3 resultados para Montenegro
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes com inseticidas sobre o manejo de Dichelops melacanthus e a produtividade da soja e do milho, cultivados em sucessão. O estudo foi realizado em campo, nas safras 2012/2013 (I) e 2013/2014 (II). Avaliaram-se os inseticidas imidacloprido, tiametoxam, tiodicarbe, fipronil e abamectina. Determinaram-se: a densidade populacional do percevejo, a produtividade de soja e milho, e a intensidade da injúria em milho. A densidade do percevejo permaneceu abaixo de um inseto por metro quadrado, na maior parte do ciclo da soja. Os picos populacionais foram observados nas primeiras semanas, após a emergência do milho, e atingiram 2,2 (safra I) e 6,7 (safra II) percevejos por metro quadrado. Na cultura da soja, os inseticidas não reduziram a densidade populacional do percevejo. Na cultura do milho, o imidacloprido reduziu a densidade do percevejo em 23,2% (safra I) e 38,8% (safra II), e a injúria em 61,8% (safra I) e 26,4% (safra II). O tiametoxam reduziu a densidade dos insetos em 27,8% (safra II) e a injúria em 42,7% (safra I). O tratamento de sementes com inseticidas não proporciona aumento de produtividade à soja e ao milho, portanto, não se justifica sua utilização nas condições deste estudo. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed treatment with insecticides on the management of Dichelops melacanthus on the yield of soybean and corn, grown in succession. The study was carried out in a field, in the 2012/2013 (I) and 2013/2014 (II) crop seasons. The evaluated insecticides were: imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, thiodicarb, fipronil, and abamectin. The following were determined: stink bug population density, soybean and corn yield, and corn injury. Population density remained below one stink bug per square meter, in most of the soybean cycle. Population peaks were observed in the first weeks, after corn emergence, and they reached 2.2 (crop season I) and 6.7 (crop season II) stink bugs per square meter. In the soybean crop, the insecticides did not reduce the stink bug population density. In the corn crop, imidacloprid reduced the stink bug density in 23.2% (crop season I) and 38.8% (crop season II), and injury in 61.8% (crop season I) and 26.4% (crop season II). Thiamethoxam reduced the insect population density in 27.8% (crop season II) and injury in 42.7% (crop season I). Seed treatment with insecticides does not provide increase for soybean and corn yields, therefore, their use is not justified in this study's conditions.
Arachis pintoi and A. repens are legumes with a high forage value that are used to feed ruminants in consortium systems. Not only do they increase the persistence and quality of pastures, they are also used for ornamental and green cover. The objective of this study was to analyze microsatellite markers in order to access the genetic diversity of 65 forage peanut germplasm accessions in the section Caulorrhizae of the genus Arachis in the Jequitinhonha, São Francisco and Paranã River valleys of Brazil. Fifty-seven accessions of A. pintoi and eight of A. repens were analyzed using 17 microsatellites, and the observed heterozygosity (HO), expected heterozygosity (HE), number of alleles per locus, discriminatory power, and polymorphism information content were all estimated. Ten loci (58.8%) were polymorphic, and 125 alleles were found in total. The HE ranged from 0.30 to 0.94, and HO values ranged from 0.03 to 0.88. By using Bayesian analysis, the accessions were genetically differentiated into three gene pools. Neither the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean nor a neighbor-joining analysis clustered samples into species, origin, or collection area. These results reveal a very weak genetic structure that does not form defined clusters, and that there is a high degree of similarity between the two species.