5 resultados para Soil carbon isotope


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Apesar de os teores de matéria orgânica serem normalmente baixos em solos arenosos, ela é responsável por quase a totalidade da CTC, armazenamento de água e disponibilidade de nutrientes desses solos. A avaliação de sistemas de exploração florestais alternativos, com vistas em incrementar a acumulação de C e N, devem ser incentivados. Este estudo compara plantios puros e mistos de Eucalyptus grandis e Pseudosamanea guachapele, leguminosa fixadora de N2, em relação os estoques de C e N do solo. Os plantios foram realizados em áreas anteriormente manejadas com Panicum maximum num Planossolo, que, por pelo menos dez anos, não recebeu qualquer fertilizante. Para estimar o C e o N estocado, foram retiradas amostras das camadas de 0-2,5; 2,5-5,0; 5,0-7,5; 7,5-10,0; 10,0-20,0 e 20,0-40,0 cm tanto nos plantios puros e mistos, quanto na área de pasto. A técnica da abundância natural do 13C foi utilizada na estimativa do C originado das árvores nos 10 cm superficiais. Os estoques de C e N, no plantio misto atingiu valores de 23,83 e 1,74 Mg ha-1, respectivamente. Nos puros, de guachapele e eucalipto, e no pasto os estoques de C estimados foram de 14,20; 17,19 e 24,24 Mg ha-1, respectivamente. Para os mesmos tratamentos, os estoques de N foram estimados em 0,83; 0,99 e 1,71 Mg ha-1, respectivamente. Mais de 40 % do C do solo sob o plantio misto foram estimados como sendo derivados das árvores, enquanto nos plantios puros de eucalipto e guachapele, a contribuição do C das árvores ficou em 19 e 27 %, respectivamente. Esses resultados evidenciam que a presença da leguminosa no plantio consorciado aumenta os estoques de C e N do solo.


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Land use change from native forests to pastures in the tropics have impact on global carbon (C) cycle through increased rates of C emissions to the atmosphere and the loss of above- and belowground C accumulation and storage capacity (SILVER et al., 2000). This study was conducted to determine the carbon stock in a Ultisol under a pure Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Scheick pasture and a mixed pasture of B. humidicola and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W. C. Greg cv. BRS Mandobi, both without fertilization.


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The soil carbon under Amazonian forests has an important roles in global changing, making information on the soil content and depths of these stocks are considerable interest in efforts to quantify soil carbon emissions to the atmosphere.This study quantified the content and soil organic carbon stock under primary forest up to 2 m depth, at different topographic positions, at Cuieiras Biological Reserve, Manaus/ ZF2, km 34, in the Central Amazon, evaluating the soil attributes that may influence the permanence of soil carbon. Soil samples were collected along a transect of 850 m on topographic gradient Oxisol (plateau), Ultisol (slope) and Spodosol (valley). The stocks of soil carbon were obtained by multiplying the carbon content, soil bulk density and trickiness of soil layers. The watershed was delimited by using STRM and IKONOS images and the carbon contend obtained in the transects was extrapolated as a way to evaluate the potential for carbon stocks in an area of 2678.68 ha. The total SOC was greater in Oxisol followed by Spodosol and Ultisol. It was found direct correlations between the SOC and soil physical attributes. Among the clay soils (Oxisol and Ultisol), the largest stocks of carbon were observed in Oxisol at both the transect (90 to 175.5 Mg C ha-1) as the level of watershed (100.2 to 195.2 Mg C ha-1). The carbon stocks under sandy soil (Spodosol) was greater to clay soils along the transect (160-241 Mg C ha-1) and near them in the Watershed (96.90 to 146.01 Mg C ha-1).