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Twenty endophytic bacteria were isolated from the meristematic tissues of three varieties of strawberry cultivated in vitro, and further identified, by FAME profile, into the genera Bacillus and Sphingopyxis. The strains were also characterized according to indole acetic acid production, phosphate solubilization and potential for plant growth promotion. Results showed that 15 strains produced high levels of IAA and all 20 showed potential for solubilizing inorganic phosphate. Plant growth promotion evaluated under greenhouse conditions revealed the ability of the strains to enhance the root number, length and dry weight and also the leaf number, petiole length and dry weight of the aerial portion. Seven Bacillus spp. strains promoted root development and one strain of Sphingopyxis sp. promoted the development of plant shoots. The plant growth promotion showed to be correlated to IAA production and phosphate solubilization. The data also suggested that bacterial effects could potentially be harnessed to promote plant growth during seedling acclimatization in strawberry


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This study aims to evaluate the phenotypical characteristics of bacterial isolates from mulungu (Erythrina velutina Willd.) nodules and determinate their Box-PCR fingerprinting. All bacteria were evaluated by the following phenotypic characteristics: growth rate, pH change, colony color and mucus production. The bacterial isolates able to re-nodulate the original host were also evaluated regarding its tolerance to increased salinity and different incubation temperatures, ability to growth using different carbon sources, intrinsic antibiotic resistance and ?in vitro? auxin biosynthesis. The molecular fingerprints were set up using the Box-PCR technique and the isolates were clustered by their profiles. Among the 22 bacterial isolates obtained, eight were able to re-nodulate the original host. Among the nodule inducing isolates, some were tolerant to 1% of NaCl and 39° C and all of them metabolized the maltose, fructose, glucose, sucrose and arabinose, were resistant to rifampicin and produced auxin. The bacteria showed low genetic similarity among them and reference strains, which indicates the great genetic variability of the isolates. The results of this work are the first reports about the bacterial isolates able to nodulate this species. A more deep study of these bacteria may reveal the existence of isolates tolerant to environmental stresses and suitable as a future mulungu inoculant.


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Background:In vitrocell suspension cultivation systems have been largely reported assafe and standardized methods for production of secondary metabolites with medicinaland agricultural interest.Capsicum annuumis one of the most widely grown vegetablein the world and its biological activities have been demonstrated against insects, fungi,bacteria and other groups of organisms. The determination of procedures for thededifferentiation of cells into callus cells and the subsequent study of the callus growthpattern are necessary for the establishment of cellsuspensions and also to subsidizestudies regarding the bioactivity of its secondarymetabolites. To date, no study hasdescribed the development of protocols for callus induction inC. annuumL. cv. Etna. Objective:The objective of this study was to establish a protocol for dedifferentiationof leaf cells of the cultivarC. annuumcv. Etna and to determine the growth pattern ofthe calluses with a focus on the deceleration phase, when the callus cells must besubcultured into a liquid medium in order to establish cell suspension cultivationsaiming at the production of secondary metabolites.Results:The treatment that resultedin the highest %CI, ACCC and callus weight was thecombination of 4.52 μ M 2,4-D +0.44 μ M BA. The calluses produced were friable andwhitish and their growth patternfollowed a sigmoid shape. The deceleration phase started on the 23rdday of cultivation.Conclusion:Callus induction in leaf explants ofC. annuumcv. Etnacan be achieved inMS medium supplemented with 4.52 μ M 2,4-D + 0.44 μ MBA, which results in highcellular proliferation; in order to start a cell suspension culture, callus cells on the 23rdday of culture should be used.