7 resultados para Joint biofuels production system
The current Amazon landscape consists of heterogeneous mosaics formed by interactions between the original forest and productive activities. Recognizing and quantifying the characteristics of these landscapes is essential for understanding agricultural production chains, assessing the impact of policies, and in planning future actions. Our main objective was to construct the regionalization of agricultural production for Rondônia State (Brazilian Amazon) at the municipal level. We adopted a decision tree approach, using land use maps derived from remote sensing data (PRODES and TerraClass) combined with socioeconomic data. The decision trees allowed us to allocate municipalities to one of five agricultural production systems: (i) coexistence of livestock production and intensive agriculture; (ii) semi-intensive beef and milk production; (iii) semi-intensive beef production; (iv) intensive beef and milk production, and; (v) intensive beef production. These production systems are, respectively, linked to mechanized agriculture (i), traditional cattle farming with low management, with (ii) or without (iii) a significant presence of dairy farming, and to more intensive livestock farming with (iv) or without (v) a significant presence of dairy farming. The municipalities and associated production systems were then characterized using a wide variety of quantitative metrics grouped into four dimensions: (i) agricultural production; (ii) economics; (iii) territorial configuration, and; (iv) social characteristics. We found that production systems linked to mechanized agriculture predominate in the south of the state, while intensive farming is mainly found in the center of the state. Semi-intensive livestock farming is mainly located close to the southwest frontier and in the north of the state, where human occupation of the territory is not fully consolidated. This distributional pattern reflects the origins of the agricultural production system of Rondônia. Moreover, the characterization of the production systems provides insights into the pattern of occupation of the Amazon and the socioeconomic consequences of continuing agricultural expansion.
RESUMO: O propósito deste trabalho foi avaliar a estima - tiva de parâmetros genéticos, correlações fe - notipicas e ambientais no girassol do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Os caracteres analisados foram: rendimento de grãos, tamanho do ca - pítulo, peso de mil aquênios, altura de plantas e dias para floração inicial. Foram constatadas diferenças altamente significativas entre os ge - nótipos para todas as características morfoa - gronômicas avaliadas. Para o coeficiente CVr a maioria dos valores foram superior a 1 nos dois anos considerados, indicando que para a maioria dos caracteres aferidos há a possibi - lidade de êxito na seleção fenotípica uma vez que a variância genética superou a ambiental. Na herdabilidade, a maior estimativa verifica - da foi para o caráter PMA (98,76%) em 2013 e para DFI (99,68%) em 2014. Foram cons - tatadas diferenças altamente significativas en - tre os genótipos para todas as características morfoagronômicas avaliadas. O alto coeficiente de variação genético destaca a possibilidade de obter ganhos genéticos para todas as caracte - rísticas analisadas salvo em tamanho de capi - tulo. Materiais genéticos com potencial para as características agronômicas pesquisadas foram identificados no trabalho, podem ser indicadas ao sistema de produção irrigado no Cerrado. abstract: The purpose of this study was to estimate ge - netic parameters, phenotypic and environmen - tal correlations in sunflower of Brazilian savan - nah. The characters analyzed were: grain yield, chapter length, weight of a thousand achenes, plant height and days to start flowering. Hi - ghly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic cha - racteristics evaluated. For the most CVr coe - fficient values were higher than 1 in the two years under consideration, indicating that for the majority of measured characters there is the possibility of successful phenotypic selection once the genetic variance exceeded the envi - ronmental. The heritability estimate was the hi - ghest for the PMA character (98,76%) in 2013 and DFI (99,68%) in 2014. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes for all morphoagronomic characteristics evalu - ated. The high coefficient of genetic variation show the possibility of obtaining genetic gain for all examined characteristics except in chap - ter length. Genetic material with potential for the researched agronomic characteristics were identified in the work, can be indicated to the irrigated production system in the Brazilian sa - vannah.
RESUMO: O girassol é uma importante cultura na região de Parecis, no Cerrado brasileiro. Em 2014, a região respondeu pela produção de 232.700 t de grãos, 45% da produção nacional. A produção de girassol provém principalmente de um sistema que tem a soja como cultura principal. A associação entre soja e girassol pode reduzir impactos ambientais devido ao uso compartilhado de recursos. Este estudo desenvolveu uma Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) ?do berço ao túmulo? do sistema de produção soja-girassol usado na região de Parecis e comparou seu perfil ambiental ao das monoculturas de soja e girassol. Impactos relacionados ao uso do solo (emissões da mudança de uso da terra e calagem) por cada cultura foram alocados em função do tempo de ocupação do solo. O sistema soja-girassol teve impactos ambientais menores em todas as categorias de impacto quando comparado à monocultura de soja e girassol, com o mesmo rendimento. Reduções importantes foram observadas em ?Mudança do Clima?, ?Acidificação Terrestre? e ?Formação de Material Particulado?. ABSTRACT: Sunflower is an important crop in Parecis region of the Brazilian Cerrado. In 2014 the region accounted for the production of 232,700 tons of sunflower grain, 45% of national production. Sunflower production comes mostly from a system that has soybean as the main crop. The association of soybean and sunflower can reduce environmental impacts due to shared use of resources. This study performed a ?cradle to gate? Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the soybean-sunflower production system used in Parecis region and compared its environmental profile to that of the monoculture of these two crops. Impacts related to the use of soil (land use change emissions and liming) by each crop were evaluated according to time of soil occupation criterion. Soybean-sunflower system had lower environmental impacts on every impact category comparing to soybean and sunflower monoculture with the same yield. Important reduction were observed on ?Climate change?, ?Terrestrial acidification? and ?Particulate matter formation? categories.
