11 resultados para Pupal parasitoid
Dichelops melacanthus was studied under controlled conditions (60 ± 10% RH and 14/10 h L/D photoperiod), and three constant temperatures (19, 25, and 31 ± 2 °C). Fresh pods of MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybeans and its near non-Bt isoline (A5547) were supplied to nymphs and adults. The biology of T. podisi was studied in the same controlled RH conditions, but only at the standard temperature of 25 ± 2°C. Overall, the development of D. melacanthus was better at higher temperatures, which accelerated the development of the stink bug without affecting adult biological parameters. No influence of Bt-soybeans on the biology of the pest was observed in any temperature studied, which shows that D. melacanthus is not affected by this transgenic soybean. The egg parasitoid T. podisi also was not harmed when it parasitized eggs of the pest fed with MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybeans, with similar results to those obtained in non-Bt isogenic soybeans. Thus, this study demonstrates that D. melacanthus is favored at high temperatures (31 ± 2 °C), and that neither did MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybean pods affect the development of the pest nor its parasitoid T. podisi.
Estudaram-se, no CPATSA-EMBRAPA em Petrolina, PE, sob condicoes de laboratorio, os aspectos biologicos de Scrobipalpula absoluta (Meyrick 1917) (Lepidoptera,Gelechiidae), importante praga do tomateiro, Iniciou-se a criacao com larvas coletadas no campo, em cultura de tomate, acondicionadas, em placas de Petri, sobre papel de filtro e folhas de tomateiro, variedade IPA-2. Os adultos foram mantidos em frascos de vidro revestidos com papel sulfite, tampados com tecido branco de nailon preso com elastico e alimentados, com uma solucao de sacarose a 10%, embebida em algodao. Obtiveram-se os seguintes dados: periodo de pre-ovoposicao 2,35 dias; numero de ovos por femea 55,16; viabilidade de ovos 44,46%, periodo de incubacao 4,30 dias; periodo de oviposicao 3,77 dias; periodo larval 10,95 dias com quatro instares; viabilidade larval 20,97%; periodo pupal 6,15 dias; viabilidade pupal 68,19%; longevidade de adultos machos e femeas 9,69 e 11,52 dias, respectivamente; ciclo biologico (ovo-morte do adulto) 38,12 dias.
The objective of this study was to compare growth and development of Helicoverpa zea Boddie and Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae that were feeding on an artificial diet. Neonate larvae of H. zea and H. armigera were collected in maize fields cultivated at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa Maize & Sorghum, in Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais) and in farmers? cotton fields in Luís Eduardo Magalhães (Bahia), respectively. Bioassays were conducted in the laboratory using individual larvae in 50 mL plastic cups fed a white bean?based artificial diet and maintained at a temperature of 26 ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of 47 ± 10%. The following larval biological parameters were evaluated: number and duration of instars, survival of larval instars and pupae, larval biomass, larval head capsule size, and larval length. An adaptation index was computed for comparison of development of the 2 species. Significant differences were observed between the species for all variables except for the number of instars and pupal survival. Although H. armigera larvae developed faster and were smaller than H. zea larvae, the diet tested can be considered adequate for rearing both species in the laboratory.
