6 resultados para BCF
This work objective was to estimate the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of thirty six pesticides used in the Brazilian integrated apple production systems (IAP), in order to select priority pesticides to be monitored in apples. A hypothetical apple orchard was assumed and the model applied was according to Paraíba (2007) [Pesticide bioconcentration modeling for fruit trees. Chemosphere (66:1468-1475)]. The model relates BCF with plant and pesticide characteristics. The octanol-water partition coefficients of pesticides and their degradation rates in the soil were used. The following plant variables were considered: growth rate, total dry biomass, daily water transpiration rate, and total volume of water necessary to produce one kg of fresh fruit per plant. The pesticide stem-water partition coefficient and the transpiration stream concentration factor were calculated using equations that relate each coefficient with the octanol-water partition coefficient. The pesticide BCF in fruits is an important indicator of the pesticide affinity to fruits, and helps to improve the integrated production systems.
The model presented allows simulating the pesticide concentration in fruit trees and estimating the pesticide bioconcentration factor in fruits of woody species. The model allows estimating the pesticide uptake by plants through the water transpiration stream and also the time in which maximum pesticide concentration occur in the fruits. The equation proposed presents the relationships between bioconcentration factor (BCF) and the following variables: plant water transpiration volume (Q), pesticide transpiration stream concentration factor (TSCF), pesticide stem-water partition coefficient (KWood,w), stem dry biomass (M) and pesticide dissipation rate in the soil-plant system (kEGS). The modeling started and was developed from a previous model ?Fruit Tree Model? (FTM), reported by Trapp and collaborators in 2003, to which was added the hypothesis that the pesticide degradation in the soil follows a first order kinetic equation. The model fitness was evaluated through the sensitivity analysis of the pesticide BCF values in fruits with respect to the model entry data variability.
We presented a model that estimates the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of pesticides in potatoes supposing that the pesticide in the soil solution is absorbed by the potato by passive diffusion, following Fick?s second law. The pesticides in the model are nonionic organic substances, traditionally used in potato crops that degrade in the soil according to a first order kinetic equation. This presents an expression that relates BCF with the pesticide elimination rate by the potato, with the pesticide accumulation rate within the potato, with the rate of growth of the potato and with the pesticide degradation rate in the soil. BCF was estimated supposing steady state equilibrium of the quotient between the pesticide concentration in the potato and the pesticide concentration in the soil solution. It is suggested that a negative correlation exists between the pesticide BCF and the soil sorption partition coefficient. The model was built based on the work of Trapp et al. (2007), [Diffusion of PAH in Potato and Carrot Slices and Applications for a Potato Model] in which an expression to calculate the diffusivity of persistent organic substances in potatoes is presented. The model consists in adding to the expression of Trapp et al. (2007) the hypothesis that the pesticide degrades in the soil. The value of BCF suggests which pesticides should be monitored in potatoes.
Apresentamos um modelo que estima o fator de bioconcentracão (BCF) de pesticidas em batatas supondo que o pesticida na solução do solo é absorvido pela batata por difusão passiva,seguindo a segunda lei de Fick.Os pesticidas do modelo são compostos orgânicos não-iônicos, tradicionalmente utilizados no cultivo de batatas que degradam no solo de acordo com uma equação cinética de primeira ordem. Este trabalho apresenta uma expressão que relaciona o BCF com a taxa de eliminação do pesticida pela batata, com a taxa de acumulação do pesticida na batata, com a taxa de crescimento da batata, e com a taxa de degradação do pesticida no solo. O BCF foi estimado supondo-se estado de equilíbrio estacionário do quociente entre a concentração do pesticida na batata e a concentração do pesticida na solução do solo. O modelo foi construído baseado no trabalho de Trapp et al. (2007), [Diffusion of PAH in Potato and Carrrot Slices and Applications for a Potato Model] no qual é apresentada uma expressão para calcular a difusividade de substâncias orgânicas persistentes em batatas. A modelagem consistiu em adicionar ao modelo de Trapp et al. (2007) a hipótese de que o pesticida degrada no solo. O valor do BCF sugere um conjunto de pesticidas que devem ser prioritariamente monitorados em cultivos de batatas. Foi estimado o BCF dos pesticidas methamidophos, cymoxanil, carbofuran, aldicarb, metalaxyl, fenamiphos, carbaryl, triazophos, tebuconazole, propiconazole, chlorothalonil e cypermethrin.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar o fator de bioconcentração (BCF) de trinta e seis pesticidas do sistema brasileiro de produção integrada de maçãs (PIM) e indicar quais deles devem ser monitorados em maçãs. Foi assumido um cultivo hipotético de macieiras e usado o modelo de Paraíba (2007) [Pesticide bioconcentration modelling for fruit trees Chemosphere, v.66, p.1468-1475, 2007].O modelo relaciona o BCF com características da planta e do pesticida.
The bioaccumulation and elimination of endosulfan in zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) were investigated in a semi-static bioassay. The pesticide mean concentration in water was 03ug litre(-1) and the level of endosulfan residues (x(alfa)+B(beta)-isomers+endosulfan sulfate) in the exposed fish at day 21 was 0.81 (+-0.12)ug g(-1) body weight. The estimated value of the bioconcentration factor (BCF) was 2650 (+-441), the total endosulfan residues being eliminated with a biological half-life of four days. Histopathological studies showed predominantly lipid accumulation in the liver and necrotic focus in the gills of exposed fish.