the first three years, it was possible to harmonize production of grains (soybean), fodder (Brachiaria ruziziensis and brizantha) and wood (Eucalyptus) without negative effects of three components on each other. After the third year, the trees significantly reduced grain yield and fodder production, indicating the need for thinning to reduce tree interference. The ICLF system is relevant to increase the delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Northwestern Paraná, though technological adjustments are needed to increase its economic and environmental gains.
Resumo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a efetividade do Programa Cisternas utilizando abordagens teóricas orientadas aos atores, a partir do desenvolvimento de novas práticas sociais implementadas pelos agricultores beneficiários do Programa para a convivência com o Semiárido brasileiro. Elaborou-se um estudo de caso selecionando a Comunidade Sítios Areias, localizada no município de Sobral (CE). A coleta de dados foi realizada com a aplicação de questionários às famílias beneficiadas pelo Programa. O marco teórico utilizado foi a teoria da Abordagem dos Meios de Vida para caracterizar a efetividade do programa e compreender o processo de mudança social. Constatou-se que o Programa apesar de utilizar os preceitos do paradigma de desenvolvimento sustentável para a sua implantação, não possibilitou a efetividade do programa em promover modificações das práticas sociais, não revertendo a estratégia de migração das famílias, ocasionada pelo processo de desativação dos beneficiários com a agricultura. A implementação do programa não conseguiu combater a pobreza rural, mesmo proporcionando o acesso à água as famílias. Concluiu-se que a forma de intervenção exigia uma nova dinâmica para o Semiárido, bem mais complexa do que simplesmente a construção de tecnologias sociais de captação de água. Recomenda-se políticas integradas e que contribuam para a melhoria dos meios de vida das famílias, mas que também ensejem seu protagonismo e o fortalecimento de sua autonomia frente às adversidades climáticas frequentes da região. [Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cisterns Programe according to the Sustainable Livelihood Approach]. Abstract: This study was carried out in order to analyze the effectiveness of the Cisterns Program according to the new social practices implemented by the family farmers in order to survive and live in the adverse environment of the Brazilian semiarid. The empirical space chosen was the Municipality of Sobral (CE) and the case study was the Community Areia Branca. Data was collected on all the families benefited from the Cisterns Program. The analytical theoretical framework used was the Sustainable Livelihood Approach to characterize the effectiveness of the program and the process of social change. It was found that despite using the concepts of sustainable development paradigm in the implementation of Cisterns Program, the program was not effective in promoting social changes or to reserve the migration practice as well, which is a family strategy due to deactivation of agricultural activities. The implementation of the program failed to combat rural poverty other than providing access to water. The form of intervention in the semiarid requires a new dynamic approach, which is far more complex than simply building social technologies for water storage. In order to fight poverty in the region, it is necessary to implement integrated policies able to improve life style and bring about changes in order to empower and give autonomy to the families helping them to face the adverse climatic conditions typical of the region.
Poincianella pyramidalis (Fabaceae), Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae) and Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) are native species of the Caatinga vegetation from Northeastern Brazil and have both biological importance and potential economic uses. Little is known about the water uptake and degradation of storage proteins during seed germination of these species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the imbibition and quantify the amount of storage proteins during seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium. Two lots of S. obtusifolium seeds with different vigour were used. Four replicates of 20 seeds of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium, were sown onto gerboxes with blotting paper soaked in distilled water and incubated during 72, 200 and 624 hours. Before and after imbibition seeds were weighed and frozen at until the sequential extraction and analysis of the seed storage proteins. Based on our results, we conclude that seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium has a well-defined triphasic imbibition. All storage proteins content of P. pyramidalis and S. brasiliensis seeds degraded along with the seed imbibition. Likewise, the content of albumins, globulins and glutelins decreased as S. obtusifolium seeds absorbed water
Pears have been grown in the south region of Brazil, where the climatic conditions are favourable. The aim of this work was to determine the harvest maturity index as well as maximum storage period of 'Packham's Triumph? and 'Rocha' pears to maintain quality attributes. The ?Packham?s Triumph? fruit were harvested from a commercial orchard at 7 days intervals and flesh firmness was used as a maturity index (MI1=76, MI2=67 and MI3=58 N). ?Rocha? pears were harvested twice and they were considered as MI1 and MI3 because of the firmness values. The fruit were stored at 1±1C and 90-95% RH for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days and evaluated at the end of each storage period and after five days at room temperature (24±1C), simulating a helflife period. Flesh firmness, water loss, peduncle dehydration, epidermis colour, soluble solids, titratable acidity were measured. ?Packham?s? pears harvested at MI1 and MI2 showed firmness loss after 30 days of cold storage, whereas fruit harvested at MI3 retained the initial values, resulting in firmer fruit after 60 days (P<0.001). Fruit harvested in MI3 had less firmness loss after 5 days at room temperature following 45 and 60 days of cold storage. ?Rocha? pears harvested in MI1 and MI3 showed firmness reduction during cold storage, which was intensified at room temperature. Maximum values of water loss approached 6%. Fruit peduncles of both cultivars dehydrated after 60 days of cold storage, but their colour remained green, independent of harvest maturity index. ?Packham?s Triumph? and ?Rocha? pears harvested at MI3 showed better quality attributes after 60 days of cold storage plus 5 days of shelf-life than fruit harvested at other maturity stages.