6 resultados para Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Servidores públicos
Coffea sp. is cultivated in large areas, using both conventional and organic management. However, information about the sustainability of these two management systems is still deficient. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical properties of soil cultivated with Conilon coffee (C. canephora) under organic and conventional management. Two areas cultivated with Conilon coffee (under organic and conventional management) and a fragment of Atlantic forest, used as a reference, were selected for the experiment. Soil granulometry, hydraulic conductivity, water retention curve, resistance to penetration, porosity, optimal hydric interval, and other physical characteristics were measured at depths of 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm. The data was submitted to multivariate and descriptive statistical analyses. Higher similarity was observed between the soil cultivated with Conilon coffee under organic management and the Atlantic forest soil. Soil resistance to penetration at 10, 30, 100, 500 and 1500 kPa, macro porosity, density and total porosity were the main physical properties that differentiated both management systems studied. The non-use of agricultural machinery and the addition of organic matter may be the main reasons for higher soil sustainability observed under organic management when compared with the conventional system.
O sorgo biomassa possui elevada produção de biomassa lignocelulósica, surgindo como alternativa de cultivo visando produção de energia renovável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar cultivares de sorgo biomassa visando a geração de energia para região Norte de MT. Para tal, implantou-se em 04/12/2014, em Sinop-MT, um experimento no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, composto por 36 genótipos de sorgo (34 biomassas e 2 forrageiros). As características avaliadas foram: florescimento, altura de plantas, acamamento, população de plantas, produção de massa verde, produção de massa seca, porcentagem de massa seca e umidade. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias dos genótipos foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Os materiais forrageiros floresceram, em média, aos 77 dias, enquanto que os genótipos de biomassa floresceram dos 101 aos 130 dias. Enquanto o melhor genótipo forrageiro (Volumax) produziu 11,6 t de massa seca ha -1, 15 genótipos de sorgo biomassa produziram, em média, 24 t. Demonstrando estes serem os de maior interesse de cultivo na região de estudo. A matéria seca produzida pelos genótipos de sorgo biomassa associado a seu poder calorífico demonstram potencial da cultura para produção de energia renovável.
Internal browning is an important disorder in pear fruit which can lead to economic losses. Pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Bartlett) were harvested at early harvest maturity of 90 N from a commercial orchard in southern Brazil. Methyl jasmonate, ethanol, and 1-methylcyclopropene vapor treatments were carried out for 24 hours in order to mitigate the internal browning disorder. Fruit were stored for up to 150 days at 0 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5 % RH. Pears exhibited internal browning in 37 % of the control samples after 90 days of cold storage. However, no internal browning symptoms were observed in the 1-MCP treatment. The first symptoms in 1-MCP samples were noticed after 120 days of cold storage (12 %) and reached 100 % in five days at room temperature. 1-MCP-treated pears showed flesh firmness values of 82 N after 90 days of cold storage and 18.7 N when they were removed from the cold storage and kept at 20 °C. The greatest acceptance index was attributed to 1- MCP pears after 90 days at 0 ± 1 °C followed by 5 days at 20 ± 1 °C (89.35). High acceptance indexes were attributed to MeJa (77.95) and control pears (76.40) after 30 days in cold storage followed by 5 days at room temperature. 1-MCP (0.3 µL L-1 , 24 hours at 0 ± 1 °C) treatment delays ripening and mitigates the internal browning in early harvested ?Bartlett? pears, that can be stored for up to 90 days at 0 ± 1 °C.
Most strawberry genotypes grown commercially in Brazil originate from breeding programs in the United States, and are therefore not adapted to the various soil and climatic conditions found in Brazil. Thus, quantifying the magnitude of genotype x environment (GE) interactions serves as a primary means for increasing average Brazilian strawberry yields, and helps provide specific recommendations for farmers on which genotypes meet high yield and phenotypic stability thresholds. The aim of this study was to use AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and GGE biplot (genotype main effects + genotype x environment interaction) analyses to identify high-yield, stable strawberry genotypes grown at three locations in Espírito Santo for two agricultural years. We evaluated seven strawberry genotypes (Dover, Camino Real, Ventana, Camarosa, Seascape, Diamante, and Aromas) at three locations (Domingos Martins, Iúna, and Muniz Freire) in agricultural years 2006 and 2007, totaling six study environments. Joint analysis of variance was calculated using yield data (t/ha), and AMMI and GGE biplot analysis was conducted following the detection of a significant genotypes x agricultural years x locations (G x A x L) interaction. During the two agricultural years, evaluated locations were allocated to different regions on biplot graphics using both methods, indicating distinctions among them. Based on the results obtained from the two methods used in this study to investigate the G x A x L interaction, we recommend growing the Camarosa genotype for production at the three locations assessed due to the high frequency of favorable alleles, which were expressed in all localities evaluated regardless of the agricultural year.
O café é um produto de relevância histórica no Brasil e mantém posição de destaque em relação à produção mundial. Em 2013, o país foi responsável por 34% do total produzido no mundo (segundo dados da Conab) e o Espírito Santo, com cerca de 700 mil toneladas (24%), foi o segundo maior produtor nacional e liderou a produção do café conilon (76%). Nosso objetivo neste estudo foi caracterizar territorialmente a produção do café nesse estado a partir de uma análise integrada de dados. Dos 78 municípios capixabas, apenas 2 não produzem café (Vitória e Marataízes) e 28 contribuem com 75% do total produzido (Pesquisa Agropecuária Municipal/IBGE). Observa-se uma regionalização da produção: as áreas cultivadas com café conilon concentram-se no norte e a produção de café arábica concentra-se no sul do estado, em regiões com altitude superior a 400 m. A importância do café para o estado também foi retratada em termos econômicos. Dos 53 produtos da agropecuária analisados na média trienal 2006-2008, o café contribuiu, sozinho, com 47% do valor total da produção. Considerando apenas o valor total de produção de café (R$ 2,7 bilhões), a variedade conilon contribuiu, em 2013, com 70% frente aos 30% do café arábica. O café apresenta fluxos de escoamento distintos, embora o principal destino seja Vitória. Outro destino recorrente de conilon é Colatina (ES), onde há grande oferta de armazenagem. Já os produtores de arábica escoam uma parte significativa de sua produção para Minas Gerais, principal centro produtor de café do Brasil atualmente.