5 resultados para Cerrado hotspot conservation


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The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse areas in the world and considered a hotspot. Several actions are needed for its preservation, among them the implementation of the Biodiversity Corridors. The Atlantic Forest has three biodiversity corridors and the Rio de Janeiro State, which harbors huge species diversity, is in the Serra do Mar Corridor. We developed socioeconomic, political and environmental indicators to present conservation strategies supported by a wide database. These indicators complemented the previous surveys of priority areas which emphasized biotic elements, and their integration allowed the elaboration of strategies for the conservation and management, regionally directed, to support actions to be implemented by the Government. The analysis was done considering three subjects: Anthropic Pressure, Physical and Biotic State, and Present Ability of Response. Data analysis followed a synthesis-aggregation schedule and the resulting database was taken to a workshop, where specialists proposed strategies and actions for the conservation. These strategies were discussed considering vegetation remnant distribution, biological relevance, environmental vulnerability, kind of anthropic pressure in the region and potential for success of the actions proposed, based on the ability of response. Rio de Janeiro State is very diverse in biotic, physical, political, socioeconomic and cultural aspects which demand specific actions for each region. So, depending on the present situation of the natural and anthropic environments and on the present and future sources of degradation, regionally directed actions are applicable. This specificity in conservation actions will enable that the State remnants will be more successfully protected.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a severidade da mancha de Alternaria de genótipos de girassol em ambientes do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Três experimentos foram avaliados, dois na Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) e um localizado na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (Recanto das Emas, DF). Foram feitas análises ao longo do ciclo da cultura com um intervalo de 15 dias, sendo a primeira aos 35 dias após emergência. Cada planta foi analisada em três partes: terço inferior, terço médio e terço superior. Ao final de cada experimento, a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) foi calculada para cada genótipo. De acordo com os resultados observados, o ambiente de sequeiro na Embrapa Cerrados, que deteve a maior média da severidade da doença, entre os ambientes avaliados. Dentre os genótipos avaliados, MG 360 mostrou menor severidade da doença no sequeiro e AGUARA 06 no irrigado da Embrapa Cerrados. O genótipo BSG 42 na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, se destacou pela menor severidade do fungo. Houve influência significativa do ambiente nos resultados de severidade da doença, que está estreitamente relacionada com os fatores climáticos como temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. A compreensão dessas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento do fungo é essencial quando se avalia a resistência em genótipos de girassol. ABSTRACT: This study had the purpose of comparing the severity of Alternaria leaf spot on genotypes of sunflower in the Brazilian Cerrado. Three field trials were established, two at Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) and one at Embrapa Produtos e Mercados (Recanto das Emas, DF). Evaluations were made during the crop cycle every 15 days, the first one happening 35 days after crop emergency. Each plant was analyzed in three parts: lower, middle and upper thirds. At the end of each trial the average area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), for each third, was calculated for all genotypes. According to the observed results, the dryland environment at Embrapa Cerrados had the highest mean disease severity, among the studied environments. Between the evaluated genotypes, MG360 showed less severity in dryland and AGUARA 06 in the irrigated environment at Embrapa Cerrados. At Embrapa Produtos e Mercado the genotype that presented the best performance was BRS G42. Environmental conditions deeply affected the trials, mainly temperature and relative humidity. Their influence on Alternaria leaf spot epidemics in the Cerrado region must be studied in more detail, to avoid misinterpreting data when evaluating sunflower genotypes for resistance to this important fungal disease.


