6 resultados para Environmental settings in Cochin Harbor Area
Specialty coffees can be differentiated in various ways, including the environmental conditions in which they are produced and the sensory composition of the drink. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of altitude, slope exposure and fruit color on the sensory attributes of cafes of the region of Matas de Minas. Sampling points were georeferenced in four altitude ranges (< 700 m; 700 < x> 825 m, 825 < x < 950 m and > 950 m) of the coffee crop; two fruit colors of var. Catuaí (yellowand red); and two slope exposures (North-facing and South-facing). Coffee fruit at the cherry stage were processed andsubmitted to sensory analysis. The sensory attributes evaluated were overall perception, clean cup, balance, aftertaste, sweetness, acidity , body and flavor, which made up the final score. The scores were examined by ANOVA and means werecompared by the Tukey test (p < 0.05). From the sensory standpoint, coffee fruits of both colors are similar, as well as the cof fees from both slope exposures when these factors were analyzed separately . However , at higher altitudes, Y ellow Catuaí produces coffees with better sensory quality . Similarly , coffees from North-facing slopes, at higher altitudes produce better quality cup. The altitude is the main factor that interferes with coffee quality in the area. All factors together contribute tothe final quality of the beverage produced in the region of Matas de Minas.
The region of Ribeirão Preto City located in São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, is an important sugarcane, soybean and corn producing area. This region is also an important recharge area (Espraiado) for groundwater of the Guarany aquifer, a water supply source for the city and region. It has an intercontinental extension that comprises areas of eight Brazilian states, as well as significant portions of other South American countries like Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, with a total area of approximately 1,200,000 Km2. Due to the high permeability of some soils present in this region, the high mobility of the herbicides and fertilizers applied, and being a recharge area, it is important to investigate the potential transport of applied fertilizers to underlying aquifer. The cultivation sugar cane in this area demands the frequent use of nitrogen as fertilizer. This research was conducted to characterize the potential contamination of groundwater with nitrogen in the recharge area of groundwater. Seven groundwater sample points were selected in the Espraiado stream watershed, during the years of 2005 and 2006. Samples were collected during the months of March, July, and December of each year. Three replications were collected at each site. Groundwater was also collected during the same months from county groundwater wells located throughout the city. The following six wells were studied: Central, Palmares, Portinari, Recreio Internacional, São Sebastião, and São José. Nitrate water samples were analyzed by Cadmium Reduction Method. No significant amount of nitrate was found in the recharge, agricultural, area. However, nitrate levels were detected at concentrations higher than the Maximum Concentration Level (MCL) of 10mg/L in downtown, urban, well located away from agricultural sites with no history of fertilizer or nitrogen application.
Estimating with greater precision and accuracy the height of plants has been a challenge for the scientific community. The objective this study is to evaluate the spatial variation of tree heights at different spatial scales in areas of the city of Recife, Brazil, using LiDAR remote sensing data. The LiDAR data were processed in the QT Modeler (Quick Terrain Modeler v. 8.0.2) software from Applied Imagery. The TreeVaW software was utilized to estimate the heights and crown diameters of trees. The results obtained for tree height were consistent with field measurements.
The Jaíba Irrigated Perimeter is a large irrigated agriculturearea, located in the region Forest Jaíba between the SãoFrancisco and Verde Grande rivers, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. In 2014, irrigators thisthe region face losses in theinterruption of new plantings in irrigated areas due to water scarcity. The objective ofthis study is combine the modelto estimate the Monteith BIO with the SAFER algorithm in the case of obtaining ET, to analyze the dynamics of naturalvegetation and irrigated crops in water scarcity period. For application of the model are necessary data frommeteorological stations and satellite images. Were used 23satellite images of MODIS withspatial resolution of 250mand temporal 16 days, of 2014 year. For analyze the results,we used central pivots irrigation mask of Minas Geraisstate, Brazil. In areas with irrigated agriculture with central pivot, the mean values of BIO over the year 2014 were88.96 kg.ha-1.d-1. The highest values occurred between April 23 and May 8, with BIO 139 kg.ha-1.d-1. For areas withnatural vegetation, the average BIO was 88.34 kg.ha-1.d-1with lower values in September. Estimates of ET varied withthe lowest values of ET observedin natural vegetation 1,91±1,22 mm.d-1and the highest values in irrigated area isobserved 3,51±0,97 mm.d-1. Results of this study can assist in monitoring of river basins, contributing to themanagement irrigated agriculture, with the trend of scarcity of water resources and increasing conflicts for the wateruse.