7 resultados para Phenotypic
The aim of this study was to identify sorghum hybrids that have both high yield and phenotypic stability in Brazilian environments. Seven trials were conducted between February and March 2011. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 25 treatments and three replicates...
This study aimed to perform phenotypic and molecular characterization of cultivars and breeding lines of common bean for resistance to anthracnose.
ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to verify the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars with regards to yield and oil content. Data of soybean yield and oil content were used from experiments set up in six environments in the 2011/12 and 2012/13 crop seasons in the municipalities of Patos de Minas, Uberaba, Lavras, and São Gotardo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, testing 36 commercial soybean cultivars of both conventional and transgenic varieties. The Wricke method and GGE biplot analysis were used to evaluate adaptability and stability of these cultivars. Large variations were observed in grain yield in relation to the different environments studied, showing that these materials are adaptable. The cultivars exhibited significant differences in oil content. The cultivars BRSGO204 (Goiânia) and BRSMG (Garantia) exhibited the greatest average grain yield in the different environments studied, and the cultivar BRSMG 760 SRR had the greatest oil content among the cultivars evaluated. Ecovalence was adopted to identify the most stable cultivars, and the estimates were nearly uniform both for grain yield and oil content, showing a variation of 0.07 and 0.01%, respectively. The GGE biplot was efficient at identifying cultivars with high adaptability and phenotype stability.
In this work we compare Grapholita molesta Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) populations originated from Brazil, Chile, Spain, Italy and Greece using power spectral density and phylogenetic analysis to detect any similarities between the population macro- and the molecular micro-level. Log-transformed population data were normalized and AR(p) models were developed to generate for each case population time series of equal lengths. The time-frequency/scale properties of the population data were further analyzed using wavelet analysis to detect any population dynamics frequency changes and cluster the populations. Based on the power spectral of each population time series and the hierarchical clustering schemes, populations originated from Southern America (Brazil and Chile) exhibit similar rhythmic properties and are both closer related with populations originated from Greece. Populations from Spain and especially Italy, have higher distance by terms of periodic changes on their population dynamics. Moreover, the members within the same cluster share similar spectral information, therefore they are supposed to participate in the same temporally regulated population process. On the contrary, the phylogenetic approach revealed a less structured pattern that bears indications of panmixia, as the two clusters contain individuals from both Europe and South America. This preliminary outcome will be further assessed by incorporating more individuals and likely employed a second molecular marker.
RESUMO: O propósito deste trabalho foi avaliar a estima - tiva de parâmetros genéticos, correlações fe - notipicas e ambientais no girassol do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Os caracteres analisados foram: rendimento de grãos, tamanho do ca - pítulo, peso de mil aquênios, altura de plantas e dias para floração inicial. Foram constatadas diferenças altamente significativas entre os ge - nótipos para todas as características morfoa - gronômicas avaliadas. Para o coeficiente CVr a maioria dos valores foram superior a 1 nos dois anos considerados, indicando que para a maioria dos caracteres aferidos há a possibi - lidade de êxito na seleção fenotípica uma vez que a variância genética superou a ambiental. Na herdabilidade, a maior estimativa verifica - da foi para o caráter PMA (98,76%) em 2013 e para DFI (99,68%) em 2014. Foram cons - tatadas diferenças altamente significativas en - tre os genótipos para todas as características morfoagronômicas avaliadas. O alto coeficiente de variação genético destaca a possibilidade de obter ganhos genéticos para todas as caracte - rísticas analisadas salvo em tamanho de capi - tulo. Materiais genéticos com potencial para as características agronômicas pesquisadas foram identificados no trabalho, podem ser indicadas ao sistema de produção irrigado no Cerrado. abstract: The purpose of this study was to estimate ge - netic parameters, phenotypic and environmen - tal correlations in sunflower of Brazilian savan - nah. The characters analyzed were: grain yield, chapter length, weight of a thousand achenes, plant height and days to start flowering. Hi - ghly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic cha - racteristics evaluated. For the most CVr coe - fficient values were higher than 1 in the two years under consideration, indicating that for the majority of measured characters there is the possibility of successful phenotypic selection once the genetic variance exceeded the envi - ronmental. The heritability estimate was the hi - ghest for the PMA character (98,76%) in 2013 and DFI (99,68%) in 2014. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic characteristics evalu - ated. The high coefficient of genetic variation show the possibility of obtaining genetic gain for all examined characteristics except in chap - ter length. Genetic material with potential for the researched agronomic characteristics were identified in the work, can be indicated to the irrigated production system in the Brazilian sa - vannah.
The GxE interaction only became widely discussed from evolutionary studies and evaluations of the causes of behavioral changes of species cultivated in environments. In the last 60 years, several methodologies for the study of adaptability and stability of genotypes in multiple environments trials were developed in order to assist the breeder's choice regarding which genotypes are more stable and which are the most suitable for the crops in the most diverse environments. The methods that use linear regression analysis were the first to be used in a general way by breeders, followed by multivariate analysis methods and mixed models. The need to identify the genetic and environmental causes that are behind the GxE interaction led to the development of new models that include the use of covariates and which can also include both multivariate methods and mixed modeling. However, further studies are needed to identify the causes of GxE interaction as well as for the more accurate measurement of its effects on phenotypic expression of varieties in competition trials carried out in genetic breeding programs.