4 resultados para MAIZE YIELD
The establishment of commercial crops in succession to winter cover crops that leaves a dense straw layer provides significantly suppression of weeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the suppressive potential of winter cover crops on weed infestation in maize and its effect on the yield of the maize sown in succession.
In Brazil, off-season rainfed maize is usually affected by limited water due to irregularities in rainfall. Alternatives to mitigate these effects include ground cover to reduce evaporation losses and the use of cultivars with a deeper rooting system. We conducted a study in Goias, Brazil, to evaluate the influence of different crop management strategies to mitigate the effect of limited water in maize yield. Modeling was used to simulate scenarios that consisted of 0, 3.5 and 5.0 t ha-1 of soybean residue left on the soil surface combined with cultivar ideotypes with 0.30 m, 0.50 m 0.70 m deep rooting system grown with 60 and 340 kg ha-1of nitrogen. The results showed that maintaining residue in the soil surface in combination with the use of cultivars with deeper rooting systems favored higher yields of off-season maize. Our results also indicated that a cultivar with rooting system in the top 0.50 m of the soil fertilized with a high nitrogen rate tended to be more efficient in the use of the soil available water
Fifty-one experiments on maize -beans and 34 on maize-cowpea intercropping systems conducted mostly in semiarid Northeast Brazil were analysed to get an understanding of the performance of these intercrops in terms of their productivity as well as stability. Both the intercrop systems produced higher yields over their respective sole crops under a wide range of agroclimates; the average advantage with maize-beans was 32%, while that from maize-cowpea was 41%. The optimum row proportion for maize-beans was one maize: three beans, requiring 59% of sole crop maize population and 75% sole bean population. In maize-cowpea, alternate rows or one maize: two cowpea arrangement with about 50% of sole maize density and 100% of sole cowpea population seemed to be optimum. The intercrops failed less frequently compared to sole crops to meet specified incomes or yields. Sorghum seemed to be a good alternative to the traditional cereal because of its improved and consistent performance. Future research needs are discussed for further yield improvement in these two intercrop system.s
Water is one of the most important factors influencing crop production in rainfed cropping systems. In tropical regions, supplemental irrigation reduces the risk of yield losses associated to water deficit due to insufficient rainfall. Water deficit in regions with irregularities in rainfall may be overcome with the use of supplemental irrigation, a technique based on the application of water at amounts below the crop?s evapotranspiration (ETc). We investigated the potential of supplemental irrigation as a strategy to increase yield of maize grown under tropical conditions. We used the CSM-CERES-Maize model of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) to simulate irrigation strategies of maize in six counties in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Our results indicate significant differences on simulated crop yield in response to supplemental irrigation. As a consequence, water productivity was improved with reductions of 10% and 15% of full irrigation depths in one of the six counties while in two the water productivity was higher when full irrigation was applied.