10 resultados para Essential oil composition
Drimys brasiliensis Miers é uma espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica, conhecida popularmente por cataia, utilizada como estimulante, antidiarreica, antifebril, dentre outras propriedades. Folhas frescas e secas de cataia foram coletadas no outono/2012, submetidas à hidrodestilação em aparelho graduado tipo Clevenger durante um período de 4 horas após ebulição, retirando-se em seguida o óleo. No óleo de folhas frescas foram identificados 49 compostos, sendo 65,0% sesquiterpenos, 12,0% monoterpenos e 23,0% de outras substâncias. Já no óleo de folhas secas identificou-se 40 compostos, sendo 76,1% sesquiterpenos, 2,0% monoterpenos e 21,9% de outros compostos. Os principais constituintes para as folhas frescas foram germacreno D (8,9%), biciclogermacreno (5,3%), epi-alfa-cadinol (5,1%), alfa-cadinol (6,0%) e drimenol (9,3%). Já para as folhas secas, os principais constituintes foram germacreno D (6,3%), (E)-nerodidol (5,4%), espatulenol (9,5%), epi-alfa-cadinol (5,5%), alfa-cadinol (6,7%) e drimenol (11,6%). Devido a sua composição, a espécie possivelmente pode possuir algumas atividades como antifúngicas, antibacterianas, além de insetífuga, moluscocida e com propriedades farmacológicas que a espécie pode possuir.
Antimicrobial activity of essential oil from some Verbenaceae and Asteraceae from Brazilian Cerrado.
Eucalyptus spp genus is economically important to different industry fields. There are pests that damage the development of eucalypts and Glycaspis brimblecombei, a sap-sucking insect, is one of them. Studies about this insect attack to the eucalypts showed preferences. This work aim was to compare the preferences of the insect with thermoanalytical characteristics of different eucalypts (susceptible, less susceptible and resistant to Glycaspis brimblecombei) essential oils. The leaves of six species of Eucalyptus were crushed and the essential oil was extracted using Clevenger apparatus. The Shimadzu DTG-60H was used to analyze the samples. The results showed that the samples from more susceptible eucalypts had total mass loss at about 124ºC to 156ºC, lower than samples from more resistant eucalypts (from 168ºC to 175ºC). Furthermore, the study suggests that the susceptibility or the resistance of eucalypts to the pest may be related to their essential oil composition and concentration of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity of 7-hydroxycalamenene-rich essential oil nanoemulsion against filamentous fungi and yeasts.
A especie vegetal Argentum conyzoides L., empregada popularmente como antidiarreica, antiespasmódica, carminativa, febrifuga, antirreumática teve sua propriedade anti inflamatória comprovada cientificamente, foi estudada morfológica e anatomicamente com vistas a sua caracterização farmacognostica . O extrato fluido da referida planta foi analisado por cromatografia em camada delgada, através de diversos sistemas cromatográficas, com vistas a fornecer subsídios ao controle de qualidade deste insumo farmacêutico.
ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different sowing dates on the yield, 100-grain weight, oil, protein and isoflavone contents of food-type soybean breeding lines UEL 110, UEL 115 and UEL 123 and a cultivar BRS 257. The materials were seeded on four sowing dates, and the experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with four replications. The productivity and 100- grain weight varied with the sowing dates and soybean genotypes. The protein content ranged from 36.40 to 42.44%, and the oil content ranged from 18.29 to 22.71%. No significant interaction was found between the genotype and sowing dates for the protein content. The isoflavone content also varied with the sowing dates and soybean genotypes. The cultivar BRS 257 had the highest isoflavone content, including the β- glucoside, malonyl glucoside and aglycones forms. The different sowing dates influenced the productivity, 100-grain weight, oil and protein content and isoflavone levels. Higher temperatures and lower rainfall during the grain filling decreased the productivity and isoflavone content and increased the protein content. For all sowing dates, the BRS 257 soybean food-type cultivar showed the highest isoflavone content, indicating that the effect of genotype is more important. Keywords: soybean, oil, protein, isoflavones. RESUMO. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito das diferentes épocas de semeadura na produtividade, massa de 100 grãos, teor de proteínas, óleo e isoflavonas de linhagens de soja tipo alimento UEL 110, UEL 115 e UEL 123 e cultivar BRS 257. O material foi semeado em quatro épocas de semeadura e o experimento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A produtividade e a massa de 100 grãos variaram com a época de semeadura e com os diferentes genótipos. O teor de proteínas variou de 36,40 a 42,44% e o de óleo de 18,29 a 22,71%. Não foi encontrada interação entre genótipo e épocas de semeadura para o teor de proteínas. O teor de isoflavonas variou com as épocas de semeadura e com os genótipos. A cultivar BRS 257 apresentou maior teor de β-glicosídeos, malonil-glicosídeos e agliconas. As diferentes épocas de semeadura influenciam a produtividade, massa de 100 grãos, conteúdo de óleo, proteínas e isoflavonas. Altas temperaturas e baixas precipitações durante o enchimento dos grãos reduzem a produtividade e teor de isoflavonas e aumentam o teor de proteínas. A cultivar BRS 257 apresenta o maior teor de isoflavonas indicando que o efeito genético é mais importante.
Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops and produces a high-quality edible oil. Balance of fatty acids in standard sunflower oil shows preponderance of linoleic rather than oleic acid, and conditions during seed development, such as temperature, changes the oleic/linoleic ratio of the oil. This work aimed to evaluate the environmental effect on fatty acid profile in a group of standard and high oleic varieties and hybrids. Seeds were produced during regular season crop and during off-season crop featuring different temperatures from anthesis to maturity. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. Levels of oleic acid, in standard oil genotypes, raised as the crop developed in warmer environment while levels of linoleic acid decreased, and the opposite was observed when the crop was grown under lower temperature. High oleic genotypes were less sensitive to environment switching and showed lower variation on fatty acid composition.