The land suitability evaluation is used to establish land zonings for agriculture activities. Geographic information systems (GIS) are useful for integrating different attributes necessaries to define apt and not apt lands. The present study had as main objective to describe procedures to define land suitability using GIS tools, soils maps and data soils profiles data, emphasizing procedures to define soil atributes. The area studied was the watershed of Córrego Espraiado, Ribeirão Preto-SP, located on the recharging area of the Guarani Aquifer, with approximately 4,130 ha and predominance of sugar cane culture. The database project was developed using the GIS Idrisi 32. The land suitability evaluation was done considering the intensive agricultural production system predominant in the watershed, adjusted for the vulnerability of the areas of recharge and for the methodology of GIS tools. Numerical terrain models (NTM) had been constructed for cation exchange capacity, basis saturation, clay content and silt+clay content using kriging (geostatistical interpolator), and for aluminum saturation using the inverse-square-distance. Boolean operations for handling geographic fields (thematic maps and NTM) to produce information plans are described and a land suitability map obtained by GIS tools is presented, indicating that 85% of watershed lands are apt to annual cultures.
ABSTRACT: Ruminal gases, particularly methane, generated during the fermentative process in rumen, represent a partial loss of feed energy and are also pointed to as an important factors in greenhouse effect. This study aimed at quantifying methane (CH 4) emission rates from lactating and dry cows and heifers, 24 month-old in average, on pasture under Southeast Brazil tropical conditions, using the tracer gas technique, sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6), four animals per category, distributed in four blocks. Measurements were performed in February and June, 2002, with Holstein and Brazilian Dairy Crossbred (Holstein ¾ x Gir (Zebu) ¼), maintained on fertilized Tanzania-grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania) and fertilized Brachiaria-grass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) pastures. Heifers of both breeds were maintained on unfertilized Brachiaria-grass to simulate conditions of extensive cattle farming systems. CH 4 and SF 6 levels were measured with gas chromatography. Differences in CH4 emissions were measured (p < 0.05) for genetical groups. Holstein produced more methane (299.3g day?1) than the Crossbred (264.2 g day?1). Lactating cows produced more methane (353.8 g day?1) than dry cows (268.8 g day?1) and heifers (222.6 g day?1). Holstein, with greater milk production potential, produced less CH4 (p < 0.05) per unit of dry matter intake (19.1 g kg?1) than the Crossbred (22.0 g kg?1). Methane emission by heifers grazing fertilized pasture (intensive system) was 222.6 g day?1, greater (p < 0.05) than that of heifers on unfertilized pasture (179.2 g day?1). Methane emission varied as function of animal category and management intensity of production system.
The cultivation of hybrid rice is a technology that allows for an increase in grain yield of 30% relative to the grain yield of conventional cultivars. However, the main challenge for this technology is related to seed production, which has high production costs and low seed yields. Therefore, agronomic techniques that could enhance flowering synchrony of parental lines in the field are essential for an efficient production system of hybrid rice seeds. The objective of this work was to study the effects of sowing depth, plant density and fertilization with nitrogen or phosphorus as potential techniques to increase the pollen availability in the field and, consequently, the flowering synchrony between parental lines in the production of hybrid rice seeds. The experiments were conducted during two growing seasons in the Central Region of Brazil. All of the experiments were conducted as a randomized complete block in a split plot scheme; however, the experiment with P fertilization had a factorial design. Our research allow inferring that nitrogen fertilization technique applied to the soil or foliar at the time of panicle differentiation does not affect the time of onset of flowering of rice varieties INTA Puitá CL and L106R, which are potential R lines for the production of hybrid rice. Agronomic techniques of variation in sowing depth, seeding rate and the phosphate fertilization affect the time of onset of flowering from 10 to 19 degree-days, which could represent two days in the crop cycle, for the line L106R. Such techniques constitute potential alternatives for use in hybrid rice seed production systems and could be applied in alternated blocks of R lines in the field to obtain longer periods of pollen availability in the field.