12 resultados para Bateaux -- Sri Lanka


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A agricultura fora dos ciclos no Brasil: uma introdução ao livro; Um início da agricultura: sítios arqueológicos no Brasil e as pinturas rupestres no Planalto Central; Tecnologia na Amazônia pré-histórica: a Terra Preta do Índio; Indígenas e plantas pré-cabralinas; Um grande brasilianista: Gabriel Soares de Sousa; Jardins botânicos e hortos (novas plantas, novos hábitos): o Horto d'El Rey de Olinda; Um grande empreendedor e um mau administrador: Maurício de Nassau; O mosaico dos alimentos e dos remédios caseiros: escravos, índios e brancos; Culturas do Brasil Império: diversidade na agricultura; O Livro do Lavrador do Brasil República; A influência da madrinha: eucaliptos no Brasil; A explosão da agricultura tropical; Pesquisa e ensino: as dores do crescimento; Melhorando a organização rural: extensão rural e as cooperativas; Soja: o ouro-verde brasileiro; Polo Juazeiro-Petrolina - frutas para o Brasil e para o mundo; Desenvolvimento só com devastação? - Amazônia e Cerrados; A "marvada' pinga - álcool, Proálcool e Canavialis; Precisão na agricultura: alta tecnologia para produzir e preservar o meio ambiente; Da lei do mínimo à sustentabilidade; O novo retrato do Brasil - da roça à cidade?


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One of the objectives of this book has been to highlight the importance of the history of agriculture in today's food production and consumption patterns, recovering parts of this history which are not easily found or which have been forgotten or neglected, but which have had a large impact on what we are today.


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Background: Copy number variations (CNVs) have been shown to account for substantial portions of observed genomic variation and have been associated with qualitative and quantitative traits and the onset of disease in a number of species. Information from high-resolution studies to detect, characterize and estimate population-specific variant frequencies will facilitate the incorporation of CNVs in genomic studies to identify genes affecting traits of importance. Results: Genome-wide CNVs were detected in high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping data from 1,717 Nelore (Bos indicus) cattle, and in NGS data from eight key ancestral bulls. A total of 68,007 and 12,786 distinct CNVs were observed, respectively. Cross-comparisons of results obtained for the eight resequenced animals revealed that 92 % of the CNVs were observed in both datasets, while 62 % of all detected CNVs were observed to overlap with previously validated cattle copy number variant regions (CNVRs). Observed CNVs were used for obtaining breed-specific CNV frequencies and identification of CNVRs, which were subsequently used for gene annotation. A total of 688 of the detected CNVRs were observed to overlap with 286 non-redundant QTLs associated with important production traits in cattle. All of 34 CNVs previously reported to be associated with milk production traits in Holsteins were also observed in Nelore cattle. Comparisons of estimated frequencies of these CNVs in the two breeds revealed 14, 13, 6 and 14 regions in high (>20 %), low (<20 %) and divergent (NEL > HOL, NEL < HOL) frequencies, respectively. Conclusions: Obtained results significantly enriched the bovine CNV map and enabled the identification of variants that are potentially associated with traits under selection in Nelore cattle, particularly in genome regions harboring QTLs affecting production traits.


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Agriculture and livestock are key sectors of the Brazilian economy, which are essential for the country?s economic growth and for the equality between the domestic currency?s supply and demand. Agribusiness answered for about 23% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, according to Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (CNA), and reached 50.3% of total exports in February 2016, according to Secretaria de Relações Internacionais do Agronegócio (SRI) of Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa) (Brasil, 2016). Currently, this sector is recognized as the most competitive and efficient in Brazil, considering the global scenario.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiencia de transmissão do PMMOV por sementes provenientes de plantas infectadas de espécies do gênero Capsicum spp.


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Introduction to Animal GRIN; Navigating the Database; Setting Up the Database (Super Users); Create Taxonomy Structure; Set Up Location Structure; Form Descriptions (All Users); Form Descriptions (Super Users); Entering Shipments; E-R Diagram for Incoming Orders; Entering Requests; Reports.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi formar uma população base de pimentas habanero que servirá para a seleção de genótipos de interesse da agricultura brasileira.


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Brazil's Low Carbon Agriculture is one the initiatives that puts the climate in the agricultural agenda towards a more sustainable and adapted agriculture under global changes. Among the several practices listed and supported by the ABC Plan, zero tillage and integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems including the recovery of degraded pasture are the most relevant ones. The objective of this paper is to present the Geo-ABC Project, a procedure to monitor the implementation of the Brazil?s Low Carbon Agriculture (ABC Plan) and aiming at the development of remote sensing methods to monitor agricultural systems listed in the ABC Plan and adopted at local scale.


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This work aimed to report on the introduction of germplasm in a sui generis way and the initial results of Calabrian pepper breeding at Embrapa Vegetables.