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RESUMO: No ano agrícola 2013/2014, foram conduzidos três ensaios de avaliação de genótipos de girassol, sendo dois no município de Mata Roma e um em Magalhães de Almeida, com o objetivo de identificar materiais promissores para produção de grãos e óleo. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 0,70 m entre linhas com plantas distanciadas de 0,30 m. A adubação de fundação constou de 200 kg ha-1 da fórmula 05-30-15 + micronutrientes e cobertura aos 30 dias após semeadura, usando-se 30 kg ha-1 de N e 30 kg ha-1 de K2O. Em Mata Roma, a produtividade de grãos no ensaio final 01 variou de 1.866 kg ha-1 a 2.567 kg ha-1, obtida nos genótipos Embrapa 122 e BRS G34, respectivamente, ficando a média geral do ensaio em 2.095 kg ha-1. No ensaio final 02 a produtividade de grãos variou de 1.705 kg ha-1 a 2.036 kg ha -1 para os genótipos Helio 250 e MG 360, REspectivamente, com média geral de 1.834 kg ha-1. Em Magalhães de Almeida a produtividade de grãos obtida no ensaio final constou de 1.600 kg ha-1 no genótipo Helio 251, 2.110 kg ha-1 no CF 101 e média Geral do ensaio de 1.908 kg ha -1. Os maiores teores de óleo obtidos nos três ensaios foram 40,1%, 40,6%, 40,9% e 41,4%, respectivamente, nos genótipos CF 101, Paraíso 20, BRS G41 e MG 360. ABSTRACT: In the agricultural year 2013/2014, three sunflowers genotypes tests were conducted in the state of Maranhão: two in the county of Mata Roma and one in Magalhães de Almeida, in order to identify promising materials for the production of grain and oil. The spacing used was 0.70 m between rows with plants spaced of 0.30 m. The foundation of fertilization consisted of 200 kg ha-1 formula 05-30-15 + micro-nutrient and coverage on 30 days after sowing, using 30 kg ha-1 of N and 30 kg ha-1 of K2O. In Mata Roma, grain yield in the final test 01 ranged from 1,866 kg ha-1 to 2,567 kg ha-1, obtained at Embrapa 122 and BRS G34 genotypes, respectively, getting the overall average of the test in 2,095 kg ha-1. In the final test 02, the grain yield ranged from 1,705 kg ha-1 to 2,036 kg ha-1 for Helio 250 and MG 360 genotypes, respectively, with overall average of 1,834 kg ha-1. In Magalhães de Almeida the grain yield obtained in the final test consisted of 1,600 kg ha-1 in the genotype Helio 251, 2,110 kg ha-1 in the CF 101 and overall average test of 1,908 kg ha-1. The highest oil content obtained in the three tests were 40.1%, 40.6%, 40.9% and 41.4%, respectively, in the 101 CF genotypes, Heaven 20, BRS G41 and MG 360.


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RESUMO:Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento agronômico de genótipos de girassol no Cerrado do Distrito Federal, foram conduzidos ensaios na safrinha dos anos de 2014 e 2015, na estação experimental da Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, e foram avaliados 12 genótipos de girassol: HLA 2015, NTC 90, SYN 065, M734, BRS G44, HLA 2014, BRS G45, BRS G43, HLA 2013, HLA 2017, BRS G46, HLA 2016. As características avaliadas foram rendimento de grãos, tamanho do capitulo, peso de mil aquênios, altura de plantas e dias de floração inicial. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas para as características avaliadas. Os genótipos que se destacaram em relação ao rendimento de grãos foram HLA 2014 (3.161 kg ha-1) e a testemunha M743 (3.212 kg ha-1). Além disso, o ensaio do ano 2014 apresentou uma média de rendimento maior (2.829 kg ha-1) e mais precoces (63,10 dias) em relação a 2015. O trabalho permitiu a identificação de materiais promissores para exploração em programas de melhoramento genético. ABSTRACT: Aiming the evaluation on agronomic behavior of sunflower genotypes in the Brazilian savannah, experiments were carried on in the second crop of 2014 and 2015 at Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados (Embrapa), Planaltina, DF. A complete randomized block design was used with four replications and 12 genotypes of sunflower were analyzed: HLA 2015, NTC 90, SYN 065, M734, BRS G44, HLA 2014, BRS G45, BRS G43, HLA 2013, HLA 2017, BRS G46, HLA 2016.The evaluated characteristics were grain yield, head, weight thousand achenes, plant height, and flowering time. Significant differences were found in all evaluated characteristics. The genotypes that stood out in seed yield were HLA 2014 (3161 kg ha-1) and M743 (3212 kg ha-1). Besides, the 2014 experiment presented a seed yield average higher (2829 kg ha-1), and earlier flowering (63,10 days) when compared to 2015 experiment. This study allowed the identification of promising materials to explore in breeding programs.