A tecnica do Inseto Esteril (SIT) e um tipo de controle especifico e nao poluente de pragas tem sido ja utilizado com sucesso por alguns paises. A Broca da cana-de-acucar, D. saccharolla (F.), e um dos insetos candidatos ao controle por meio desta tecnica. No presente trabalho procurou-se estabelecer a dose de radiacao gama, que aplicada na fase pupal, torna os machos adultos estereis. utilizou-se crisalidas com idade de 5 a 7 dias, as quais foram irradiadas com doses de 3, 5, 7, e 9 Krad, mais a testemunha. Foram irradiados sob uma taxa de 35 Krad/hora. A medida que os machos emergiam dos pulparios, eram colocados junto com femeas normais para acasalamento. Atraves da contagem dos ovos ferteis, obteve-se 45%, 56%, 24%, 4% e 16% de fertilidade, respectivamentepara as doses de 0,3, 5, 7 e 9 Krad. O numero medio dos ovos por femea foi respectivamente de 69, 97, 100, 83, e 37. Pelos resultados nota-se que a dose de 7 Krad foi a que proporcionou maior esterelidade. O que esperava e que a porcentagem de fertilidade fosse inversamente proporcional as doses de radiacao, mas tal nao ocorreu pois a de Krad apresentou uma fertilidade maior em relacao a dose de 7 Krad. Em compensacao o numero de ovos por femea decresceu em funcao do aumento da dose de radiacao empregada.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de inseticidas autorizados emergencialmente para o controle de Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em soja. Sete inseticidas foram pulverizados em campo e, após 24 horas, folhas do ponteiro foram coletadas e oferecidas para lagartas de 2o instar em laboratório. Lagartas do 4o instar receberam a última folha trifoliolada que se encontrava completamente expandida no momento da pulverização. Outro grupo foi exposto a folhas coletadas a partir de 72 horas da pulverização. Em campo, seis inseticidas foram pulverizados e, em seguida, as plantas foram infestadas com lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. No primeiro estudo, flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole, clorfenapir, indoxacarbe e metoxifenozida causaram 100% de mortalidade do 4o instar aos oito dias após o início da exposição, enquanto baculovírus e Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) propiciaram mortalidade de 60-75%, que evoluiu para 88?90% ao final da fase de pupa. Para o 2o instar, apenas flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole proporcionaram mortalidade de 100%. Flubendiamida, clorantraniliprole e clorfenapir apresentaram o menor tempo letal para o 4o instar, e flubendiamida e clorantraniliprole, para o 2o instar. Após 72 horas da pulverização, o desempenho dos inseticidas foi insatisfatório. Em campo, houve eficiência satisfatória de flubendiamida, espinosade, baculovírus e Bt sobre lagartas de 2o e 3o instar. ABSTRACT:The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of insecticides authorized on an emergency basis to control of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean. Seven insecticides were sprayed on the field and, 24 hours after that, soybean pointer leaves were collected and offered to 2nd instar larvae in the laboratory. Fourth instar larvae received the last trifoliate leaf that was fully expanded at the time of spraying. Another larvae group was exposed to leaves collected from 72 hours onwards after spraying. In the field, six insecticides were sprayed, and then the plants were infested with 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. In the first study, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, and methoxyfenozide caused 100% mortality of the 4th instar, eight days after the beginning of exposure, while baculovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) caused 60?75% mortality, which reached 88?90% at the end of the pupal stage. For 2nd instar larvae, only flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole caused 100% mortality. Flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, and chlorfenapyr showed the lowest lethal time for the 4th instar, and flubendiamide and chlorantraniliprole for the 2nd instar. Seventy-two hours after spraying, the performance of insecticides was not satisfactory. In the field, there was satisfactory efficiency of flubendiamide, spinosad, baculovirus, and Bt on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae.
Grapholita molesta (Busck) is one of the main pests of apple trees, and lives on their shoots and fruits. In southern Brazil, the insect is also found on old branches and structures similar to aerial roots, so-called burrknots. This study evaluated the development and population growth potential of G. molesta fed on burrknots, compared with apple fruit cultivar. Fuji and a corn-based artiÞcial diet. The study was carried out in the laboratory under controlled temperature (25 1C), relative humidity (7010%), and photophase (16 h). The biological parameters of the immature and adult stages were determined, and a fertility life table was constructed. Insects fed on burrknots showed a longer duration and a lower survival for the egg-to-adult period (29.3 d and 22.5%) compared with those that fed on apples (25.1 d and 30.0%) and artiÞcial diet (23.9 d and 54.8%). Insects reared on aerial roots had a lower pupal weight (10.0 mg) compared with those reared on either artiÞcial diet (13.7 mg) or apple cultivar. Fuji (12.4 mg). The fecundity and longevity of males and females did not signiÞcantly differ for the three foods. Based on the fertility life table, insects reared on burrknots had the lowest net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of population growth (rm) and finite rate of increase, compared with insects reared on artiÞcial diet and apple fruit. Burrknots support the development of the complete cycle of G. molesta, which allows populations of this pest to increase in orchards.